Loose Stools

I was hoping someone here MAYBE had advice or an idea for me.

Ramsey normally poops fine, in the yard, at home. However, during our walks, or outings, it NEVER fails. He will go 4-6 times. The first will be semi-normal, little soft, and it's all downhill from there. The next will be loose, the following will be mostly liquid, and anything after that, liquid drops.

This happens, EVERY WALK! His stool has been tested, it's fine. He is eating Fromm Large Breed Adult, I may switch him over to another food I think, just to try it.

The vet and trainer, both have said the same thing, excitement and all those smells gets his system going. Which is fine, I get it, but any walk, almost everyday, there has to be something that can help bind him up a little!!

Again, if he's in the yard only during the day, it's normal. He can go in the yard, then we will go for a walk an hour later, and he will have to go again.

Help! Or will I forever be a slave to a massive amount of baby wipes, lol.
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My BIL's golden retriever lab mix is like that. No matter what type of food he eats. He is just an excited pooper.
Take him on a walk he gets excited and poops a bunch, Lily comes over he poops a bunch, take him to the dog park...well you get the idea!
Monty had this, and also on the walks, we changed his diet from Origen to NOW. Kept his diet very simple, just the kibble. He still had soft poos but when he got older, I think it was about 14 months, the stools firmed up, his stomach settled down and now he can eat almost anything.

These days he only gets soft to runny stools after a big raw bone or too much fruit.
Fred was like that,he went on to James Wellbelived kibble-turkey and rice-and was perfect from there on. Sprox is on the same foom-came to us on Purina and we kept him on it for a while but his poos were either soft,very soft or runny. We did the "bad Thing" and just changed him over 3/4 JWB and 1/4 Purina for a week and then on to fully JWB-no probs since (tum wise).x
Some dogs just have hyper bowels. Literally. Exercise stimulates the peristalsis of the digestive tract.
Some dogs (and all mammals - people too) have this to some degree. Some more than others. My basset Simon was always like this. Chewie does it sometimes too - it always gets looser as a day's long exercise progresses. I had a horse when I was growing up that did this as well. :?
How long are these walks? maybe reduce the time to the semi squidgy state?

The really yucky ones I call

Thanks everyone!! I will chalk it up to hyper bowls.

The walks can range from 30 minutes to an hour, the outings the same or longer.
It's literally only when we go out, we can play in the backyard and exercise for hourssss, especially now that the weather is getting warmer, swimming, running, fetch, etc., and he's fine. Go for a walk, bam, lol.
Example, yesterday our morning walk was 30 minutes, he went 5 times!!! Granted the last 2 were drops, but you get the point.

Puddle poos, I like that, hahaha.

He will have to deal with his wipes, or sometimes hoses off, lol.
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