Bailey's trip along the coast.

We set off early this morning to have a bit of an adventure along the coastal path about 5 mins drive away.
Bailey had his snaffle on to stop him pulling which he was not keen on. He also had his extendable lead which is great for letting him explore. Gizmo came too and had his nice red harness on and his red lead. We all got ready and made sure we had water and poo bags! The essentials! Then we grabed up some treats and headed off.
The weather here has been lovely so it was a great opportunity to go along the coastal path and see what was about.
We stopped at an old village which is now a national trust site. From here we can go both ways along the shore line. (It also had handy toilets for Doggy humans! and the local folk put out doggy drinking bowls which is lovely!) We decided to go right up towards the beach. This walk took us through some lovely wild flower meadow lands which had the pathway cut out for us to easily follow. As we walked along Dh ( dear Hubby) and I decided this would be a great place to let Bailey off lead alltogether as there was no one about. Bailey was thrilled and ran up and down the path - he would get about 100 yards and then look back at us to make sure we were still there. This was a great game as when he was running away from us we all hid several times and he had to come back and find us. Bailey thought this was a wonderful game. Also it meant that he got lots of goodboy treats when he found us. Gizmo stayed on his lead as there were a few farm animals about and Gizmo probably would win hide and seek as he would be doubtless missing several hours! Mum and Gizmo did a lot of hunting for everyone else though!

Once we got to the shore line there was lots of rocks to climb and bolders to explore. Bailey went running about sniffing at everything but soon discovered that some plants with barbs on were not a good idea to sniff at too closely.
When Daddy was taking pictures of logs Bailey decided to pose for his close up shots too! lol :)

Bailey enjoyed looking out to sea and watching the seagulls

He decided to try rock climbing

But then we all got too hot and decided to go back and get some water to drink and some more treats.

On the way back along the path Bailey found a little tiny bird which had fallen or more likely been taken from its nest. - (Mummy checked to make sure it was dead or she would have taken it home to put in the incubator. Sadly it was dead and Bailey was not allowed to eat it!) After this a lady came along with three little dogs. They all wanted to play and one actually tried to climb on Bailey but Gizmo didn't like that and barked at him until he went away. Bailey was very frightened of these little dogs he didn't know. We headed back towards the village along the shoreline and then we saw a man in his cottage garden. The cottages are mostly only used in the summer months and this man was not there very often. So we stopped to talk about his lovely garden flowers. It was at this point that Bailey decided he would rather check out the house! So he went running up the steps and in through the open door. Seconds later he came crashing back out howling, fell down the steps and into the pathway on his face - closely followed by a massive black dog! Who was not best pleased at being disturbed by an intruder! ooooops! Bailey went running 100 yrs down the shore path and sat shaking and would not come back for agess! It was sooo funny especially when we realised that the big dog was ancient, it was very very old indeed and not nearly any danger at all to Bailey. We don't think Bailey will be going calling anytime soon! lol :) (Mum and Dad were of course mortified that Bailey had gone uninvited to check out someone elses pad!)

Back to the car and poo bags were deposited in the bins provided and water was dished out! Bailey and Gizmo safe back in the jeep we looked at the pictures and decided it had been a very good walk and that Bailey had "mostly" behaved himself! Then home for a nap!

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So cute!!!!
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
It sounds like all of you had a wonderful day. I bet puppy Bailey was really surprised to find the big ole black dog in the house. lol Thank you for sharing your story with us.
When Sprocket first saw the sea he just sat and shook-wouldn't move untill I went and put my toes in showing him it wouldn't hurt him.He found a long piece of seaweed and ran about dragging it after him-didn't get photos though.x
We have been enjoying the sun here quite a bit and Bailey has been out and about a deal more now the rain and bitter winds have finally gone! The weather over the winter months well right up until March/April was pretty bad and not good to take a tiny pup out in that. He used to go for wee quick walks round the block etc once he was about 15/16 weeks. But it was so awful here for months and months. Now he gets out and about pretty much every day and still has energy for yard games. He is a great boy and has a lovely temperament. He does pull a bit on the lead but that's being a pup and lack of the lead training in the worst weather. I kind of felt we got a pup the wrong time of year as I sooo wanted to get him properly lead trained before he was big enough to take me for a walk!

We were out up the local beach this morning early about 7 am so no one was about except for some old fishermen. So he was off lead for a bit running about like an idiot. Once we got near the end of the Beach I went to clip the lead back on because there is a road there across a car park. I didn't want him to suddenly take off on me. So here I am trying despirately to manage poo bag "full of course - Elephant sized!" Along with my walking stick and clipping the leash back on the right ring. In my madness I decided the best thing to do was hold the walking stick between my legs and then both hands are free to grab dog and sort lead -Yes! ...... NO!!! He decides he is having none of that thank you! As soon as I got the lead clipped in he took off like a rocket. However the lead was one of those retractable things I hate but Dh (Dear hubby loves) So I panic remembering the road, drop the full poo bag, grab the retractable lead on the string of course! So burning my hand ouch! and cursing hubby and Dog. Bailey suddenly reaches the "end of the line". But he doesn't stop NO!!!!!!!! so here am I with a walking stick up my doo daa hurled over the top of it OUCH! and sraight onto the poo bag! Bailey thinks this incredibly funny and comes back just to gloat and laugh at me! HE WILL BE LEAD TRAINED!!!!!!
Omg - by doo daa hurt all the way home!

Oes - Ummm :lmt: Casteration revenge? ( Darn I want to breed him! )
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