Second hand smoke and dogs?

HI, I assume that second hand smoke is bad for dogs just like it is for people, but have there been any studies done on it? Its potential effects on the likelihood of cancer occurring in a dog?

p.s. I don't want to lecture anyone on smoking etc, this is just an honest question.
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Unfortunately I am a smoker and never smoke in the car with my dogs or in the house around them. Well, never in the house anyway. My vet told me second hand smoke does effect dogs. And it makes sense to me. So, I can kill myself but I will not hurt my dogs!
I never let my dogs sit out on the porch or in the garage with my smoker friends. I don't like the smell, so I bet they wouldn't enjoy it either! Plus of course I want happy, healthy dogs, so anything I can do to help prevent health problems is good.
I don't like the way my pets smell if somebody smokes around them, especially sheepies and my long haired cat.. their fur picks up smells and I don't like it much and imagine their ultra sensitive noses don't either. I have known dogs who are allergic to smoke, they get asthma attacks around smoke (both have these have been small breed dogs).

Kudos to Dianne for thinking about her dogs and not smoking around them :) I know so many who would never consider this point of view!
Being a bored medical librarian on a Friday afternoon before a holiday, I had to do a MEDLINE search. There have been a few studies that indicate a link between bronchial problems or sinus cancer in dogs who live with smokers. All conclusions state further research is needed. So the answer is yes, preliminary evidence shows that SHS is bad for dogs (and probably other pets that live inside).

This has no relation, but I smoked around Bob for years. Granted he was minimally exposed (like 10 cigarettes a week) and horses are different from dogs. I haven't noticed any ill effects in him.
So glad I quit!
I am sure it effects dogs the same as humans, we all just living cells that can get damaged by the environment.
When we take the dogs camping the fire smoke gets in their fur and they stink of campfire for a week.
No Kudos needed for me but thanks! I was a non smoker for years ( don't ask why I started again. I have no excuse). But I try and be considerate of humans too. I smoke. I know the repercussions. My dogs depend on me. They can't just leave the house because I may light up in the house. I will never do anything that puts their life in possible danger...No smoking around the dogs. Period!
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