Accidents right after a walk.

Hello all, Frodo's Dad here.

For some reason Frodo seems to have more accidents at night. Surprisingly he didn't have an accident all day while my wife and I were at work, but he had two this evening. Interestingly enough, within minutes of walking him. We didn't scold him; all we did was simply clean up the mess. Is this just because he's a puppy or is there something specific my wife and I should do to help curtail his evening accidents?

Also, we take Frodo for two walks in the morning (one at 6:00AM and another around 8:45AM), two in the early to mid evening (around 5:30 and 9:00PM) and then I take him out one more time around midnight. Should I differentiate between "doing his business" walks and walks for exercise and fun? Meaning should I take him out for short walks in the yard, let him do his business and then bring him right in and then take him for a longer "fun" walk a bit later on? And what about feeding? We give him a bowl of food in the morning and leave it out for 15 minutes. We do the same thing again when we get home from work. Is this enough food for him? Also, what about water? I read some where that puppies (or dogs) shouldn’t have any water after 9:30PM. Is this true?

Thanks again, this forum is a fantastic and invaluable resource!

Oh, by the way… when I was combing Frodo this evening Thor (one of my cats) sat on the table right next to him! I even brushed Thor with the same brush while Frodo watched with glee. I think they’re going to be great friends.
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For some reason Frodo seems to have more accidents at night. Surprisingly he didn't have an accident all day while my wife and I were at work, but he had two this evening. Interestingly enough, within minutes of walking him. We didn't scold him; all we did was simply clean up the mess. Is this just because he's a puppy or is there something specific my wife and I should do to help curtail his evening accidents?

Are you catching him in the act? If so, make an effort to stop him, making noise, waving your arms, jumping up and down-- whatever it takes to get his attention to stop. Then, immediately take him outside to the same spot every time-- his potty spot-- and encourage him to go. He probably won't, but it puts the association in his puppy mind that peeing and outside go together.

Also, we take Frodo for two walks in the morning (one at 6:00AM and another around 8:45AM), two in the early to mid evening (around 5:30 and 9:00PM) and then I take him out one more time around midnight. Should I differentiate between "doing his business" walks and walks for exercise and fun?

I think Frodo would get a clearer message if he had a "spot" in the yard that he knew was the spot to go as well. Doing business on walks is good too but you can't walk him every time he has to go so if he has a designated place that he can rely on, it might help in his houstraining efforts.

And what about feeding? We give him a bowl of food in the morning and leave it out for 15 minutes. We do the same thing again when we get home from work. Is this enough food for him?

It really depends on how much you're actually giving him to make a guess on that. All dogs vary. Is he a healthy weight? That's really a good tell. Do a search in the rest of the forum, I believe there's a lot more info on how much to feed.

Also, what about water? I read some where that puppies (or dogs) shouldn’t have any water after 9:30PM. Is this true?

Water varies a lot too. Some of our dogs don't drink too much and others, like my Clyde, will drink until they throw up! In housetraining efforts, you might find it easier to take his water up at about 9:30 p.m. so you have a better chance of clearing out his bladder before bed. But, if he seems reliable overnight, it probably isn't as crucial. Clyde is 9 months and I still take his water up at 9:30! In fact, I used to have literally measure and limit all his water. It was the only way I could make him dependable. As a baby, he was like a faucet!

Hope that helps!

I don't know if this will help, but when I take Panda for a walk, we walk....We dont stop to sniff the roses, so to speak...we go for a 30-45 min walk in the am and pm...she ALWAYS goes potty right when we get back! Feeding is up to the inddividual, like ButtersStotch said "is he a healthy weight?" I would go with that....when I didnt think Panda was eating enough, I got on the floor and hand fed her. That actually eliviated two problems...1. non aggressive food issues and 2. now she eats right away before she thinks Ill steal it and eat it myself!!! :D
Okay, here's what I've been doing and it appears to be helping. Either my wife or myself takes him out for "business" walks in the back-yard every couple of hours or so. Or when he wakes from a nap or after eating or playing for a good while. We take him to the same area and say, "you have to go potty?" After repeating this a couple of times he does his business and then we bring him right in after praising him. After he's done his business we can take him for a longer walk. He seems to understand "go potty" and he seems SO happy when he does it outside and gets praise and kisses. Although, to be honest, we give him kisses ALL the time. How can we not?

thanks for the words of wisdom, it's appreciated.
Panda is 20 months, and I still give her "good girl" praises every time she goes potty!! She expects them!! When she is done, she races back to me for her hug and praise! :D
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