Well he's finally arrived!!!!!! Gair has taken up residence with us and Fernie is besotted. LOL
Gair was a great traveller yesterday, he fell asleep for most of the way home and only had a few wee squeaks but settled really well. Fernie on the other hand was a total goof ball on the way home. He sat with his face hanging over the back of the front seat and just stared at Gairs travel box. LOL
So the first they actually got to meet face to face, was when we got home and it was so funny. Fernie was whining at Gair but the wee chap was too intent on trying to see what our garden looked like, to be bothered about Fernie. The big lad was a bit put out at being ignored, so he decided to dance about like a looney to attract Gairs attention. LOL He looked like a wooly rug on speed. LOL
Anyways the intro went well, Fernie has surpassed himself with the pup and Gair has just started to try playing with him.
Gair hasn't been phased by anything that has happened to him. He's has his feeds, got the hiccups, been outside for piddles and poos and also has loads of little power naps.
He slept well through the night, only waking me once at 4.30am, to go potty. I am really surprised by how contented he is, I just hope this isn't the calm before the storm. LOL
We've been to the vets today, to get his vet check done and they are chuffed to bits with him, so we have a clean bill of health and an appointment to get his jabs done next week.
I've uploaded pics, so as soon as they are approved, I'll post them for you all to see.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
Clipper, Fernie and finally Gair. LOL
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:clappurple: Yay! I'm so excited for you! Little puppy thumps through the house again! He is so adorable, good luck with him in the ring, I'm sure he will be a show stopper! Congrats! :)
Im so happy for you!! Can't wait to see the pic's!!! Im sure Fernie and Gair are going to be the best of buds!! Congrats on the almost all night sleeping!!!!
OK, here are the pics of Gair and his big brother, Fernie.

Anyone for hide and seek ????

OK Fernie, where do they keep the grub ????

That,s my little brother, you know.

They are having great fun together. Just hope Fernie can tire the wee guy out again before bedtime. LOL
Catch you all later,
Great pics! :)
Love the tail...Does Fernie have a tail too?
Hi Clipper-

The wee chap looks right at home !
Fernie is already watching over Gair,
they are a wonderful match !

Our first OES Prince had the same black tail
with white tip markings, just perfect for sweeping things
off the coffee table.........

So watch out for that antique vase, it just may take flight!

Congrats on the puppy! Gair is beautiful. I love the tail.
Fernie looks so proud...what a good big brother :D
Congrats on the wee lad. He looks amazing!
He's adorable. It's so funny to see the tail - I love it!!!! They look like they'll have great fun together!!!
Thanks guys for all your replies. We are amazed by your kind words.
Gair and Fernie are having a ball. Thye love to play and it is so funny to see Fernie trying to make himself as small as possible so that Gair can jump on him. LOL
I fogot to say, when we were at the vets on Sunday, they weighed him......... at just over 7 weeks old he is almost 16lbs. The vet thought he was nearer 10 weeks old and that he was actually in for the start of his jabs. Looking at the size of his feet, she asked was his father a shire horse. LOL
Anyway, things are progressing well. Gair slept until 5.00am this morning and the floor was dry too, so looks like we have a quick learner on our hands. He is eating really well and is such a contented puppy. Fernie has been a star, he is so gentle and is starting to look for Gair, if the wee chap goes for a wander round the house. So it seems as though Fernie has accepted his "wee brother" completely.
Thanks again for your replies and good wishes. You are all very special people.
BTW Darcy, fernie does have his full tail too. I wouldn't have them any other way. LOL
Take care everyone.
Clipper, Fernie & Gair
I've come to the realization that I've seen many pictures of OES with tails but I've never seen an OES wag it's tail. We need to get some video of Fernie wagging and it would be interesting to see what the tail carriage is too. I believe it's described as being carried straight out with a curl at the end? Not up and over the back like a Bearded Collie.

Could you provide us with a description of how they carry it? (Just out of curiousity.) Thanks!
No problem Maxmm.
Firstly let me say that in the UK there is only a standard for how the tail looks, not for carriage on the move. Our breed council won't make a standard for that. I think they feel that if they do, they are making it acceptable to have tails in the ring. The UK Kennel Club don't seem to have any problem accepting my entry fees but unfortunately some judges have been known to be very biased against Fernie. But no-one ever said life had to be fair. LOL
Ok on to the standard for the tail. It must be fully coated, with a white tip and should reach to the hock. This is the norm for most herding breeds.
For how it should be on the move, I've had to research on the European OES sites, to see what they are accepting as correct. They favour the tail should be carried slightly higher than the top line with the tip turned up, it should never be carried high over the back or curled like an akitas tail.
If you think of this logically, a farmer may have problems distinguishing his OES from the sheep. So a tail carried a bit higher can be an advantage.
I am against tail docking but I have no problem with those who like to dock. I just wish that same feeling would be adopted towards Fernie. When you chat with other OES exhibitors, they talk about this dog or that dog and use either it's pedigree name or if known, it's pet name. Poor Fernie is known as "That OES with the tail", so I guess that says it all.
I have no time either, for those that say they will give up this magnificent breed, if they are forced to keep their tails. What a shallow bunch they are.
I say that I have a few more inches of dog to love, and that's the only difference that a tail makes.
Anyway, I will climb down off my soap box now. LOL
I will try to look out some pics of Fernie on the move and let you see them.
Hope this is what you have been looking for Maxmm, if not then repost and I'll see what I can do.
Take care,
Clipper, Fernie & Gair.

