Having Lump removed

Took my male, Bowie, to the vet today. The vet noticed a lump on his shoulder back in Feb and we went back to see if had grown. It had grown a little. It is hard and doesn't seem to effect him at all. Vet also said he is almost certain it is nothing serious but due to its location and the fact that it already grew a little to take it out now. He said if it does continue to grow, it would be a bigger deal to remove. Bowie will be 7 n November.

I am a nervous wreck...next Thursday is the day. Vet said he will come home with stitches and our main concern will be to not let him scratch the area with his back foot...Cone won't work. I bought a shirt at PetCo that does cover the shoulder area. Think it will work?

And just to add drama, I fell over my other sheepie today and ended up in the ER...No broken bone but a pretty moderate sprained ankle. Sent me home with it wrapped and instructions to keep off of it for at least the next 24 hours, and ice it. And I am walking, or I should way, hopping around with a cane!
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What a day! Fingers crossed that the lump is nothing serious and that your ankle heals up quickly. :crossed: Those sheepie throw rugs can get in the way sometimes!
Ouch for you, and good luck with your boy's surgery.

My daughter works for this company - would either style cover the area that needs protection?

Tshirt maybe with towel patch sewn or iron on patch over area Or a Tutu around the waist :lol:

Being a hard lump, I'm glad it's coming out. Those are the ones to worry about. Soft squishes not so much. MO was miss lump lump at the end. Lousy place for stitches.......will take some quiet time, no running, etc.

Sorry about the ankle! Ankle sprains are just the pits.....that really lay you up.

Falling is the young. I went down Saturday, on the lawn, and still hurt for 24 hours.
The lump is pretty big - a golf ball size maybe. Appeared out of nowhere a few months ago. Hoping it is not anything serious...and thanks for the link. I looked but it is for dogs up to 45 pounds.

Human ankle is wrapped up. walking with this cane is not easy to do! Going to try the crutches again..Is there a knack to this stuff? I am not coordinated enough to use !
Yes,you should soon get the hang of it. When broke leg what seems like hundred years ago (before children anyway) had leg in plaster for 8months. Got good at carrying a cupper at the same time. Was the "under the arms" type tho. Hope the lump isn't a nasty one and if it is they get to take it all away.x
Ashley wrote:
The lump is pretty big - a golf ball size maybe. Appeared out of nowhere a few months ago. Hoping it is not anything serious...and thanks for the link. I looked but it is for dogs up to 45 pounds.

Human ankle is wrapped up. walking with this cane is not easy to do! Going to try the crutches again..Is there a knack to this stuff? I am not coordinated enough to use !

I hope it's a harmless lump like the one Joy had in January.
It was hard as bone and made a wound that wouldn't grow.
It was smaller than Bowies, however it was slowly growing
bigger from before Christmas. Nice to get rid of lumps:

The vet told me she could have gotten it for smashing into a tree
or another dog or something that damaged smt inside her skin.

Best wishes from us to Bowie, and about your ankle too! :hearts: :crossed:
Ashley wrote:
The lump is pretty big - a golf ball size maybe. Appeared out of nowhere a few months ago. Hoping it is not anything serious...and thanks for the link. I looked but it is for dogs up to 45 pounds.

Human ankle is wrapped up. walking with this cane is not easy to do! Going to try the crutches again..Is there a knack to this stuff? I am not coordinated enough to use !

I called daughter Lisa...and she said that the smaller sizes are all that is left in stock - as listed on the web site. They are still looking for a replacement fabric. I just wanted to check w/ her and make sure what it listed was accurate...unfortunately it is.
Keeping good thoughts for Bowie. Too bad about the ankle. Be careful. A few years ago, Oliver helped me break my leg. :pupeyes:
To use a cane, you carry in the opposite arm, then when you step with the bad leg you put the pressure on the cane. It takes a little getting use to it. Consider the cane as part of the injured leg. Also, from past experience, it actually takes aprx 16 weeks for a sprain to completely heal!!! I was told by a few doctors a break would have healed faster!!! Aren't I a little ray of sunshine? :)
Just be careful and use the injury as an excuse to get sympathy and help. Take advantage. :cow:
I know how worried you must be. Charm had a lesion removed last month, and it is terrifying. We used a tight tshirt around her, and she didn't seem to mind one bit. The last few days as she would itch, the shirt was tied tighter and so prevented any accidental injury. I hope it works the same for Bowie. Benign and tshirt!!

Maybe the two of you can recover together. And right at the beginning of summer too, a sprain :(

Sending you hugs and prayers that it all goes well for both of you :ghug:
Something I did with Abbey last year, she had a big tumor (malignant) and the biopsy incision kept bleeding, I used my old t-shirts, put it over her head and the front legs thru the arm holes, cut a little at the neck then when I pulled it down herback, I split up the middle and tied it in a knot. She strutted her stuff wearing my t-shirts, many, with colors stripes and prints.
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