Cat Hunting

We have a neighborhood cat that loves to sit on our patio, staring through the French door tormenting our dogs. Dex has put up with it for 2 years and now pretty well ignores the cat. Winston can't stand it and goes nuts. The cat just keeps on sitting there in his smug feline way, safely staring at the frantic dog through the protection of the door.

We are visiting our youngest son and family this week. They have a GSP and 3 cats. The cats get along with his dog very well but stay fairly well hidden during the day when Dex and Win are here. Win knows that at least one cat is in the master bedroom and periodically stalks up to the door, trying to get a glance. Our granddaughter's cat is a huge, gray male who will position himself so he can see into the den from the bedroom. Win sometimes notices him and stalks over, never crossing the threshold. The cat just sits there, daring Win to enter his domain, Win wisely stays on his side of the door.

Occasionally there will be a stampede of feet when they found a cat sneaking to the food, water or litter box. I am sure Dex and Win have no idea what they would do if they ever caught a cat. Two of them are still fully clawed so I imagine it would be the last time they tried to catch a cat. (The boys sleep with us with the bedroom door closed, our daughter-in-law said there is a cat party every night, the running and meowing goes in for hours)
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I had a cat years ago who single-pawedly chased 2 full-grown Brittany Spaniels off of the yard. She also went after an attack dog that had a toy poodle by the neck. Not only did she win both fights, she helped the toy poodle get away safely.

With apologies to Dex and Win :oops: my money is on the cat.

I would be careful with winston around cats, it sounds like he may have prey drive. Even in a short coat he may not be able to feel the claws full force.

2 out of the 3 of our dogs are trust worthy with cats. My hound is absolutely terrified of them. Wont go near them. If in the same room as a cat, he's the one that's cowering in the corner and the cat is in the middle of the room. :lol: :lol:
Lily will chase them til they are cornered but she stays out of reach of claws. FAR out of reach. Lil respects the claws. She had a bad experience with a very mean cat that chased her when she was a puppy, Lily will RUN tail tucked, if a cat chases her. :sidestep: She will make friends if the cat is friendly enough, she will give endless sheepie kisses to any willing kitty.

Ritz I don't trust around cats. He has found a kitten in the yard and didn't do anything but bark/yip. He has been ok with some but if a cat swipes at him he has snapped back at them, claws do not stop him. I'm sure if left alone he may kill one. Luckily, we don't have cats the husband is allergic. :phew:
We are very cautious with the cats, calling our dogs off when we realize they are interested. Though they are gentle dogs there's no telling what they would do if they caught a cat and killing one would be catastrophic!

Our previous OES was raised with a kitten. Rodney loved cats and hated dogs. He couldn't understand when a stray cat wouldn't come sniff noses and butts. The cat he was raised with hated everything but Rodney. He chased dogs out of the yard to include by physically attacking them with body tackles. He wasn't a very bright cat, we had a stockade fence and he was about 4-years old before he figured out he could climb it.
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