Which one is your favorite: 3 Baby Names

...just bored, anxious, and tossing around ideas

Which one of these three do you like? These are the ones that we keep coming back to.


Boy name is already chosen.

I don't know if I want a boy or girl more.

Boy = big boy (husband) and little boy screaming, wrestling, and causing trouble
Girl = "I'm 14 in a 6 yr old body" - always hear girls tend to make more "pshhh..." type sounds to show their annoyance with mom and dad's wishes

Husband is rootin' for a boy.
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I love all the girls names...

Our daughter's name is Madelyn...pronounce Mad..e..lynn but everyone wants to say Mad..e..Line, it's very frustrating, so whatever name you choose be aware of people saying it wrong.

Also do you like Maddie, or Abbey as a nickname...if not then always say Abigail...most people will follow suit. No one calls her Maddie, no one...at 5 yrs old she will correct you if you try and say Maddie...her middle name is Sky.

Ummmm...girls love to wrestle, make trouble, and can be as much of a boy...as any of them. Madelyn HATES to play dollies, tea parties, house with babies. She would rather play sports, and wrestle with her daddy. He in a sense has 2 boys, I still make her wear dresses and put curls in her hair. And I swear she dangles a carrot in front of my nose, when she sees a doll she HAS TO HAVE (Brats dolls are the in thing now) so I bought her one. It now sits with the rest of the barbies, in the two houses we bought her, and the 3 baby's.

But she is easier to manage then Parker. She is more agreeable to help, more sensitive to others, and more obedient. Altho she sulks, and broods when she doesn't get her way. She is 5 1/2...6 in Oct.

Parker gets mad, stomps off grumbles then forgets about it. His process is faster. He is more stubborn, less willing to help and everything is about him, and should happen in his time schedule. However he is more affectionate, wants to give hugs and kisses and cuddle with you...always was from a newborn. He is 4 1/2...5 in Dec.

As babies they were both perfect, good sleepers, good eaters, easy and a blessing to have around. I wouldn't change anything....they are fun, and always interesting. Life is never dull, and you learn alot from them about yourself.
I like Abigail...Abby or Gail for short....I like Mia too, but like my twin says "I got gyped out of a nickname....(Lisa)" I'm Darcia pronounced (Darsha) nickname Darcy....But I almost have to go by my nickname because I hate it when people mispronounce my name...I get Darceeah Yuk!! Whatever name you choose, im sure it will fit the baby perfectly!!
Yeah, I didn't know until TODAY ...that the most common spelling for Madeline was "Madeleine." Had no clue. I just grew up with it being spelled as shown in books.


# of people that spell it a certain way:

Madeleine 332
Madeline 62
Madelyn 111
Madelynn 550

We chose Madeline as one of our 3 because we LOVE the name "Maddy"
We just can imagine her playing soccer and everyone calling her Maddy as a nickname.

Anyways, we're big sports fans, so Mia and soccer kinda went together. hehehe Our boy name is after a basketball player. ;)

Either way, we want more than one child. It's just a matter of who comes first. His sisters are all rootin' for a boy too. Mostly because they want girls. They're so horrible to me. lol ;) My mom had a dream that I had a boy (a WEEK before I told her I was pregnant).

I'm stubborn. i say it's a girl. :lol:
I like both Abigail & Mia. Everytime I hear Madeline I think about the book and that girl was always getting into trouble!
What do you have picked out for a boy?
Also I was sure my first one was a girl... I was wrong!

Another name tip...esp if you go with Madeline...people will spell it wrong..

Well they do when I say her name is Madelyn, even our closest friends STILL want to spell it Madeline but they do pronounce it MadeLYNN...go figure.

So that applys to all names, and whatever the middle name will be....does it spell an acronym ... for example we were going to call him Parker Allan Reid but then it spelled PAR...we are not golfers. Another name we tossed around was Jared Allan Reid But we got JAR, so I felt he'd get JAR Head in school. Paranoid mommy I guess.

