first obedience class oops

Note to self: this week make sure you have a better tasting treat than the instructor does so that your own dog will actually look at you during class.

I made the grievous error of bringing chicken tidbits but the instructor had a pocket full of pup-peroni... after using Fred for a demonstration I didn't even exist in her world. She would barely glance my way whenever the instructor was near us and even spat out the treat I offered before turning and barking to get the instructor's attention again. :roll:

PS: I did buy my own bag of pup-peroni that night and she's been performing like a star at home ever since! lol
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Such a discriminating taste, Fred!! :wag:

We have used various treats or bait as one trainer calls it :lol: Pupperoni is a huge favorite but Charm would have been your best pal for a chicken bite.

Just like children :wink:
One of the principles of dog training is 'the dog decides on what is a reward'. Some dogs would prefer have a game of tug or fetch over any treat. And no matter how yummy we think the treat is if our dog is so/so about it then it doesn't cut the mustard. Tiggy has spat some of my offerings out too.

One of the other things I quickly learnt at obedience training with Tiggy is: if I didn't stay on my toes Tiggy did more training of me than I did of her. :oops: She is so much smarter than the other dogs I've owned it's hard to stay one step ahead of Madame's 'training regime for the uprights'. :wink: 8O
You need to take her through the treats section of the pet shop and let her tell you what is suitable for Her Majesty. Funny! Nice she knows who is in charge.

Keep a little diary of her antics, you'll love going back through them in future years.
Caitlyn too will do anything for even the smell of Puperoni... Hot dogs too, but I prefer not having a squished hot dog in my pocket...

Our trainer encourages bringing a couple of different treats to class - something "low value" and something "high value" for when you really need her attention. A lot of times, by the end of class, she'll go on overload, and that high value treat is the only way to get her attention back. (Although with Benson, every treat seems to have the same value so far.)

And Mim is right - different dogs have different ideas about the perfect reward. I had one dog that would do anything for food, and another that only wanted lots of praise and a big hug.

Clearly you've found Fred's motivation! :cheer: Have fun while you're training.
Lol! Lily says being picky is a good start Fred but you need to figure out the real trick to getting those treats.

Lily figured out that if someone new gives her a treat and she drops it, they will promptly hand her another one. She'll hoard as many treats as possible if I'm not looking.
Ha Ha :lol: That made me laugh. It reminded me of the time Scampy our rabbit was eating hard pellets and Russ took him a piece of banana. Scampy spat out the hard pellet he was eating (using his tongue to push it out) so he could eat the banana.
We also bring two types of treats. They are if equal value but we we switch it up so the dogs are always looking to see what's next. And if they aren't interested in 1 we pull out the other.

We started using Natural Balance dog food rolls since we train at dinner time. The dogs love it.
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