Violet is doing better

Violet is doing so much better since her leg/hip injury of a few weeks ago. She seems back to normal and only needs my help to get off the floor once or twice a day. I remind her to walk slow on the tile and I'm sure she understands me because she does slow down. She loved having Aaron and Hannah over on Easter, extra cuddles for her. She also had her daddy home for 3 days so super happy girl she was. Dad was working outside in the backyard, we fenced in the rest of the backyard and took down the dog enclosure, so more places to walk. Since Violet is pretty much blind with the cataracts I walked her around the yard a few times each day so she could get her "mapping." She's doing really well and if she gets herself in trouble Asia comes looking for me, so we have a good plan.

I did amaze myself the other day....Violet got stuck sitting on her butt, which is the hardest position to get her out of to get her up, under my desk. So I climbed under the desk and had to knee on my knees and put my legs in all crazy positions to finally get her up. This was a great accomplishment for me because if it had been about a month ago, I couldn't have done it. I am so amazed at what I can do since the dr gave me a shot in my knee. I have alot of tears in my knee. I can climb around under and over things Chuck can't and he's younger than me....anyway, I'm glad I work from home so can be available to help Violet, but she is needing me less and less.

I wanted to take a minute to mention, for those who remember her, that on Easter it was the first anniversary of Pearl going to the Rainbow Bridge. We really miss that girl. I hope Heaven has plenty of lizards for her to chase.
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:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
I am glad for a good news update!! :clappurple:
Violet doing better, your knee feeling better and getting the yard all fenced - all nice stuff :D

And I do remember your kitty Pearl...hard to believe it's been a year already. :hearts:
I am happy she is feeling better! And of course Pearl has lizards to chase!!
I didn't know your baby was having a problem so glad to hear she is better. And yes, I do remember your Pearl. I am sure you miss her every day. Our animals are our family. So sad to see them leave us....sending thoughts your way.

Hope your baby continues to get better and stronger every day! I know you feel bad she doesn't need you so much but that is a good thing. Sending prayers for her continued improvement! :ghug:
So glad to hear that Violet is doing better! :clappurple: Glad your knee is better too! :D
Very good news to hear!

Glad that your knee and Violet's strength is getting stronger. Violet will enjoy being able to roam around in the back yard now.

Good girl Asia, what a big help you are :banana: :clappurple: :clappurple: :banana:
that is great she is doing better they are strong willed aren't they
Glad things are all on the upswing with Violet & your health and mobility as well.
Super news.

Linda Zimmerman
suzptcruise wrote:
that is great she is doing better they are strong willed aren't they

Yes she is strong will and it is one of my favorite traits that she has. Last night late she had gone out the doggy door to do her business, she has a bit of trouble coming in, my daughter had fallen asleep on her chair on the patio and Violet went over to her and hit Amy's cheek with her nose and did a really quiet whimper she uses to let us know she needs help. So Amy woke up right away and opened the sliding door for her. Violet is determined to be her old independant self and I'm determined to help her get there.
Go violet! Happy to see she is doing better. Yes pearl is enjoying heaven.
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