It's A Good Thing She's Cute!

Benson likes to put her toys under the china cabinet. It's just high enough to push them under, but a bit too deep for her to get them back out. So, every now and then we have to get down on the floor and fish out her toys.

Tonight was my turn. I get her ball and her Kong out, and I'm down on all fours, getting ready to stand up, when she grabs a toy and does a big ol' bounce - RIGHT into my chin!

Hubby heard the "crack" from across the room. My front teeth are now chipped (not dentist worthy - I hope) and I have a big welt on my jaw (visible from across the room, he tells me). Thanks to ice and ibuprofen, the pain has finally subsided. (We'll see how it is after a night's sleep. :pupeyes: )

And what do I get from her? More toys dropped at my feet - "Why won't you play with me, Mommy?"

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Oh OUCH!!! Hope you are feeling okay this morning :ghug:
Sorry.....trying not to laugh too hard...but, I bet it was a sight to see~~~~ Feel Better... :ghug:
sheepieshake wrote:
Sorry.....trying not to laugh too hard...but, I bet it was a sight to see~~~~ Feel Better... :ghug:

Laugh away! The funniest part was her trying to figure out why I suddenly stopped playing. "This toy? What about this one? Can I have that new one you're holding on your face? Why do you keep telling me to go away, Daddy?" I was laughing myself - through some tears, of course!

It's not bad this morning. A little muscle sore up one side of my jawline. Fortunately, we got ice on it within about 30 seconds (thanks, Hubby!) and the bruise and swelling is mostly confined to a nickle-sized welt on the bottom of my chinbone.

And she's still cute. :lol:
Glad you are feeling better this morning! I have to admit, I laughed when I read this. Not so much for what happened to you, but because about 5 minutes before I read this, Sam had head-butted my DH in the chin while they were playing. No damage, just dazed him for a second. Guess it was in the air yesterday.
Yikes, that hurts. You never know when you'll get damaged. I hope you're feeling better today. Asia gave me a beautiful black eye once when I bent down and she came up with her nose at the same time. I had the black eye for a while.
Sam wrote:
Glad you are feeling better this morning! I have to admit, I laughed when I read this. Not so much for what happened to you, but because about 5 minutes before I read this, Sam had head-butted my DH in the chin while they were playing. No damage, just dazed him for a second. Guess it was in the air yesterday.

Gotta check the doggie grapvine - "National Head-butt Your Uprights Day" maybe?
Ouch! Hope you are feeling better. I have had my share of black and blues from "playing" with my dogs! Over the summer, I tripped over Bella while playing fetch and sprained my ankle :roll: But she did bring the ball back.
:D :D I haven't been head-butted, but I have tripped over Mady and Gracie, last summer at agility with Mady, I was running a course and Mady chose to go a different way and we collided and I went sailing. It was a spectacular wipe out! Thankfully no damage. With Gracie this past summer, we collided during her first herding trial and I wiped out and landed on my glasses... I really needed new glasses anyway. :D
Ouch - and one of those times you can be very thankful your tongue was not in there!!
got sheep wrote:
Ouch - and one of those times you can be very thankful your tongue was not in there!!

Good point! Although I must admit that I didn't realize before this week just how often I try to rest my chin on my hand. :lmt:
Ouch is right!

How are your teeth? Is the chipping bothering you?
Ouch. I can picture the entire scene. Especially Benson wondering why you are not interested in playing with her! Hope you are already feeling better. These dogs are so big and agile they can hurt you even when they are trying to be careful. Sorry it happened.
SheepieMommy wrote:
Ouch is right!

How are your teeth? Is the chipping bothering you?

The chipping isn't bad - some rough edges that are slowly smoothing out. But the bottom teeth are still sensitive at the gums, so I'm eating "gently" for the time being.

And she's still my sweet baby! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
It's funny how they are oblivious that they hurt you and just continue trying to play.
Buster does it with his big block head and Monty digging his toe nails into our feet when he stretches with his toy in his mouth, still love them though.

Oscar has head-butted my hubby so many times, I've lost count. Hubby is a hockey goalie, so he's used to getting pummeled, and has had a few concussions. Once though, Oscar accidentally head-butted him so hard that he said he literally saw stars, like the cartoons. 8O

Laurie and Oscar, the Cement Head
Ouch! My first sheepdog gave me a split lip. I bent over to pick up the toy and he jumped up and hit me in the mouth with his head.

oweeeee! Glad you are better today!
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