Getting Excited

I am just so excited, so I thought that I would mention it...1 month from today I get married!! YAY!!! :clappurple:
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That is exciting! Congratulations!! :D
Awesome :D
I wish you the best!

CONGRATS!! That's super! Best wishes to you two. :)

I got married May 21st come in today I think. Can't wait to see how they turned out.

I promised to not smoosh the cake into my husband's face when it was time to share a slice. Really, I was just worried about MY makeup. ;)

I waited for him to put it nicely in my mouth and then SMASHED it in his face. :lol: :lol:

Little did I know he had another piece waiting for me. :(
Congratulations :) I wish you years of happiness. :)
Are you ready??

The last month is so busy, and exciting, and nerve wracking.....can I get married again...I just loved it. Have a great time, wish you the best.
Yep, I'm ready--for the most part, besides all the little nit-picky things (like details!)...But my mom is helping a ton (well..doing most of it!) which is great because I'm getting married in CA and I live in VA, so it is just easier with her being there...
Yeah, I'm trying to avoid the cake-in-the-face thing too, but my fiance like to get me back times ten, so if I get him, he'll definitely get me too!
Congrats! It's a very exciting time- are you managing to maintain your sanity still? The last month before my wedding was a complete blur. I managed to not get cake smoosh, although I had been warned to expect it. Our cake was just too darn pretty to smoosh! :lol:

Karen :)
That's wonderful news!!! Congrats to both of you!!

Marianne and the boys

If you are going to try the cake smoosh, try not to forecast it, think poker face. Apparently my husband could tell what I was thinking and now there's a great picture of him saying "Don't you dare." and looking very stern and me with the most surprised and innocent look!

Many years of happiness!
Congratulations!!! Good luck with the next month, I'm sure it will be hectic!!!

My son is getting married in 1 month and 1 week :D , I'm pretty excited about THAT!!!!
Yeah for weddings! :P

We still have to figure out what we're doing with Barney, though. It would almost be cheaper to fly him out with us than to leave him at a kennel...
It would? How long are you staying out where the wedding is? We had to keep our dog at a dog resort for the first time for our wedding. We couldn't stand it so...

Dog was put in Friday after work. Groom drove all the way to TX faster than I would have liked to make the rehearsal/dinner. Wedding Sat. Then we woke up the crack of dawn Sunday JUST to drive back to Oklahoma to get our doggie!!!!! All our friends and family thought we were nuts since we cared more about the dog than sleep/enjoying our first night together. To us though, life isn't right w/o our snotbucket. :)

Anyways, prices here range from $6-10 a night and they walk them 3 times a day, A/C runs, brush daily, brush their teeth (hehe), and play soccer w/them. :)
Ooh, maybe it would be cheaper for us to fly Barney to Oklahoma and have him stay at your pet resort!! :wink:

The ones here that we've researched (or had vet recommendations) start at about $25 a night, which, for us being gone 2 weeks, is going to add up! I found one that was only $17 a night, but that worries me that it is so much cheaper than the others...

When we got Barney, it cost about $200 to fly him to Virginia, so that would be nearly the same as the pet hotels!
And, with Barney not being 100% reliable on the house-training side of things, I'm not sure how much some of our friends who aren't flying out to the wedding would handle it...
You REALLY don't want to fly a dog this time of year. A sheepdog, because of his size, must fly in the cargo hold. It is a terrible experience, they are subject to changes in pressure, temperature and loud noises. This time of year it can get very hot in the hold and many airlines have temperature restrictions where they won't fly animals when the temp is over a certain degree. So you run the risk of getting there and not getting back.
I know, we're really not planning on flying him--when we flew him out in March we were concerned about the other end of the spectrum, but the day we flew him it was relatively warm--and his layover was in Dallas, so being more south it was warmer too...
We're just at a loss as to what to do. My fiance is a med student and I have only just started working again in the past few months, so we don't have a ton of extra money floating around, so we're trying to find the most financially (and benefical to Barney) solution we can.
Plus, we haven't lived out here for too long of a time, so we don't know a lot of people besides the close friends that we have (who are either coming to the wedding or are going to be elsewhere on vacation during that time.)
Is there a fellow med student who might "house sit" for you?
Congradulations!!! This time is going to fly by. Only one important thing that I think I should mention...Dont forget to eat that morning before the wedding!!! I did, and by the time the ceremony came around, I wasnt feeling that great...I just got caught up in making sure everything was "perfect"....I cant wait to see pictures...nothing like a summer wedding....well, any wedding for that matter :D
When in flight, the cargo hold is environmentally controlled, just like where you sit; it's all part of the fuselage. The problem is out on the tarmac, when the door to the hold is open (and for a long time) and just out on the tarmac, where things get hot and/or cold.