So we named him Parker Lewis-> (after my dad) Reid
If you like Maddy, name her Maddy. No sense giving her a longer name if you'll always call her the shorter! I love Abigail.
Maddy is my Mother In Law's dog :lol:
I vote for Madeline :D I do agree about the spelling though.
I vote for Abigail but hope for a BOY!!!! I raised 4 boys (3 step sons and my own) and one girl and I'd raise all 4 boys over before I'd tackle a girl again 8O
If it's a boy, he'll be named after Michael Jordan. I think if my husband ever left me, it would be to spend the night at his house and talk sports. :lol: :lol:

Name will be... Jordan.

We want the boy's name to have the same initials as his father.
I vote for Madeleine. For some reason I am a name purist, I love the names spelled the tradition way, as opposed to all the different spellings of things these days. It is pretty long, and Maddy is a cute nickname.A few members of my family are called Madie (with the A sounding like an A) and I think that could be a cute variation too.
I knew a girl in elementary school named Abigail and she was annoying, so I can't vote for that one--same if you wanted Helen (lol)
I'm a fan of Mia Hamm, but I'm not sure I would want to name my baby after her--could be good inspiration, though.

So we named him Parker Lewis-> (after my dad) Reid

Or, you could have named him after that TV show...Parker Lewis Can't Lose (supposed to be similar to Ferris Bueller's Day Off in style and content)
I love the name Abigail, Abby for short...
Abigail of course ;)

I also love Madeline though. It was a name we considered with our babies. We ended up naming out children Kayla Nicole, Jakob Dylan, and Brandon Michael. With our last baby, we had the names Sarah Elizabeth (Sarah Beth) and Darren Wesley picked out. I had a miscarriage though. :(

Picking out names is soooo much fun!
I am definitely a "purist" :lol: as you call it... for names as well. This is why I'd spell it Madeline. It's what's normal to me. :)

I really don't think any of my family members will pronounce it "Made-line" and know it's "Madelynn" ....but as far as other kids ....hehehe ....I survived with having to explain my REAL first name 1,001 times and it's as plain and normal as it comes (though I refuse to share what it is). ;) ;)

Anyways, our first pick WAS Abigail (so innocent and sweet) but then we thought we LOOK like someone that could have a Mia (just our reasoning) ...but Madeline has been a name I've liked for years, so I keep shoving it in there in hopes it catches with my husband. 8)
Jakob, I hate hearing about other people's misfortunes because I know what a gift it is to 1st, ...find out you're pregnant ....and then 2, to know there's something REAL growing inside. :( That's so sad and something ...of course ...I still fear. I'm so close to 2nd trimester, so I'm hoping for the best!


That is what my sister-in-law wants to name her daughter. She will also be having one within a year.

We love the name Emily, but my OTHER sister-in-law wants another girl, and will be shooting for it in the next 1-2 years (just had a newborn) ....so that name is out.
We love the name Emily, but my OTHER sister-in-law wants another girl, and will be shooting for it in the next 1-2 years (just had a newborn) ....so that name is out.

Can't you claim first come first served? :twisted:
Sorry, being evil.

I always find it hard enough to name my pets--I can't imagine the time it's going to take to figure out a baby's name!!

Joahaeyo--just know that whatever name you choose, your baby is going to love you! (Unless you name him/her something HORRIBLE!)j/k...

I think that my mom is going to want me to name my babies after her and my dad (that is what they did with us kids--named after our grandparents) but I'm not sure I want their names--they are fine, but just no what I'm thinking...

PS--my grandfather's name was Uriah, which he hated so he changed his name to Ural! (so different!)...So, your baby's name can't be that bad!
Ahhh a rose by any other name would still smell sweet...so they say..

I think you just know when you find the right name and like Barney says, I too am one of those people that have a tough time with names.

Yup can relate to mispelt name too as Marianne is often spelt Mary Ann or Mary Anne. My mothers name is Huguette. Ha! You get it? That's how you pronounce it U GET. :D

I like Madeline.

