Two big dogs running right at you

Terrified. Thats how the guy who it happened to must have felt...and it was MY dogs.

Last weekend it was sorta nice. The sun was out and the temps around 50 degrees. People were out walking. The dogs in the house or out side barking. At one point, they were in and going nuts at the front window. I didn't look out just opened the door, standing behind the door so I wouldn't get hurt. Our kitchen door leads to a breeze way with a back door with a dog door and a another door leading to the front. As I was closing the kitchen door, I saw the front door fly open. Thats not supposed to happen.

I yelled for Randy and flew out the door after the dogs. They were already at the end of the driveway barking and jumping around, trying to get this old golden to play. I'm scared that Gar is going to run for the semi-busy road just a half block away, and he's doing the play stance with the golden.

Simon comes to me and I drag him up the driveway to dh and I go for Gar. The guy had started walking again, closer to the semi-busy road. Terrified, because Gar turned a couple times toward the road but the golden was too much of a temptation. It took a couple calls, and fast hands and I finally got hold of him. The guy walking his dog must have had a sense of humor because he asked if Gar was a young one...ummmm no...he's the older one.

Say sorry, scurry back up the driveway ready to blast dh for not hooking the was hooked...Gar broke it.
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Gar broke it
Jack was horrible on doors. Should have known from the beginning at the shelter when he hit the crash bar on the door hard enough to unlatch it and open the heavy glass door. Our storms doors never stood a chance. We'd go thru the "no crashing through the doors" routine, but if the world was falling apart outside, he lost his brains.

Glad all turned out well for all.

We still haven't repaired the storm door, Harry gently lets himself out and with some pawing and catching with toe nails can let himself in.
Man, everyone was lucky all the way around!
So what is the new latching plan for the door? Something heavy duty, I hope!
Wow! Glad it all turned out okay. :phew: Gar was on a mission to go see that dog apparently. Good luck with a new latch.

Simon's Mom wrote:
Say sorry, scurry back up the driveway ready to blast dh for not hooking the was hooked...Gar broke it.

Sure sure, always blame the husband! I know that tune! :P Glad to hear they were safe! :D
Scary stuff. I'm glad it all ended well.

Can you train a "stop" at the thresh hold of the front door and no going out without permission?
I train our dogs to do this (lots of treats delivered right at thresh hold, clicker trained so they know
exactly what they are being rewarded for and lots and lots of proofing on this exercise) and although
I admit to it not being 100 per cent effective, it is 99 per cent effective and that buys us a lot of safety.
I also teach our dogs to stop and sit at every curb while we are out walking. Then we proceed only
after I give them the OK. Again, not 100 per cent proofed yet but it's almost there.

One final emergency safety measure is a "down" command that can be used in an emergency situation
to get them to stop and down no matter what is happening. This is what saved our oldest girl who broke away from
a vet tech and ran out the back door and away totally frightened out of her mind right into a busy street (Los Angeles
during rush hour on a Friday afternoon).

My husband (I wasn't there - he had taken her in for a vaccination) was quickly called from the waiting
room called and he was able to catch up with her half a mile away from where she got out the back door of the vet's office
(should never have happened in the first place) and was able to "down" her (even in her panicked state)
right in the middle of the busy 6 lane street when she hesitated there for a second trying to decide which way to run next. It saved her life. She wound up with bloody pads all torn up from her desperate run down the asphalt,
but it could have been a lot, lot worse.

Once again - glad all our safe at your home!!! I can totally relate to "blame the DH" syndrome. It's not always so.
This time he was the HERO! He earned years worth of brownie points saving the day with his quick thinking.

Linda Zimmerman
Naughty doggies, glad everything is okay :D

We have a dog gate that leads down to the front door. This was to stop the dogs going down stairs when we had the rabbit, because the rabbit would run free downstairs.

Now Scampy has passed on we have left the dog gate still up, we don't want the dogs putting unnecessary exertion on their joints by doing the stairs, especially the Newfy, hopefully they won't get joint problems when they are older.

So we are lucky we have an additional barrier. I could probably trust both dogs not to go down and out if both the gate and door is open as they have gotten used to not being allowed beyond the gate.

I do not trust Monty around roads off leash, we rarely walk the streets on or off leash. If he was loose I would be paranoid of him running into the road or running off to find Jack rabbits in the neighbourhood.
My gosh! Glad something worse didn't happen!
I am happy to hear all turned out well. Yup, when they get excited it hard for them to think before they leap through the door.
Our glass storm door has an usual lock, which I love. Pull the lever handle up and the three latch/locks engage.
It's full view and heavy duty - perfect for all of the dogs. We like it so much, we got the same one for the lake.
:phew: Quick thinking :clappurple:

Glad everyone is okay :hearts:
So glad all are ok!
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