Thank you, Ron . . .

. . . for being a good and reasonable board moderator.

Hubby is part of a forum (unrelated to sheepies, for shame!) whose head moderator is basically a self-absorbed jerk. One of those, "when I want your opinion, I'll beat it into you" kind of guys.

Last night, this mod started a thread about the Boston Marathon bombings. He described, in distressingly graphic detail, exactly how he thought the person(s) responsible should be punished. Hubby posted a reply, saying he thought we should be wary of responding to violence with more violence. (By the way, I read his response - it is calm and dispassionate. Not inflammatory at all.)

Today, he is banned from that thread. Because he disagreed with "the big guy." :roll:

I like our OES community. We are, by and large, respectful of each other. Of course, we all have our ups and downs on this board. We are individuals, and we don't always see eye-to-eye.

But I must say "thank you" to Ron for allowing us to disagree, for stepping in carefully from time to time and reminding us to calm down without throwing around his god-like powers to make us bend to his will; for not manipulating posts and threads to change their meaning; for not intentionally pitting people against each other for his own amusement; and for treating this board as a community gathering place, rather than his own personal plaything.
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Having met Robin and knowing how well mannered he is, I'd have to say that the mod of the other board is nothing less than what you've already called him. I've been a member of other boards run by people just like the other mod you described and I tend to not go back there unless there is something there that I absolutely need and know I can't get anywhere else. There was one board i was on where the mod got mad about several posters and banned nearly half the group for well over a month before he came back around. With sites like that and especially mods like that, I don't even respond to opinion-based threads. It's NEVER worth the frustration that may come down.

Tell Robin he's more than welcome here!!! I know I'd enjoy his company and commentary.

This board has always been grown-up and polite. We've had our disagreements and I know some members have left, but by and large we treat each other (and the world) with respect. That is why if Ron ever shuts the board down, I will go after him with a wet noodle!
I don't think I could get through life with a sheepdog properly without this forum.

And...knowing that friends are here for advice, support and fun is comforting. When I cannot be here for a few days, I get testy and feel like something is missing. :)

Thank you Ron, for making this forum such a "family" community. :clappurple: :clappurple: :banana:
wet noodle........I was thinking Wacky Taffy
I agree. Exactly what Diane said. Ron, you are the best moderator ever.
I hope you feel appropriately appreciated because you most certainly are!

And folks, pat yourselves on the back for behaving like adults.
This is not always the case everywhere.

I am coming to rely on more and more.
Hopefully I can contribute in a small way now and again some of my decades worth of experience
and knowledge. That is my intent as my way to say "thank you"
to all those on the forum... many of you far wiser than I.

Linda Zimmerman & Chloe, Kristy, Hudson and Angel in So. California
I agree with you guys 100%. I would of been banned from the start
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
:D :D :D
Totally agree. Ron is one of the many 1,000 s of reasons that this forum is so fabulous xx
I wouldn't mind some more of those God-like powers in life!

Thanks for the kind words. It's really you, the members that make this forum the great place that it is. I'm just your average benevolent omnipotent computer geek.

Thanks again.
How ironic that this post was made the very week that I was saddened to find out that another forum I visit (not related to pets at all but another interest) that a young member committed suicide. I hadn't visited the site for some time but only revisited this week after a long absence. I hadn't seen the young man's post nor did I know him, but nonetheless his death has left many of the members pointing fingers at others. Words are like weapons and through no fault of anyone, someone in a fragile state may take offence or even worse case actions like the one I mentioned that happened on that other forum.

It's okay to disagree and have a different point of view but name calling or personal attacks should never be accepted in any forum. Ron you've always kept OES a family friendly place.

This forum has never been like that and Ron you sometimes gently remind us to imagine the person we are speaking to is just like a friend sitting opposite us drinking a cup of coffee at the table. Sometimes the net may cause us to say things that we would never say to anyone if it were in person without a screen to hide behind. I have always felt comfortable at this forum and feel like I am amongst friends. Thank you Ron and Joan for running a wonderful site in which all are made to feel welcome.

I too have always felt this forum was different than all the others I've gone to in the past. It's the ONLY one that is considerate of others and doesn't post to make fun of or sarcastically slam someone else.

I always wonder what would have happened if the board didn't exist as I used it to get my first OES, and it is here that I fell in love with the breed.
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