Kind of a Scary Antic

Clyde likes to play with the cord to the pleated shades. It's just a straight cord with a plastic bulb at the end. He seems to get a kick out of pulling them up and down so I never really stopped him too much because he's not hurting anything-- we always thought it was kind of cute and funny.

However, the other night, one of us must have left the blinds open in the upstairs hall. We hardly ever open them because they open up to our neighbor's house. Pulling the blinds up means the cord gets longer only, unlike the pleated shades, the blinds cord is a loop. I was upstairs in the office and I heard this huge crash and a yelp. Clyde must have put his neck through the loop and tried to walk down the stairs and when he got to the end of the rope, it yanked him backward and he fell. He caught himself before he went down the stairs but it scared him so much, he literally projectile pooped all over the wall. At first I thought it was blood (maybe from a tooth or something) and then, upon thorough inspection, I realized what it was. It gave whole new meaning to scared the @#$% of out you!

Ultimately, Clyde is just fine. He was a little shaken up at first but he was back to being his obnoxious self in about 10 minutes. I know all the blinds say things like "warning, children may tangle in loops" but I never thought it would apply to a dog. For all of you without kids, that would never have a reason to read warnings on blinds, I posted this for us. I know it's something I never thought about. I'm just glad Clyde was ok.

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Me too!

I would like to see Clyde pull the blinds up & down though.

Poor Clyde!! Poor you!! At least no one was hurt, just a little dirty 8O Panda leaves the cords alone, but she does stick her nose between the blinds to peek out...from the outside, you only see her nose and one blue eye... :roll:
Once upon a time, I still had blinds. Pud spends so much time peeking out the windows, that the ones about his head high are all broken. Since we live in the middle of nowhere, I just raised the blinds above where he peeks and let them go in one room. The other room, well, it was just easier to take them down, they weren't doing much good any way. :wink:

I am glad that Clyde is okay! I would never have thought to apply harmful to children to harmful to dogs. Makes sense now though.
Oh, poor Clyde :cry: Glad the little nut is okay :D
Poor Clyde!!! Bob does the same thing, but he grabs them with his mouth. I'm constantly trying to tie the cords up out of his reach, but darned if he doesn't keep growing on me!! I'm glad to hear Clyde recovered quickly - big fluffy guy!!!!

Geez Clyde, scare the heck out of all of us!

I was on an ambulance call once where there were tons of kids running around this house. Every window had blinds with the looped cords. We quietly went around and cut all the cords and put knots in the single ends. Figured that would be one call we'd want to avoid in the future!
I'm glad Clyde is OK. :D Has he touched the cords since then?
No, but we made sure to cut the loop and put it up higher where he won't grab at it. Luckily, he's not one to scare easily and bounced back right away!
Beau's a Big....scaredy cat (dog). Today, he was at the pool and one of my nephews jumped in and the water went splashing at Beau, and he took off running to me for protection. :lol:

Is Clyde in full coat?

Hopefully, Beau and Clyde will get a chance to play together someday. Yesterday, we went to K-9 Specialties and a 7 month old Bouvier was there and they both wanted to play. Too bad that they don't have a play area there.
Ooh. Holly was telling me about K-9 Specialties. We should take all the sheepies there at once!
Yup, Clyde's in full coat. I've been fighting the mats everyday and we're trying to hold onto it. The only place that I can't seem to clear up is the back of his ears and underneath his ears. He's very patient but I hate to keep putting him through all the yanking, poor little guy.
So glad Clyde is okay!! Poor fellow!!
Poor baby! I'm glad Clyde came through it just fine. I do have one of those long cords on my back door so I'll have to go take a look at it.

It must be Doggy Safety Day, I just got a lecture from my dog sitter about reinforcing Bailey's pool lessons. She's known of a few dogs who have drown in unfenced pools, so she's on me to keep training him so he knows how to get out of the pool by himself in case he falls in. The only problem is that, since his first pool lesson, he's kept far away from the pool! Getting him back in there will be a challenge 8O
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