What the heck does pot-casse mean?

When reading info about Old English Sheepdogs I've seen their bark described as having a "pot-casse" sound. I know this is a French term but have no idea what it means. Anyone know???
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Casse means broken in French. Thinking perhaps the word shrill should have been used..lol. They sure have a unique sounding bark don't they?
Yes! They do.....as a matter of fact, Truman, my 8 month old puppy just finished a marathon barking jag! Sometimes he comes up to me or my husband (usually when we are sitting watching tv or reading) and just starts barking. I think he wants us to play with him again (and again and again!!!)
my sweet boy is named truman as well!

if i may ask, how did you come up with the name truman?
oh and about the barking...
my truman has two very distinct barks.

he has the "come on, play with me" bark which is usually directed at the cat who just lays there when truman tried to get him to play. it annoys the hell out of him. he also uses it on me when i am "ignoring him". its very high pitched and short.

the other bark is the "something weird is going on outside, mom" bark. he uses this one for knocks at the door, strange bumps outside, and fireworks. (we live near a ball park so we get a lot of that). this bark is lower and louder and more rolling, for lack of a better word.

he does have a third bark, which is kind of between the two...its the "how can you leave me here all alone?" bark. it happens in the morning when he's left in his room while i go to work.
When Barkley barks it actually sounds like "WOOF WOOF". He has a rather deep manly voice lol.
As does the Woof (part of the reason for this name!)

The Pot-Casse reference is indeed the description of this particularly deep, booming (almost echoing) bark - I believe it derives from the idea of the sound you and I made when you eg. speak into a big bowl, or through a long tube..

PS. Woof loves that particualar trick - try woofing through an empty kitchen roll tube and see....
Hi - I came up with the name "Truman" when first visiting the vet. I told the receptionist we were trying to think of an English name since our dog is an OES. She said her husband her husband is English and his name is Truman. I said "Hey, a cute name for a dog....." I work in an elementary school and we had a substitute a couple of weeks ago who said she also has a dog named Truman (a Husky)! I guess it must be a popular name! I'd like to post a pic of my puppy but I'm not sure how to do it.
I was wondering what that term about barking meant too. Learned something new again. My daughter says when you learn something new you probably for got something important. I told her she must be right because I am always having to learn something old that I forgot.

As far as posting a photo. If you want to post one that appears with every post, go to your PROFILE.
Go to the very bottom and it tells you how to upload your favorite photo.
You will first have to "downsize" the photo through an editing program--use one that does it for e-mail or one that actually lets you do it by percentages. It has to be 12kB or less and cannot be wider or higher than 150 pixels.
Even Microsofts digital programs allow you to alter your photos in "resizing" and in save for e-mail if nothing else. I have even done it in Word, but you have to know what you are doing.
Once you have your photo saved as this "downsized photo". then just upload it as the avantar.To post photos in the photo section follow Ron's advice (which works well if you have your own site) or just give a web
address link for people to click.
Just peruse through some of them and you will get the idea.
We need some new ones. Guess I should post a different one myself.
You inspired me - no sooner said than done - I have a new Avatar!

(about time really - the old one was Woof at six months..he was one on Saturday)!

Mikey & the Woof
(birthday pix to follow soon...)
You are right about the pictures, Max's picture is from when he was about 6 months also. He will be two in December, so I guess it was time for a new picture. We call this the king of the couch picture.
"Pot Cassé" is french for "broken urn". It was the name of a bookstore in a bridge in Paris, from the XVI century. Actually there´s a lot of interesting stories around it and there was also a trademark used by Geoffroy Tory, the owner and printer, based on a poem about the death of his daughter Agnes at the age of ten on August 25th, 1522. But I think it refers to the sound of an urn being smashed. =)
Guest wrote:
"Pot Cassé" is french for "broken urn". It was the name of a bookstore in a bridge in Paris, from the XVI century. Actually there´s a lot of interesting stories around it and there was also a trademark used by Geoffroy Tory, the owner and printer, based on a poem about the death of his daughter Agnes at the age of ten on August 25th, 1522. But I think it refers to the sound of an urn being smashed. =)

and here i thought it referred to ear drums being pierced - live and learn :sidestep: ;-)

As Jack ages his bark has changed. The other day as a lady was leaving the house and Jack was barking her departure she turned to me and said, "He sounds just like a seal." He does!
SheepieBoss wrote:
As Jack ages his bark has changed. The other day as a lady was leaving the house and Jack was barking her departure she turned to me and said, "He sounds just like a seal." He does!

Too funny! My friend Linda's older Samoyed is 13...and his bark now sounds like a seal too! 8O
It never used to, just in the last year.
Wow! That post was previously written in 2003!

Anyhow I came across the term a few years ago that gave a better description a sheepie bark resembled the high tinny sound of a metal pan being banged.

Yup that about describes it!

Merlin has a much deeper voice, while my previous girl who had the pot casse bark. Gilligan had a deep manly bark and Panda just within the last 2 months has developed a seal bark. As Panda ages and his eyesight is diminishing he barks more at shadows and "floaters" he sees, due to his glucoma in one eye.
I assumed pot casse meant "prepare to be deafened".
Call me crazy but I had to go home and try speaking,barking into a large bowl and thru a tube. My dogs have never sounded like that :roll: As a matter of fact, both dogs looked at me kinda funny and walked away. :lmt: Oh and now some of you are getting a visual of me doing it, huh? :cow:
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