But the basic premise is correct -- now is not a good time to be flying a pet around in the cargo bay in the Northern Hemisphere.
You are right Ron, I should have added that. What I have "heard" (I have never flown a dog before) is that the animals are first on last off and that the temp on the tarmac often get quite high (or cold as the case may be). But correct me if I'm wrong (I sure wouldn't want to be wrong :oops: ) they are still subject to loud engine noises and some pressure changes.

Recently spoke to someone who flew a dog and they said when they picked up the crate in the terminal that the dog had panicked so badly that he had chewed his tongue and feet til they were bloody, it was a terrible story.
I know you already asked for a vet reccommendation that's if you want to check out places...I like to see the people interact with the dogs. I want to see the kennels, the runs, how much exercise will they get. Do they require shots, esp Bordetalla...for your dog's safety.

I looked at numerous kennels in our area and found out alot just by going there and observing.

There was alot of state of the art kinda places, all stainless steel, so sanitiary you could probably lick the floor...but the dogs didn't look happy. They also charge extra if you want tem to spend more "time" with the dog...extra walks etc. They are NOT allowed to play together.

Went to another family based one in the country, dogs get freedom to play with each other, they put a 10 dog limit...and they get 4 walks a day. The place was kept clean but not a fancy smanciey as the other one...they have a waiting list of people leaving their dogs, and the dogs are happy. And they have trees to pee on....holes to dig. They truly are treated like family members. But it was hard to find, I accidently came across them, talking with staff at PetsMart.

Then my usual daycare decided to buy out the building next door and expanded into boarding. I know the staff, and the dogs get to play all day long, go to bed, get up and play all day again. The are so excited to see this place when I drop them off, I never feel worried about them. I also went through obedience once with this place, and everything they do is reward based, if the dogs get too worked up they have the kennels for timeouts. They too are always busy, and you can have the dog groomed before you pick them back up.

Now I am leaning towards hiring the girl next door to walk the dogs, and feed them, if we are out all day.
The dogs in the hold are subject to the same noises and pressure changes as the people sitting above them... you're only separated by a floor made of aluminum trusses. I think.
Yeah, I'm sure the dogs would be hearing a lot of loud noises from down there...nothing too horrible, I'm sure, but still...
And, since it is only a 2 week trip it would be too much for Barney to take I think. You know how sheepies adjust to new times zones :lol:
And, my parents' sheepdog, who met Barney on the one night he stayed with them before he flew to me, was very traumatized by my crazy dog...

There is a sheepie who lives down the street that we've met in passing a few times and it looks like the family has a son about 14 that we're considering asking, but my fiance is worried that he is just of the age to come into our house and cause trouble...Plus, if Barney were to have had an accident in the house, I don't know if the kid would clean it thoroughly, etc.

Right now I guess we're going to wait and see if any of our local friends rsvp no for the wedding AND are planning to stay in town...

The boarding places we've checked out so far seem really great--but the ones that seem best are about 30--and they charge extra for extra play time...

Anyone want to vacation in Richmond for a few weeks this summer?! :wink:
We'll be in that area in Sept. visiting family who love sheepdogs (have one next door who comes over to flirt with their dog). Can you hold off the wedding? :lol: :lol:
We'll be in that area in Sept. visiting family who love sheepdogs (have one next door who comes over to flirt with their dog). Can you hold off the wedding?

I don't see why not! :wink:

I think my dad (if not everyone! else would kill me! 8O

I am so ready to have all this planning over with, so I don't think I could even make it to September!
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