Marianne and the boys
Another "old fashioned" name I've always loved is Amelia. I think Amelia Rose would be a pretty name!
First, I vote for Madeline. I have a wonderful friend with that name and if the track record is of any meaning, you couldn't go wrong!

Second, Parker Lewis Can't Lose was one of my favorite shows! Be prepared for much mischief with that name.

Third, your baby can begrudge you it's name for the rest of it's life. Take it from me, my parents were hard core rock-n-roll fans but must have been on drugs when they picked to name me after the song that they did!


(Get it?)
Joahaeyo wrote:
Jakob, I hate hearing about other people's misfortunes because I know what a gift it is to 1st, ...find out you're pregnant ....and then 2, to know there's something REAL growing inside. :( That's so sad and something ...of course ...I still fear. I'm so close to 2nd trimester, so I'm hoping for the best!

Everything will be okay :) I guess I take the view that everything is meant to be for a reason. Of course, I didn't want to lose my daughter or the last baby, but it was beyond my control. Even 5 years later, I still miss of her, think of her daily, and grieve for her, but I know my husband and I would have stopped at 2 if we had a boy and a girl. I just couldn't imagine my life without Brandon in it! It's also made me a better mother to my boys. I have a ton of patience with them, never scream at them, and pretty much never take one second with them for granted. I know how easily they can be taken away! Losing my daugther was the hardest thing I've ever gone through, and since I was only 19 (Hubby was 21), it made us grow up really fast. We had only been married for 14 months when we had her, and it tested our marriage, but we survived in the end. I try to keep this thought - she came into this world loved, only knew love while here, and she left in her sleep (she passed away from SIDS). The last thing I did with her was thank God for bringing her to us as I was rocking her to sleep and then kissed her goodnight and told her I loved her. I laid her down and she never woke up... She now knows only happines in Heaven. So she knew no pain or sadness while here, and I'm not sure a parent could ask for much more. I would have loved to of been a mother to her for longer, but that just wasn't meant to be. I look at my two boys today, and I know I have nothing but a future of happiness to look forward to with them. I hope one day we can add another to the group (hopefully another little girl), but if that's not meant to be, I'll still be happy with my little guys. I consider myself very blessed. :)
Ok...whatever you name her if he/she is a girl....
DO NOT name her Fern!... That's my Mom's first name. She has used her middle name her entire life which is Judith, much better than Fern. lol
We thought about using my FIL (Father'in-laws) middle name for the boy, but that would be too mean. :lol:

It's Ludwig (sp?)
Actually, for the boy, we're considering naming it one of those weird names in the Bible that no one can pronounce (for a middle name) because it means "son of ...(insert my name)" ...and how sentimental would that be. :oops:

So it would be Jordan "son of -my name-" (last name")

You can see I'm determined not to tell anyone my first name. ;) ;)

Some Bible people might be able to figure it out, but let's not try too hard. :lol:
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:

I try to keep this thought - she came into this world loved, only knew love while here, and she left in her sleep (she passed away from SIDS). The last thing I did with her was thank God for bringing her to us as I was rocking her to sleep and then kissed her goodnight and told her I loved her. I laid her down and she never woke up... She now knows only happines in Heaven. So she knew no pain or sadness while here, and I'm not sure a parent could ask for much more.

You've truely been touched by the Hand of God, our Comforter. You accepted the precious gift of life He gave you, you loved her, cared for her needs, kissed her goodbye, and returned unto God what is rightfully His.

I lost my mom 21 years ago. She absolutely loved kids of all ages, but especially the babies! She too had lost her 2nd child, a daughter at the age of 3 months, but had a total of 7 living. She once told me in a conversation, that when she died God would probably put her in the nursery taking care of the babies.

When I hear stories such as yours, it reminds me of that conversation, of her, and how wonderful she was, especially with the kids. I then imagine her taking care of, and loving on the child that had died. I can "assure" you that with God, and my mom taking care of your daughter, she is "very happy" and, well taken care of!!! Thanks for the memory, and the blessing it gives me. Although, I'm truely sorry for your loss.

