To shave or not to shave...

Every summer I shave the dogs. Gives me and them a break. This year I am debating on keeping them in coat. My groomer said she will help me and she is very supportive and a great friend so I am thinking I might do it. I guess all that is worrying me is I am going away for a week in June.

Here is a picture from this weekend at the cottage.

Last year shaved.

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A shave shave......... uh, never! ;)
The way you "shave" ...if you think you can't commit....
However, if anything.....even cutting down a few inches each always helps, but if you think the summer will be long [in your head]...and you can't stand the way they smell every time they step outside (heat = that natural sweat smell) then just do it!!

YOUR dogs look good all year round anyway...
Trim. Reducing length, maybe taking out some undercoat to increase air circulation, shave out those undersides that mat so quickly.
Where's the button for HELL NO!!!!!!!! Your dog's coat ALWAYS brightens my day, especially when you post photos from a windy day.

But they're your dogs...

I'm all for shaving dogs (obviously...just see Tay's new 'do), but I voted no. It sounds like you don't want to shave them.

The way I look at it....shaving them is always an option, but for now just do a good trim and try to keep them long. If it gets to be too much, especially when you are gone....then you can always shave them.
Okay you are right I want to keep their coat. I hope it doesn't get stinking hot this summer. I don't have air conditioning. Play it by ear if they seem uncomfortable off it goes. :wag:
Winston got shaved a few months ago then Dexter did a couple weeks ago. Both as a result of our laziness.

Win is growing into a great "puppy cut." Dex looks like a Dr. Seuss character (we left his head but will trim it today or tomorrow).

Both were SHAVED! Never again!

To each his own but we intend to keep Winston in a puppy cut since he hates to be groomed but will let Dex keep his full coat when it comes back. Their coat is one reason we like OES.

Short hair is nice for swimming though.
I was thinking the swimming part - short is great for that. :)
I would go with a modified trim as needed. As mentioned - if it gets bad, then you always have the shave option. But waiting until you actually decide to (or not) is better. I just cut Chewie short (scissored - never shaved!)
- but we compete and work hard...and he's a hot blooded, always panting dog. He has the metabolism that I only dream about.... ;)
Well mine would dare walk in a puddle so there is no swimming going on, I live 6 years on a lake I couldn't get those dogs in the water. I never have them shave to the skin when I get it done usually 1/2 inch at the most is left and always bell-bottoms :)
I am going to try for just a small trim and plenty of brushing out the under coat this year. I have always trimmed very short-with Fred our last sheepy he didn't seem to get on with his coat,always to hot even in our silly summers so trimmed twice a year. Would be nice to have Sprocket with some hair-see how the "summer" pans out.x
Don't shave, they are too cute.
They are so adorable! If anything, trim them up a couple of inches and take out a little undercoat, as others have said. A large fan will help them to stay cool, as the air will take the heat that they radiate away from their bodies. Also, give them ice cubes to chew. Meanwhile, enjoy your vacation!
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It's funny you posted this. I've been wondering the same thing. Deep down, I don't want to shave. However, the break would be nice.
spacegirl21 wrote:

At the bottom the author compares his boxer with his other coated dog as an example of coat affecting heat...
Can't even compare a boxer (who's tongue is hanging out and panting with exercise, per the author) - because they are a brachycephalic breed. They have the "smashed nose" with impaired respiratory status. Sad breed actually, as they put a super athletic body with a head that can't allow them to get the oxygen they need to sustain activity.

In lure coursing they are one of the breeds who only runs a half course (300 yds instead of 600 that the other big dogs run) just because of this health risk. :(
sad :(
I just has my pooch shaved. My first OES never wanted to play outside so it was never an issue with her. This one would spend all day playing in mud puddles if I'd let her. So, now when I walk her around the neighborhood, I tell people she's my summer dog and the furry one will be back in the fall. She's much happier without all that fur. But, if the summer months don't cause them to get too hot and your friend will help you, I say don't shave. Either way, they still keep their wonderful personalities.
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