UKC show Sunday 6/30 - conformation, rally, weight pull

I had Chewie and Bond in a UKC show this weekend. It's our local UKC club, so it was great to only have to drive to the fairgrounds in the next county - about 25 miles or so.

We had the options of conformation, rally and a weight pull.
Because we went herding with our OES club on Saturday (pics to come from that too), we only entered the show on Sunday.

I entered Chewie just in the weight pull. Bond got the full deal - conformation (2 shows) and also his debut in both rally and weight pull.

We started out at 8:30am with rally. Bond did pretty well - he had some distracted moments that affected the flow - but he really did all the stations correctly and just had a minor error. He ended up with a score of 99 out of 100! :clappurple:
There were 3 scores of 100, and 2 of us had 99's. We were slower than the other 99 - so we ended up with a 5th place finish, out of 14 dogs. :aww:
When I found out that 2 of the 100's, and the other 99 already had their titles, and were just doing it for fun, I really felt good! My boy on his very 1st time out did pretty darn good!!!
Here he is with his rally Qualifying ribbon - his 1st ever ribbon/award for using his brain!! :wink:

Then we moved on to weight pull. This would be Bond's 1st time. I have just started working on the commands to pull, in fact we never had done it off lead with the cart. All I wanted was to get a UWP leg - and that is a simple 8 times the dog's weight. Three Q pulls earns the UWP title - the starting point in WP.
The scale was off - it weighed both of them 2-3 pounds more than they really weigh. Not a huge deal, but it made the 8x's be a bit higher.
Bond weighed in at 82 pounds, so he needed 656# for his qualifying pull. The cart weighs 310# and we added 5 blocks each round - so each round added 140# weight. So - we came in on the empty cart - 310#. He was the only one in the 50-100# dog classes who did, but he was the rookie. 8)
He did great - he pulled 310, we did a pass (skip a round) then pulled 590, 730, and 870#. He did it super fast and easy, each one in 4-8 seconds for the 15 feet of a pull (and should be easy - it's really not that much for a dog his size.) So I did just one more pull - 1010# He did it great too - in 11.81 seconds! (15 feet). I did a HW (handler withdrawal) and finished him out.
Here's a couple pics from my phone:
Yes, he is a clown!

but then he pulled like a real dog :wink:

He ended with pulling 12.31% - or 12.31 times his body weight.

He did just what I wanted - all I want now for him is to be learning. :crossed:

Chewie also did weight pull. :D
He weighed in at 76#, and did a max pull of 1710#. He had a nice 22.50% - or 22.5 times his weight. I also did a HW on him - the next increment of points would be at 1990 pounds - and I knew he wasn't going to make it that far. It would be 2 rounds more, and he was already getting maxed out. So, we quit on a nice pull. He did get 1st place in his weight group, out of 4 dogs...good enough for me! :cheer:

Then it was time to move on to our conformation part of the day.
The herding group was last in the order (they go thru the groups in order in UKC - the same judge starts at the beginning, and works through the entries.) So it worked out great - no conflicts all day!
UKC show are smaller than AKC shows. I know there were 100-150 entered each day just in conformation.
We didn't get in the ring until after 4pm - that made it a long day for Bond. He had the 2 new events that started way back at 8:30am! He was doing great...and he knows conformation really well. :D But - he also had another new thing - doing 2 conformations shows back to back.
He was the only OES, so moved on to Group (herding). He did really well - he took a Group 2 in both shows! My friend Donaven got some pictures of us in Show #1.

In UKC, they don't allow any added product to prep the dogs - so we just used a comb, some brushes, and a water spray bottle. :D
Here we go!

The down and back -

And the final stack.....

(Donaven also caught my friend Mel and her bluetick Tea in the background - she's the one we got our Maggie from. She was in the Hound group in show #2)

The judge said it was like splitting hairs for 1st and 2nd....but he gave it to the very nice (and also a Grand Champion) Berger Picard....and we got 2nd. Oh well!! Bond was perfect - we did things just how I had hoped and it felt great.

Here we are getting our Group 2 placing ribbon -

(and right behind us in the background - Mel and Tea got their Group 3 :D )

Show #2 started about 45 minutes after we got done in Show #1 - we got to sit around and relax a bit with friends. Show #2 we got the same Group 2 placing...but this time the red ACD got the Group 1 (also a Ch or GCH). He was a super nice boy...can't complain when nice dogs beat you.

So - quite a nice day. Being with my dogs, lots of really good friends, the temps were in the low 80's and sunny and breezy, and my dogs had success....wonderful!!
Add in getting to do herding on Saturday with our OES club - that made a pretty super weekend!

:clappurple: :clappurple: :go: :go: :clappurple: :clappurple:
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I love hearing what you and your furboys are up to. It sounds like a real successful weekend. Congrats to all!
Chewie is amazing as always. 8) I am getting blase about it, as if I don't expect anything less. :lol:

But I really want to go on and on about how fantastic Bond looks in Conformation and what a great score on Rally. I don't understand weight pull entirely but you can tell he likes doing it. He has matured very nicely. :hearts: :hearts:

Pretty soon I will have the same expectations of him as Chewie. :wink:

Congratulations on a successful weekend. :high5:
Thanks guys!

And I forgot one thing - Total Dog.
UKC believes a dog should be well rounded - so they offer an additional award called Total Dog. It means that the dog has a win against competition in conformation - which we got with our Group 2 Placing(s) - and also a Qualifying score in some performance event - all in the same day's show. Bond got that in both his Rally and in Weight Pull.
Seeing he did it in both conformation shows, plus the weight pull and rally - it's almost like he got 2 Total Dogs in one day!
There were 11 dogs on Sunday who got Total Dogs - and Bond was one of them! :D
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

That's awesome! Congrats to you and the boys! Great job!

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