As far as a name, I like Abbie, then Maddie. Congrats on whichever it is!!! A new baby seems to grow into its name. As far as boy verses girl, I only have one, a son, and of course, he's wonderful! :wink:
I vote for Madeline, too - love the nickname Maddy.

If you love the name and are trying to get your husband to agree with you, here's what I did.

When I was pregnant with my son (oldest), we had the girl's name picked out but couldn't decide on the boy's. I always wanted Spencer but just couldn't convince him. So we brought the baby name book to the hospital, showed it to the nurses in the delivery room and said - we're stuck. Here are the 4 names we're down to - which one do you like? They all said Spencer, so I said SOLD!! Now we can't imagine him being named anything else.

Love the name Jordan, too. Have a nephew with that name.

Our guiding force was a name they could keep for life, and something that they would have to live up to, if that makes sense. I figured Spencer sounded very professional, yet he could be called Spence informally. Plus, it's not all that common. It's becoming more common, but when he was born (23 years ago), it wasn't common. In fact, we have never met another Spencer to this day. Couldn't imagine a 60, 70 or 80 year old Debbie, or Tiffany, or some other trendy name. Also couldn't imagine a child called Helen, or Catherine (my mother's name). My daughter's name is Sarah for a few reasons - first, it's a family name on both sides, and second, we just loved it. No nickname, but it's a name that fits through all stages of life.

I'll second the idea of spelling names the normal way. My step-nephew's name is Christian, only it's spelled Khrystian. Silly as it sounds, you know how when you were little you could get stuff like pencils, pens and stickers with your name in it? He never will! Kids love that crap and it bums him out. It's also a serious bummer to have to spell everything for people. CHances are, she'll already have to do it for the last name!

My other recommendation is a name that's easy to understand over the phone. No one ever hears "Jill" on the phone-- only "Joe" no matter how slowly I pronounce it. Right, Jil?
I can atest to the bummer of not having anything with your name on it!! Darcy is becoming more popular, however, 30 yrs ago there was nothing!!LIsa had everything with her name on it ..combs, keychains, door plaques etc...to this day when we go to Hawaii, I look for some souvinier with my name on it....we've been 5 x's and I still come home emtpy handed :(
I also like using the maternal moms maiden name as the middle name...If we had a boy it would have been Curtiss Holden (my moms maiden name and Brian's moms maiden name). No first name for the girl, but her middle name would have been Curtiss..Instead we just have Panda............. 8O
Funny thing about traditional spelling I honestly thought I was using the right spelling for her name. I never thought anyone would look at Madeline and pronounce it Madelynn...we wanted a Madelyn and therefore spelled it that way. I too do not find that out there on pencils, keychains etc...plenty of Madeline's tho.

I never heard of a movie called Parker Lewis Can't Lose...tell me more. I had Parker picked forever...remember the Hardy Boys from the 70's...Parker Stevenson was the actor. And of course Peter Parker.

I always like names that are traditional yet unique enough that they should be the only one in their class or on the playground. So far we've only heard of 3 other Parkers in different age groups. More Madeline's are showing up, but no Madelyn's.

Thinking of casual and professional, my uncles name is Frank Jesse, so he is known at work as Frank, and in his personal life as Jess..or Jesse.

