changes at 6 months

Hi all, Having not raised a puppy before I wanted to get a little insight on changes they go through around 6 months of age. Max is really changing everyday!! Some days he's so good and others it's a battle getting through the day!! Also today when I took him to his grooming appointment, he didn't just trot back like normal, he had a bout of separation anxiety and didn't want to go, it was actually very cute, but not like how he normally acts.
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Oh god, tell me about it. What is it with this age? Spike has started picking up some horrible habits lately!! He's decided that he enjoys digging and then carrying around clumps of DIRT (this better not last). He's also found out how powerful his bark is and now enjoys barking quite a bit. I reallllly need to get into a dog training class ASAP- his pulling alone can almost knock me over if I'm wearing any sort of shoe with heels. *sigh* He isn't that bad all the time though, he's being an angel right now as I type this, chewing on his rawhide bone like a good baby. :)
Hey, it sounds like Max and Spike could be brothers!! :lol: Max also is a real puller, and the dirt thing, that's Max also!! He's a disaster, I think he would like to relandscape our yard, he'll start digging near shrubs until he gets to the roots and then he tries to pull them out. I'm in between classes with Max, he finished puppy classes about a month ago and did great, so I think in August I'm putting him in intermediate classes at PetSmart. I still use all the commands on a daily basis, but lately he totally ignores the 'stay' command so I really hope this is just another phase they go through! Also, he's not neutered yet, but we'll be doing that in the next month or so!
Spike is neutered but we dropped out of puppy class after I really did not like the instructor or the class that we were with. It was a disaster. The rest of the puppies in the class were all teeny tiny little things like baby pomeranians and other dogs that couldn't have been over 5 lbs. The instructor expected the puppies to sit quietly for an hour and a half while she basically lectured to us what we needed to do at home. If I knew I was going to be lectured to, I would have left the dog at home. Needless to say, Spike and I had a miserable experience, as he tried to befriend all the other dogs and knaw on my arm as I tried to keep him busy with toys. The only thing the stupid teacher could say was "stick a toy in his mouth!" Uh, lady, I'm sure he really wants to let go of my arm for a stupid toy. Riiight. Anyway, that was 2 months ago and he's gotten through the teething and has all his adult teeth now so he's MUCH better in that respect. I've heard PetSmart has great classes so I will be trying them on the next go 'round for sure.

It's too bad Max and Spike don't live closer to each other, Spike would really get a kick out of playing with another Sheepie his own age and activity level. He adores the other sheepdogs he has met at the dogpark but none are quite as young nor energetic as him.
That would be so cool if they could play, they really sound compatible!! I would've never been able to have Max in a class where the trainer lectured the whole time, I can understand your frustration. In Max's puppy class he was the biggest puppy there, but before we started each class the puppies had a playtime and Max just loved it, plus it calmed all the pups down before we started our lessons. I got a great instructor at PetSmart and she really had all the puppies mesmerized, I hope you have a better experience next time!! I'm actually going to get together with the same group of people for the next class because we all got along so great. Max's favorite buddy was a boston terrier, and that little dog really had the upper hand with Max, it was very funny to see those two go at it!! Take care,

Bailey is right behind Max and Spike, he'll be six months on the 15th. He has definitely discovered his big dog bark. :? And he's back to digging in the yard too, which he had stopped months ago. The weirdest thing we've noticed is that he doesn't sleep through the night consistently - he has nights where we're almost back to the beginning, calling for us every two hours for no reason. But now it's a BIG bark, not puppy whimpering. And it's not because he needs to go, he just seems to miss us. I sure hope this phase passes soon!
Hi Bailey's mom, isn't it fun :roll: they seem to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back at this age! The "big dog bark" is so funny because Max thinks he's so tough, but he's really just a overgrown baby! I've also noticed they can change from day to day, like yesterday Max was so good, my husband and I couldn't get over it! But today he's throwing his attitude around again, I just wish I could be in their brains to actually see what's goin on in there!!

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