Having a bit of trouble with rally

Lily is doing great with rally. Call left, turn right, halt etc. We work outside in a distracting area and I am having trouble keeping her focus on me.

They want me to work with her downtown on busy days but none of them have ever owned a sheepdog. Going anywhere with a sheepie is an instant crowd. (We had quite a few bystanders for yesterdays class.)

Any other suggestions how to keep her focused?
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Smelly treat in pocket???? Keeps my dogs focused!
Ashley wrote:
Smelly treat in pocket???? Keeps my dogs focused!

We can work with treats in class but Lil and I are going to actually compete the end of July :excited: :excited: :excited: and you can't use treats in the ring.
AnInnocentEvil wrote:
Ashley wrote:
Smelly treat in pocket???? Keeps my dogs focused!

We can work with treats in class but Lil and I are going to actually compete the end of July :excited: :excited: :excited: and you can't use treats in the ring.

I don't train with treats, so I work on focus and interacting with ME (not the surrounding world) right from the start. It's harder in the beginning, but it pays off wonderfully once they get it. I then have a dog that works for me as a partner, not for treats.
That let me be able to be working off lead, outdoors with bassets (quite the feat) and now the wonderful relationship Chewie an I have in all our activities. Bond is doing really well too - I am really happy with our teamwork stage at 19 months of intact male sheepdog-ness!

It takes more interaction work on the human's part to keep engaging and being more interesting than all the stuff out there (not just a quick 'treat - good dog' by making their food drive happy). It's not for everyone, but it works well for me. I'm in it for the long run of activities. I want more than just a dog that gets all perky and happy with treats..I want that to be for ME! :D
It's so difficult to keep her attention. How do you even start? Lily does work w/out treats but it is difficult either way to keep her attention.
As you are learning the stations, just work in very short intervals. Do each one just a time or two, then stop or do something else. Many dogs get bored or even peeved at you when they do it once and it's good...and then you do it again!

If she's still learning it and you both are getting frustrated, go to another thing she does well, and super praise her and then stop. End on success with you both feeling good.

In our classes we each take a turn doing a course, and we relax on the sidelines watching or talking (but we should watch, especially when you are learning!) when it's not our turn. I only do the complete course 3-4 times with each of my dogs. And some nights if I'm tired (I have this class at 8:30pm and it's after working 12 hours and then doing Bond in conformation 1st) I just do each of them twice.
I bring two dogs to class - Bond will be my 4th rally dog. Chewie is working towards his RAE2 (we enter just as a special treat, as he just loves it), Simon the basset did through RE and I retired him (he was 7 when we started, and 9 when done), and Riley has his RN. It helps their motivation at class to know I'm working the "other" dog....makes them want it to be their turn. Does wonders for enthusiasm...and teaches young ones to be patient and quiet. :D
got sheep wrote:
Many dogs get bored or even peeved at you when they do it once and it's good...and then you do it again!


LOL That is Fred to a T!!!! We are still working on the "watch me" command... but when I say "watch me" she glances my direction and then sits or lays down or whatever we were working on with a big humph like yea yea I know this, now let me get back to what I was looking at. All the other puppies are continuously looking intently at their people with rapt attention.. Fred barely acknowledges my existence.

She picks up everything so quickly.. but focusing on me for longer than maybe 10 minutes in a place with distractions is a bust. Typical for a 4 month old? Any suggestions?
My trainer sent me this video to work on Lily's attention.

Heye thanks AnInnocentEvil, it will really help me to train my LOLO ,he is new and learning few thing.
LeslieR wrote:
got sheep wrote:
Many dogs get bored or even peeved at you when they do it once and it's good...and then you do it again!


LOL That is Fred to a T!!!! We are still working on the "watch me" command... but when I say "watch me" she glances my direction and then sits or lays down or whatever we were working on with a big humph like yea yea I know this, now let me get back to what I was looking at. All the other puppies are continuously looking intently at their people with rapt attention.. Fred barely acknowledges my existence.

She picks up everything so quickly.. but focusing on me for longer than maybe 10 minutes in a place with distractions is a bust. Typical for a 4 month old? Any suggestions?

The problem is they are a herding dog & they think they have to keep an eye on everything all the time.
It must just be me as I have never been able to keep our sheepys interest over a more exciting thing-a pidgeon that needs herding or whatever. I do not like to shout at them-eldest son sound real nasty when he "demands" that Sprox goes to him-the poor dog quivers. I tell him to praise for going to him,Sprox get a quick "good boy" if he is lucky then runs to me and hides behind me!! I do make him come etc when I have said a command and praise calmly so he doesn't jump up. But see something and he is off-sometimes hesitates and comes back rather than going so think I am winning!?x
So working on attention heeling has helped with her attention quite a bit but if kids are around it's a battle.

She still doesn't pick up on little movements and we have to work on that.
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