If I didn't have that misscarriage in Jan, the baby would have been named Teagan Chase (girl) and Declan Kane (boy)
Parker Stevenson..................Sigh.................
Our kids all have fairly ordinary names, Ashley, Nathan, Tyler, and Aaron. If we ever have another the name for a girl will be Jaeden, and for a boy will be Dalyn. I don't think we will have more though... but you never know.
Parker Stevenson is still such a HOTTIE :lol:
My husband is Scandinavian, so we used that spelling of Jakob instead of Jacob to include a little big of his ancestory. That's how he got his name with it's "unusual" spelling. As much as I love his name (Jakob Dylan), I didn't think about the singer Jakob Dylan when we named him. Now everyone thinks we named our child after him. :( Oh well...we wanted him to have the same initials as his Daddy and it worked out. :) Brandon's name is WAY too common - both Brandon and his middle name Michael. I kinda regret it now because there's way too many Brandons around here. He was almost a Nicholas Ryan. He was due in January, but he arrived just 5 days before Christmas. My husband said he'd get picked on being a Nick & so close to Christmas. I really didn't think so but....
i love the name maddy,my daughters names are jade, paisley,millie,and holly i love the choosing of names my boys are james,adam 8)
I had to giggle when I saw your post... are you ARE your not spying on me?

My little cousins name:
Madeline (rhymes with Gym, not Maddy ever )

Hubby's niece's name:
Maddison (Always goes by Maddy)

Husband's nephew's name:


I vote for Mia! It's pretty, it's unusual without being too funky, and it doesn't really rhyme with anything bad that little boys can make fun of her with (The only think I can think of is Mia Pee-ah, but that's pretty lame).

Karen :)
No--Mia Pee-a would be the first thing little kids would think of to tease with!
I never heard of a movie called Parker Lewis Can't Lose...tell me more. I had Parker picked forever...remember the Hardy Boys from the 70's...Parker Stevenson was the actor. And of course Peter Parker.

This was a TV show that was on Fox or something...about a wisecracking mischievous, lovable high school kid who always got away with everything. It was on maybe in the early 90s I think? If you saw Ferris Bueller, then you can basically imagine this show as just a weekly episode version of that...You know the big male nurse on ER? He was one of the bullies on Parker Lewis...

BTW--who's parker stevenson?
I third the teasing of Mia-Pee-ah, kids will use it and use any name they can ryhme with a bodily function.

Parker Stevenson was married to Kirstie Alley in the 80's, he stared in the Hardy Boys..a Hardy Boy that was a teenage detective. Similar to the series of Nancy Drew. They even did cross over shows combining the two. I have no clue what he has done lately, sorry.

I am familar of course with Ferris Buellar Day's off, but I missed out on that show. I didn't grow up with any good shows, and when I moved out I was without tv for along time. Now since being married we have basic cable and still missed it. It must be on something like Nickelodian, we don't get alot of shows...it would be fun to see it and tape it for Parker. He might get a kick out of it. Is it still on...in reruns maybe?
It's not on at all anymore, what a pity. I'm still waiting for them to release it on DVD too.
I just googled the show title...they made it in 1990-1993...exactly at the same time I was without a tv...living with my aunt and her kids we just couldn't afford cable. I had a co-worker tape Friends, ER, Days of our Lives...

That's so funny still, what a weird coincidence. But on side note his first name is Parker and last name is Lewis....middle name was Lloyd.

Just thought it was a bit of a coincidence you guys mentioned Ferris Buelers Day off as the female character in that movie (she played his g/f) her real name is Mia!

Hmm when I was a kid I told this rather lame joke...Boys joke about a good looking girl and say Mama Mia!!!

9 months later ...girl jokes...Me A Mamma!

Urg!! told you it was lame and I'm embarressed I used to joke about that as a kid. :oops:

On a sidenote should mention my sister Nancy once dated a guy named John Fancy..can you imagine if they married?

My nephews name is Dustin Gray. Thankfully no one has shortened it to Dusty. :wink:

Marianne and the boys
HI, Mia sounds a beautiful girlie name to me. If you have a little girl when you see her you will know. My daughters names are Kirsten named after a swedish au pair we new. Taryn named after Tyrone powers daughter. My grandaughter is called Rosanna Octavia. luv pepe
Thank you everyone for your lovely stories and helpful advice. :D
I like Abigail or Maddy.

My Mom said she would have traded us 2 girls for 10 boys anyday. Verity and I are 20 months apart. We drove my Dad and her nuts during the teen years. They even sent us to seperate High Schools.
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