PS Maxmm, Fernie & Gair do a lovely tail wag, that's why I have no ornaments at tail wagging height. LOL

They're both just stunning and congratulations on your new addition! :lol: I'm glad that the adjustments are progressing so smoothly!
Congrats on little (hehe) Gair! What a beautiful pup!
Glad to hear that Fernie has taken to his new charge!
He's just beautiful!
Clipper wrote:
No problem Maxmm.
I am against tail docking but I have no problem with those who like to dock. I just wish that same feeling would be adopted towards Fernie.

From your avatar, Fernie's tail looks gorgeous -- plush and dramatic. Very impressive. I'd love to see it in action. I'm ok with docked because it is cute and practical. Chumleigh's bobbed tail makes a nice, discreet cover for her rear. Reminds me of a lid on the toilet. . . But the full tail is very beautiful.
I too think that the tail is very nice. In fact when we got Panda, I thought something was wrong with her walk....the breeder and my husband had to explain to me the whole tail thing!!! Growing up with goldens, you just get so used to the tail....but I wouldn't change Panda's hips swaying and whole butt wagging for anything!!! Fernie and Gair's tails are beautiful...
Lol. I love the tail too but you know what the first thing was that popped in my head? Boy, there's one more spot for mats to pop up! Can you tell I'm fighting a mat battle these days? :D
Darcy -- Can you explain the whole tail/hip/wiggle thing to me? Does docking the tail make their rears sway like that? Do sheepdogs with tails not have that wiggle? Now I'm really curious!

Butterstoch -- having just spent quite a bit of time on my persian kitty's tail (which is tiny in comparison and so much smaller now that mats are gone), I have alot of sympathy.
Valerie, I really dont know if the tail has anything to do with the swaying thing, but my 2 female goldens never really did maybe it does...When we go on walks, Panda's swagger makes me think that she is try to pick up a beau!!! "Ohhhh, look how feminine and pretty I am.... :D " lol It really does crack me up!!
Thanks for the info, very informative. I could only imagine what they could destroy with that tail, especially as happy as these guys are. :D

If you do find some pics I would appreciate seeing them. I find the difference interesting, like being the only brunette in a room full of blondes.

And, one more question; Do they still wiggle with the tail or is their movement all tail and no backside?

Thanks again!
The wee one is home. Yeah! And that's great that Fernie is so gentle with him. He looks adorable. Congratulations.
Awwwwwww. What beautiful puppies, Big & Little.

I love the pictures of their tails. Though I have to say I would miss the little bump wiggle wag.
Darcy. Golden Retrievers have a level topline, wheres OES have a higher hip to withers line, this is what gives you the wiggle. It can also give the illusion of a rather stilted but correct rear action.
Though I have seem some breeds where the females can do a remarkable wiggle, when they want to. LOL

Butterscotch. I wouldn't say that having a tail stopped matts. If the coat is changing, a tail will make no difference. One thing I would add though, is that I have only ever had a dirty butt on Fernie once or twice in all the time I've had him. I have found that with the tail he can "clean" himself a lot easier than the docked OES. And it only adds another 5 minutes to my grooming routine.

Valerie, Maxmm and Henry's Mum. Fernie and Gair do indeed wiggle but I would have to say that it is slightly less obvious with the tail but it is definately there.

What I would say is that it can give the idea that they are longer bodied than they are. If I get a judge that measures the length to height ratio, then they have never mentioned anythng in their critique, whereas those that haven't may say that Fernie needs to be shorter coupled. When I measure Fernie from floor to withers and chest to rump, his is totally square at 28 inches either way. So he does come up to the standard of a square built dog.

I am glad to see that we are having such a wonderful debate about this. Most people can be so closed in their ideas, so it really is fantastic to see you all taking such an open view of this. As I have stated previously, I like my own OES undocked but I can still appreciate a beautiful docked one too and it is great to see so many open and fair minded people willing to listen to others opinions.
For that I thank each and every one of you.
Clipper, Fernie & Gair
Clipper, a good dog and a good pet owner are all that matter!! To each their own!!! If more people were concerned with their own lives and less concerned about what other people were doing, I think this world would be a much happier place...Take care of you and let other people take care of my soap box....I love any dog, anytime, any place!!!
Gair seems to have a really sweet disposition. I have to also comment that Gair's tail reminds me of a paint brush with the white tip!
They are both so gorgeous! As for the tails, I think Gucci George has tail envy! He is always so interested in other dogs tails. You know, stands there with his laughing face getting smacked on one side of the head, then the other! Silly George! So I am reluctant to show him your pictures! I think it is just best to not let him know he was not born tailess. 8O

Congrats on Gair! And we are looking forward to hearing all about their antics!

Colleen and Gucci George
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