Bye Bye Scampy

It is with a very sad heart, today we lost our rabbit Scampy.
He would have been 10 in June but for the last 4 years he has had troubles with his teeth. Every 8 weeks I would take him to the vet to have them trimmed so that he could eat comfortably.

Wednesday he stopped eating. Thinking it was tummy troubles because of hair balls from malting, we syringe fed him over the weekend, to get him eating again but he did not improve. This morning I took him to the vet and she told me he has an infection of one of his root canals, which could be treated with anti-biotics but what with his age and his currrent tummy trouble it would be a struggle to get him well again and then the problem would more than likely be reocurring.

So we made the decision to let him go. I have been on and off crying all day, he was such a part of my life.

Anyway here is some pictures, just of a snip bit of his life story:

Scampy has always been a fun bunny, here is him running with a piece of velcro until he tripped on it and got upset :D :

He did his fair bit of distruction just like our OES pups. He made a door way under the chair by shredding a square shaped hole in the fabric flap of the chair :lol: :

Then we got Tinker and the two were inseperable:

Scampy loved Tinker. They spent many hours licking each other and just being together:

Unfortunately Tinker died after 5 years, and we made a decision not to get another rabbit because of Russ's allergies. Instead we got Buster. We decided on a Newfoundland as we have read they are very gentle with other pets:

Buster loved Scampy, he found the bunny fascinating:

And being a puppy, Buster just wanted to play and run after Scampy so we had to be with him when Scampy came out to explore:

Which was okay until Monty arrived and then Scampy would not leave his room at all as there was far to much activity. So we moved him down to the basement where the dogs are not allowed and where I have my workroom and could spend more time with Scampy.

Here is how I like to remember him.
I miss you my doodles, fluffkins, fuzz pants, fluff boots, he's doodlish he's scandelous :cry: :

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Bye Scampy. We had rabbits years ago. They do have personalities, of course you miss him. Imagine Buster and Scampy :lol:
He was such a pretty rabbit. Sorry about your loss.
So sorry for your loss! Scampy was a pretty Bunny! :ghug:
I am sorry for your loss. Scampy was a cutie.
Bye bye Scampy, run free with your best friend Tinker.

So sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful bunny he was.

:ghug: :ghug:

So sorry for your loss. Scampy was a lovely bunny. I love rabbits :ghug:
Sorry for your loss. I had bunnies when I was a kid. I loved to pet them they were so soft.
Love the name Scampy.
great tribute to your buddy sorry for your loss
I'm so sorry for your loss. Scampy was so cute. I love his face. I don't think people realize what personalities bunnies have.
I'm sorry for your loss of Scampy. He was a good bunny and it's obvious how much you loved him.
Thank you for all your comments, he really was a very cute bunny.
It was a little easier today. Monty and his wiggly tail put a smile on my face, but my workroom feels empty.
I keep wanting to greet Scampy when I enter the room and I keep leaving the light on by mistake for him. I miss his smell.
So sorry for your loss. He was a cutie!
I'm so sorry that you have lost your sweet funny bunny.
:ghug: :ghug:
10 years is a long time for a rabbit. He was very sorry for your loss.
Aw - I'm so sorry. Love the pictorial-memorial. He was very cute.

Sorry for your loss. :( The care you gave him in his last years shows your love and devotion to him and animals in general. Monty and Buster are lucky to have you.
Wonderful tribute you gave to Scampy, so sorry for your loss.
I'm late in expressing my condolences on the loss of your beautiful bun, Scampy. How obvious he was so loved and well cared for!! Your memorial and photos are beautiful.
You know I have a special place in my heart for bunnies as I've been fostering many for several years. To know them is to love them and I know Scampy will always have a special place in your heart. How lucky he was to have been in your home. May he now be doing binkies at the bridge. Hugs from me.
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