Reminiscing about my first Sheepdog

I got my first Sheepdog, and my first dog, when I was twelve years old in 1976. Her name was Muffy and we adored her.

Scanning her pictures has been on my "to do" list for some time so I thought I would share some of them with you. It was quite a trip down memory lane.

The day she came home - she was ten weeks old (the perfect age to get a puppy :wink: )

I loved grooming her even though she hated it. Unfortunately, I didn't learn how to line groom until my third sheepdog (Harry) and getting mats out was painful for her. She would hide from us when the brush bag came out.

Muffy loved the cool surfaces. She would go down into the basement during the day in the summer. This was a favorite spot until she outgrew it.

At about 5 months old - she has been the biggest of my sheepdogs.

One of my favorite pictures of her. She was not allowed in the living room. This was her way of being in the room. Keep in mind none of us hung out there much either but I think it was the forbidden. She won that battle eventually and nothing ended up being off limits. LOL

At her first obedience class. My brother was assigned as the person to handle her because Muffy "didn't listen to my mom". The real problem was my mother who had no problem disciplining us kids but was a total pushover for the dog. The best memory this photo brings back is that the the whole family would traipse off to class at the local YMCA for class. Muffy was very obedient, better than most of the class, but she hated it . From across the room she would throw my mom paws to rescue her.

This picture is just my friends and cousin before we went to the Muny Opera, an outdoor theater. But no matter what picture was being taken, Muffy was always in it. She would pose as you can see below.

Another of my favorite pictures - no explanation needed.

The Kid's Dog Show at the annual Greetree Festival. Little did I know back then that this was only the beginning of my dog show life. She took second place in the Best Looking dog category - someone told me later an OES had won the year before so that is why she only got second. Funny enough Mopsy, won that same category eighteen years later with my son Brian.

This is not a posed picture. She was the master at staring at you for attention. Rest assured, she got plenty of attention, but she always wanted more.

All of my sheepdogs have given paws and they were all very different in their method. Muffy would lean back and her paw would come at you from over her head. I was glad to get an action shot of her.

There are a few more pictures uploaded to my album but I thought I would share some of the ones that told the story of my first Sheepdog, my Muffy Dog. I still laugh over some of the stuff she did.

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Great photos!!! :hearts: :hearts:
Awwwwww :hearts: Thanks for sharing.
What a sweet pictorial of your Muffy.... :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

That's awesome! Last month I brought home my first OES at 10-weeks old.. wish I hadn't waited as long as I did to do so.

Thanks for sharing!
wonderful "retro" photos!
wow i am now thinking of my first oes in 1973 need to find pics
This was wonderful Judi! How I wish I had been as young as you when I got my 1st OES. Unfortunately, although my parents always let us have a dog, they never went the route of a purebred. I was 35 years old when we got our 1st OES & that was because my husband wanted that breed! 8 OES later (and I lost count of how many co-owned in show homes) I guess you can tell they won me over in no time. I really enjoyed your trip down memory lane. :clappurple:
Wonderful pictures. :hearts: I always wanted a sheepdog when I was younger. Had to wait until 14 years ago to finally get my first. Life will never be the same....wish I would have done this sooner!
Thank you so much for introducing us to Muffy. She was a beautiful girl and sounds like alot of sheepie personality.
:cheer: Thanks for charing all these wonderful pics
and Muffy's story. :hearts:

Love this pic......and how she won the battle of the livingroom and other limits. :kiss:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Thanks for sharing those! Great pictures and memories!

I enjoyed those pictures, I love how you tell about on his character traits, she was a lot of fun.
Loved it! :hearts:

Thank you, Judi! Wonderful story.

Hubby had a small, female OES when he was a kid. I got him Quincy Bear for his 35th birthday, and was smitten with the breed myself. This is an OES household.

Laurie and Oscar
What a nice story and memories of Muffy. She certainly herded you down the right path for pets :hearts: :hearts:

I think our childhood pets are always so close in our hearts :aww:
Judi the first is always special as is all that follow. LUV your new baby and I am sure harry is gonna be an awesome big brother to the new lil man. Luv Harry luv his new lil brother too. I expect new piccys of tours around your area for harry to introduce him to everything from horse and carriage rides to brewery visits and piccys :wink: I've always enjoyed harrys tours and look forward to seeing the new lil man on adventures with Harrington. Both are absolutely adorable :aww: You guys are going to have heaps of fun with the awesome duo :excited: :kiss:

Absolutely Loved your post on you first shaggy babe, Muffy, what an adorable princess she was and how she stuck so much in your heart and thankyou for sharing her with us all. :ghug:

My first sheepie was in 1976 too, met the man with the dog, married him after, who did I luv the most, well you be the judge of that. :wink: 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol:
My monty my first ever OES, hey I think I am older then you, I was not quite married after meeting the man with dog, you know the old saying "RESPECT YOUR ELDERS"!!!! So you must be at least now 22 plus, heck I am now 25 plus!!!! :P :lol: :lol:

Piccy of our Monty, he was a big darling who drew me to the man I ended up with, 30 years married due to monty enticing me to that bloke. Go figure 25 plus and maths is all wrong there with age :lmt: :cow: :lol: :lol:

When I was first pregnant and before I even knew I was, monty went from a full on, jump on, nerotic sheepie to a gentle lamb, he helped raise my eldest son and they were the best of mates, did everything together. :hearts:

At four friends of ours found a wondering OES and took her under there care, she was so emacimated, and matted when she wandered into there back yard. They named her Sarah, and she turning out to be a awesome girl. Monty and Sarah fell in love, when we rang them to say monty passed away, sarah followed 4 weeks later, we still say she died of a broken heart with her BF in life passing. We use to share both sheepies, stay overs at weekends and whenever either family went on holidays, both fur kids went together too. We had reciprical rights and alternate weekends with the two fur babes.

OES fever hits big time, enjoy and I know you will and so will harry with the new lil man. Harry has lots to pass on there and I am sure he is going to be an awesome mentor for not only you but the new lil man :ghug:

I really enjoyed your post on your first sheepie and the pics. :kiss: Oh and I could of stealed her easily, what a darling she was. :roses:
Lovely descriptions of your first love. :aww:
Wonderful pictures and thanks for sharing!!
Very nice pictures Judi, thank you for sharing !
That is so sweet! I love those old pictures from you and your Muffy. Had those curls going even back then!! ;)
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