looking like we need to let Abby go

Abby has an appointment tonight for confirmation of yet another UTI...but our vet has said that at this point it might be best to just let her go, rather than try and pull her through one more painful infection.

She had one after another after another (often with only a week or so between infections) for about a year now. Nothing works for long, and in spite of huge numbers of tests and examinations we've never been able to figure out why they keep happening. She's on a great deal of pain medication (rimadil and tramadol) but still has a rough time getting up and down without help.

Ive not been posting much this past year...partially because I haven't had the heart to document her slow but obvious decline. My heart is breaking right now. She's 14, and I know that's a great age for an OES, but it still seems way too soon. Our vet talked to me very sternly about our responsibility to think of her pain and not keep her going just for our own sake...we didn't mean to do that, but had a hard time seeing the reality of it.

Hug all your pups extra hard for us today ok?
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:cry: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:ghug: Laurel and Scott :ghug:

That is really tough :plead:

I will give my gang all hugs.... we get all these years with them, if we are lucky, but they are never really long enough.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
so very sorry it is never easy know matter how old they are.. hugs
Our deepest sympathies Laurel.

Vance and Jen
Sending hugs to you all!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry, far too many of us know your pain.

:ghug: :ghug:
Please don't beat yourself up over this decision. She has had a great life with you but her good times aren't just there anymore. Let her go kindly, bawl like a baby and remember her in your heart forever.

UTI's make my vet shudder. Being a women she fully understands the pain and always treated the pups with maximum compassion.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Laurel... :cry:

My heart is with you guys today. It's overcome with emotions right now having hugged and spent time with Abby. :(

Hugs to you guys.... xx :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Oh Laurel. :cry:

It is so hard to see the decline. And so hard to let go. Please keep us up to date... I've missed you!

We'll hug Max a little tighter tonight... and please know that we are hugging you and Scott too! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Thanks to all of you guys :hearts:

Ive spent my whole morning sobbing on and off...it feels strange to grieve while she's still right here :( But this is when I'm dealing with it, I guess. I keep looking at old photos of her when she was young and active, and its bringing home to me just how weak and sick she's been.

Abby in better days :hearts:

This forum has been here for me in good times and bad, for quite a while now, and I knew you'd still be here for me though this...even if I have been a little bit truant lately :wink: .
I am so sorry about the decision you have to make. Brings me to tears. Abby has had a great life with you and you need to look at it that way. She will never really leave you. We want our babies with us forever, but we know it's not possible. We really will never know how bad they hurt since they cannot tell us. It's been almost 2 years since we lost Pooh and spent alot of time crying last night because of maybe we held on too long and just wanting him with us longer and not wanting him to go. Remember we are here for you. Lots of hugs and kisses to Abby.
:ghug: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts:
Laurel, I'm so sad for you. Give Abby all the love you can tonight and a hug and kiss from me. We'll be here for you.
Sending big :ghug: 's during this difficult time. Our pups are never with us long enough and Abby has had a great life. We'll be thinking of you... :hearts:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry Laurel. Special thoughts for all of you. :ghug: :ghug:
Once again I'm posting my "courage" poem. It was the one I read over and over again "to do what must be done" when I was trying to find the strength to do what was best for Shaggy, Blue and then most recently, Gilligan. It made me realize it was the final act of love from me but that doesn't make it any easier. This poem by an unknown author gave me the strength. We are there for you, Raven.I'm sorry you are having to go through this. Hugs from me.

The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak,

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then will you do what must be done,

For this, the last battle, can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,

But don't let grief then stay your hand,

For on this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,

You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please, let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,

Only, stay with me till the end

And hold me firm and speak to me,

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree,

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you,

Who has to decide this thing to do;

We've been so close,we two, these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.
Laurel, I'm so sorry for your pain. Big hugs to you as you make this decision. Abby has had a wonderful life, it's just never long enough :cry:
I've been thinking about you all day and all night Laurel. I know that you and Scott need to lean on each other and be strong for Abby and Bert.
I'm so sorry to read this post Laurel. I remember you posting that Abby wasn't going so well some time ago. Having been there I know how hard you're doing it.
I've been there too, sobbing while a beloved fur kid was still with me but knowing in m heart it was not going to work out ok this time.
Thinking of you at this hard time.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:ghug: to you Laurel. It is so hard to let them go even when you know it is the right thing to be doing. Remember all the good things & the best of times you have had with her. That's what she wants you to remember. :ghug:
I am so sorry - it is too tough, and too early for grief when she's still here.
Nice looking at the Picture from better days. :hearts:
She knows that you will do what is the best to do for her. :hearts:
:ghug: :ghug:
:cry: :cry: Such heartbreaking news :cry: :cry:

Sending you all gentle hugs :ghug: :ghug:
Thinking of you. And reading that poem not only made me cry as I sit in my office but put everything into perspective. Our dogs NEED us to do what is best for them - although it is not what is best for us. Sending thoughts to you at this difficult time :ghug:
Keeping you in my thoughts. I know how hard this is. :ghug:
*hugs* :(
The poem did me in. Many of us know the pain, but wouldn't trade the wonderful years we had with our babies for twice the pain. You and Scott are in my thoughts and prayers as you face this difficult time.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
oh cant read the poem, but we are all here for you it is so difficult but sometimes we just got to be strong for our furbabies sake. Hugs to you. and thinking of you in your time of decisions xxx
:ghug: :ghug:

Laurel our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Laurel, I am keeping loving thoughts for you and sweet Abby. You have loved, nutured and taken the best of care of her. It is always a love decision to let them go. She will always own a piece of you heart and take it wih her. What ever decision you make, it will be the right one. :hearts: :hearts: :ghug: :ghug: :hearts:
I can't read the poem either but so sorry Laurel, we all know what this is like.
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