Vet says Brick has a heart murmur.

I took Brick to the vet today because of his runny stools.
While checking him out, the vet said he has a heart murmur.

She's never heard one before in him. She says it's probably age related.
She characterized it as a level 2 on a scale from 0 to 6. She said it was on the left side.

I don't understand. She just listened to him in March and he was fine. How can he go from 0 to 2 in 2 months time? And if it's progressing like that, how long before it becomes a real problem?
I asked if more or less exercise would help slow the progression but she didn't give me a definite answer to that.
And the progression rates of these things vary widely, so there's no way to make any projections.
Now I have to note if his level of energy goes down or if he starts coughing. At that point, they can do chest films and an EKG.

I can't help but blame myself. If I had exercised him more, maybe this would not be occurring right now. :(
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Don't punish yourself for something you have no control over. I know the diagnosis sucks. My mother was diagnosed with A-fib and we all But it's that age related thing there. It's a good thing it was found it was found now with Brick and you can adjust his needs. If you aren't comfortable with this, could you get a second opinion?

Big hug for you and Brick!
you can't beat yourself up; sometimes these things are genetic and have nothing to do with diet and exercise. I had a cat that at 18 years old was 100% healthy at her check up, and three weeks later had congestive heart failure. Health issues with pets aren't always something we can prevent or control. We often just have to do our best to compensate, and keep our furry kids as healthy and comfortable as possible. Did your vet recommend any medication? I don't know much about murmurs; is that something that you treat, or is it just a "as our pets age, they slow down" sort of thing?
No medications yet. I guess if it gets bad, it can be treated to some degree with meds.
My vet made it sound like it's just part of aging.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
CamVal1 wrote:
No medications yet. I guess if it gets bad, it can be treated to some degree with meds.
My vet made it sound like it's just part of aging.

Mark - your vet is right. It's nothing you did or didn't do. And keep in mind that stress can make something like that suddenly more apparent. On recheck 6 mos from now the vet may or may not be able to detect anything.

...and they come and go. Paige was sent to a cardiologist for her murmur. When we got there 2 days later, nothing, nada. He knows our vet so trusted she truly heard something, but it just wasn't there 48 hours later.

NOT TO ALARM YOU.......2 years later Paige died in her sleep, no advance warning. Vet said something that was heard 2 years ago may have come back suddenly.

In other words, we just don't know. Stress for your man........yes and that can cause a murmur. Hopefully next visit it won't be there.
My baby girl had a heart murmur when she was a puppy and it would come and go - when sick and not feeling well or fighting an infection, it would appear. Then disappear. We went to a cardiologist who did some testing and they said nothing to worry about. Its been a few years now and no problems and it hasn't been heard.

I wouldn't worry. well, I would worry because I always worry but I think Brick will be fine. And how is his poop issue? better?
He hasn't gone poop in 24 hours, so maybe the meds & bland food are firming things up.

But now we have a massive storm over us right now. He's cowering in the basement shower, shaking, and heavily panting.
I gave him a half a acepromazine just now but I'm afraid it was too late.

I think I'm going to have to start him on some sort of permanent anti-stress or anti-anxiety medications. Otherwise, I fear he'll have a heart attack.
:ghug: :ghug:
Mark, that stress may be part of the poop problem and the heart murmur...Stay safe up there. heard there was a tornado warning...Does Brick use a thunder shirt? Don't know if they work but maybe worth a try Meanwhile, get somewhere safe and hope you are okay.
Brick has a thunder shirt. Really doesn't work for him.
I'm convinced the colitis and the murmur are caused by stress.
Unfortunately, I don't see a way to eliminate his stress and anxiety without meds.

Terrible time of year to have to deal with this what with the weather being so active. Can't catch a break.
I have no solution, I have Harry in the same boat. At least you have a basement.
Fred had a bad heart murmur that got worse as he got older. He was the most active of our sheepys as a young dog,well up to the age of about 8. He was on meds for 3 years and just shorter walks. It was a "lump" that "got" him in the end-we thought at nearly 12 he was to old to have surgery,he had a natural passing with no pain 'cos of the meds. What I am trying to say is he had plenty of time,hugs,walks etc even with the heart problem.It's a worry but not always so very bad.xx
My yorkie is now 9, about 3 years ago the vet said she had a heart murmur and wanted to see her in 6 months. I didnt take her and dreaded the next 12 month visit. Different vet listened to her heart and said very very slight heart murmur we are not even going to worry about it. Fingers crossed for Brick, I am sorry he gets stressed and yes colitis and stress go hand in hand...hugs xx
Talked to the vet this afternoon.
She said to not give him ace anymore. It depresses the cardio-vascular system and you shouldn't do that in an animal that might have an issue with that system.
So we're going to try alazopram, also known as Xanax.

I'm supposed to give it to him a little bit before an event that could stress him.

If that doesn't work, then we'll probably have to switch him to Prozac. That'll work but it takes weeks to build up and it will most likely kill his personality, but this will be last resort.
We had a dog on Prozac and it didn't change her personality at all, other than relieving some of her separation anxiety. She's in great shape now. Our vet wrote a prescription and we were able to get the generic version filled at Walmart for $10, FWIW. :-)

You could consider sharing the Prozac, Mark. Seriously, some of your anxiety over Brick's health may be rubbing off on him. It happens. :lmt:
Thinking of you and Brick, Mark. :ghug:
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