Hot or Cold?

Do you prefer the heat over the cold? And why?

I prefer the cold. The dogs like the cold better and we all have more energy. Plus, I can always put on another sweater when its cold but there is only so much I can take off in the heat. BRING ON THE SNOW!!!! :excited: :excited:
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Diane, you should move to central New York.
All the snow & cold you could ever want.
18 degrees - 20 degrees Celsius (64 - 70 F) and sunny. Otherwise cold and sunny over really hot as I get moody when it is too hot and have to shave my legs to wear shorts.
The dogs prefer the cold of course.
Fall is definitely my favorite weather.. jeans and a hoodie or sweater and there is sunshine but no humidity... I'm in heaven
For the extremes, I'll choose cold.
But in MN, we get the extremes! This morning our temp and humidity was exactly the same as New Orleans....really??? If I wanted this I'd live in the south. ;)
Supposedly 1 more day of this hot and humid nonsense. We are right now at 93 degrees, with heat index between 97-100. :(
Here in Ohio we could get just about anything. Today it is over 90 with high humidity. I agree about cold weather. I prefer anything from 30 to 82. Anything above or below those temps I can do without.
Carley agrees with me. She won't go out in the rain or when it is very hot. She likes to play in the snow.
I only have a couple of weeks before school starts again and I hate how hot it is at the beginning of the school year.

I live in northern, western Washington. I live near a rainforest, so it is always cold and rainy. The week or two of summer that we get is awesome. 65 is tshirt weather and 70 is lake weather (even though a majority of lakes are glacier filled, beautiful but cold and yes we still swim in them) Every few years it gets up to 90 and is a treat when it does because our lakes are actually enjoyable.
I like the temp to be no cooler than 72F and no hotter than 72F with humidity & dewpoints under 50.
Heat without humidity beats cold any day. At least I can remove clothes :twitch: :twitch: drink cold things, stand in front of fan, etc. Granted nights are bad, but good excuse to stay up with a good book.

Heat and humidity............forget it!!! I'm an Arid Girl.

Cold hurts my body anymore. I ache.
Susan, we love the weather in Albuquerque. Jeans for the cool summer nights.

We are thrilled that we have had only 5 days over a 100 degrees, so far this summer. Usually it is 100+ for over 30 days by now. And earlier this week we had the record for a high temp - the lowest recorded for that date.

But all isn't great. Our central AC unit died a tragic death yesterday. The large fan blade broke off and tore up the unit. So after 32 years of excellent service, we are going to replace it. It is getting up 79 degrees in the house, miserable for the dogs. I sent them to the lake with my husband until the AC is repaired.
If I had to pick, I like it hot. That is why I moved from cold Michigan to nice warm Florida 10 yrs ago. I love to swim, so hot weather works for me. I love doing Christmas Shopping in tank tops, shorts and sandals. The misery of having to carry a winter coat around, bah humbug. I also love the see the sun a lot more here. The dogs go in and out of the a/c when they want too. They lay out back in the heat as well and come in the house when they're ready. Of course they are all Florida dogs, so don't know any difference, but when Pearl was with us, she loved going in and out. She spent a lot of time outside, which in a colder climate she couldn't.
Mom of 3 wrote:
The large fan blade broke off and tore up the unit. So after 32 years of excellent service, we are going to replace it.

That certainly qualifies as catastrophic failure.
32 years is amazing. If I were a bettin' man, I would bet against the new one lasting that long, sad to say.
Mom of 3 wrote:
It is getting up 79 degrees in the house,

Man, if I could keep this house at 79 degrees, I'd be ecstatic.

Even with that portable A/C unit going, it climbed up to 86 degrees inside and it's only gotten down to 80 degrees inside right now (early AM).
I don't like either extreme, but if I had to pick one, I'll take it cold. I can always warm up under the electric blanket, but I hate having my underwear sweat soaked from being outside for more than 3 minutes. And my horse prefers the cold so I bow to his wishes.
shhhhhh.......really Albuquerque has great weather, we just keep it quiet. Granted dry......especially these last few years so the seasons are brown and green, more brown than green. Windy season wouldn't be so bad if stuff didn't get blown around with the wind.........horizontal tumbleweeds--remember those? Humidity is joke here, when dew points get above 55 people are miserable :lol: :lol: :lol: That happens for what, 2-3 months at most, more likely 6 weeks.

Winters are not brutal, snow is infrequent, rains in afternoon in July thru early Sept. OK, sometimes we rain out Balloon Fiesta in Oct but the natives are thrilled to have the moisture.

When you moved to Oklahoma all I could think about was going to a "wetter" climate and compared to the Gulf States even that doesn't fit. Yeah, 79 is when I turn on the evaporative cooler.........there's a big push for AC here due to water shortage, but I live with a troglodyte--old fossil who will not change. Hope you get your AC replaced in a timely manner, sounds like something that should happen on Friday night before a long holiday weekend.
In England we don't get much "hot",usualy windy and chilly so nice bit of "not to hot" is nice. I think I prefer hot to cold but the pets don't!!x
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