Introducing Dulux

First off, thanks to all that gave replies in the medical section regarding Dulux's eye.

Thought I should take some time to do a proper introduction.

We rescued Dulux on December 1st, 2012 and that is now his birthday.
He was found running around in Michigan and was in a shelter/ foster home for almost 3 months.

We fell in love with him online and had to drive there and adopt him. He is now Canadian-LOL

There is no background on him and he has some issues. Food aggression- we have all been bitten by him at least once while feeding him. He also hates being in his crate but it is a necessity when no one is home.

After wearing a collar for 3 months in foster care I am still brushing out matts around his neck. Have brushed through all the grey hair and it is tangle free. Trimmed his feet short as he doesn't like to walk in puddles or on wet grass- silly boy. Don't want to trim him short yet as it is cold here. In the Spring we will and start totally fresh.

Dulux is deaf and we are slowly teaching him hand signals. We talk to him constantly and then laugh since he hears nothing. He knows come, sit, lie down, and all done which when we sign all done we say "jazz hands" as it looks like that. Showing him sign for water, stay and cookie (for a treat) and doing good boy but still not sure he knows what they are.

He will not leave our side, probably from being abandoned and maybe because he always needs to see us since he can't hear us.
He is so cute and has the saddest ice blue eyes. Our first OES had no tail at all but Dulux has a small 1 1/2 inch stub tail and it is so funny to see him wag it when excited.

We don't know his age but the estimate is 1 1/2 -2 years old by his size, length of hair (darker puppy hair is still on the ends of some of his grey hair) and the tarter on his teeth. He was intact when found but the shelter neutered him (thankfully)

Saw this chart on another thread so will enter the info on Dulux so you can get to know him better.
We love him so and even with his issues think he is just the best dog!

name: Dulux- named after the paint company by his foster mom's friends from the UK
age: almost 2 years old
weight: 69 pounds- when they found him he was 55 pounds so he gained a lot in the few months of foster care
eye colour: ice blue

behaviour problems: food aggression- he bites us sometimes and he hates being in his crate and barks constantly. Still working on him greeting people that come to the door.
medical problems: had an eyelid infection this past week, thought his eyeball was coming out of his head. 3 trips to the vet and he is all better now.
personality type: bipolar? LOL he is either sound asleep or running around like a crazy dog, nothing in between

cutest thing he as ever done: love us since the minute we adopted him
most mischievous thing: hopped up on counter to lick fruit cake this past Christmas- he leaves roast beef/ chicken alone on the counter but boy does he like fruit cake.
cute habit: walks up to us and shoves his head between our knees when we are standing. He doesn't want to go through, just stay there with his head in our knees.
bad habit: when he wants to play with a toy and we are sitting in a chair watching TV he rams his nose and toy into our lap/ tummy. not a fun habit in general but worse since I just had abdominal surgery and have pain there without him ramming me.

favourite food: fruit cake, apples, bananas, carrots, peanut butter and homemade pumpkin dog treats
least favourite food: clementines
favourite game: we are still trying to figure him out, he doesn't play fetch, catch
favourite place to sleep: at night on the floor in our bedroom, in the day anywhere with in a few feet of a person. He loves tile floors and doorways so the kitchen has 2 doorways. He loves the back and front door tiles and the bathroom tiles right in front of the shower. Our door swing out and sometimes I have been trapped as he is deaf, can't hear me tell him to move and he is such a sound sleeper. I hate bumping him with the door but have to sometimes to get out.

anything else: there is so much we don't know about Dulux as his life before Oct. is a mystery. We hope he will one day be less anxious and know we love him and won't abandon/ hurt or starve him like what must have happened with his first home.

We love him so much!
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Thank you for adopting this special boy!!! :hearts: :hearts: :kiss: What a lucky dog!! :yay: Rescues always have some baggage. You never know their story. I believe they know they are getting a 2nd chance and really try harder and love harder. The biting will probably disappear regarding food once he has it completely in his head that nobody is going to take it away from him. It all takes time. He already knows he's loved but not fully ready to trust about food. I had one that was a resource guarder (rescue) and it took a little bit of time. She was most protective of her treats. When I brought in my 3rd dog, also a rescue, she protected my golden's food from him. Everything worked out. Deaf can be tough since you have to get their attention. Thank you for taking on this boy, Delux. Best of luck!! :hearts: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Oh yeah, Pictures? :lol:
Jack, a rescue, never got over his resource guarding, but I could overcome it by offering something better......a cookie worked often or a piece of cheese. It was a simple trade, cookie for......whatever. He was such a glutton, would eat everything including tangerines.

Rescues take at least a year to unpack their emotional baggage so you'll soon know exactly what is left--sounds like you have an idea.

An idea for "doing something" with him, nose work. Encouraging him to use his nose--through proper training classes--will open up a whole new world to him that he doesn't get being deaf. Look into it in your area.

His biting will eliminate him from therapy work, but don't give up on finding something special for him to do. They love having a "job" or "game" to do outside the home.

Sounds like you have a true velcro dog.
Welcome Dulux and famiy. Where in Canada are you? We need pictures of your new cute boy, we love pictures
Dulux's Mom wrote:
bad habit: when he wants to play with a toy and we are sitting in a chair watching TV he rams his nose and toy into our lap/ tummy. not a fun habit in general but worse since I just had abdominal surgery and have pain there without him ramming me.

Welcome! My Mady loves ramming toys into my legs or backside or worse ( :roll: ) when she wants to play. I admit it, when I'm doing the dishes or something and I feel a toy being rammed into the back of my leg, I love her, I love her! :oops:
welcome from fl thanks for giving him a great home.. as most will tell you it takes time for him to understand he is safe. give him time and enjoy him ..sound like he is a love and yes sheepdogs either are laying around or running like wackados..
Welcome Dulux and family!
He is a lucky boy to be with you :)
thanks for the welcomes!
we are in SW Ontario near London.
if Dulux can behave himself in a car, then we are all booked for the Shindig in May. That will take training too!

I have no idea how to post photos. I tried to post one as my avatar but it was too big and then I tried to resize and no luck.
Maybe I can put some online and post a link.

thanks again for your insight and welcome!

PS-had to buy a new crate today as the new one we bought only a month and a half ago, well he pushed at the door and burst the hinges. He really doesn't like his crate! Thankfully I work from home and he is only in it short time periods. ... 0.jpg.html

does this link work for my photos?
I tried again with a different link

I love this picture of Dulux. I think he must have taken curtain lessons from Mady!
Oakley's Mom wrote:

I love this picture of Dulux. I think he must have taken curtain lessons from Mady!

That is one cute boy!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Welcome Dulux and family! What a lucky boy he is to now have such a great loving family! :hearts:

Welcome Dulux and his 'Angels'! Lucky boy!
Nice to have you here. Welcome!
Welcome from Florida! Dulux sounds like such a sweet boy. Love his pic, they do love their curtains, and doorways. Looking forward to hearing about more of Dulux's antics.
Welcome Dulux and family.
Tiggy is a curtain girl too.

PS you have to upload your photo to the photo section then use the code for forum avatar to get it to work.
Welcome from the UK
Dulux is soooo cute
Oakley's Mom wrote:

I love this picture of Dulux. I think he must have taken curtain lessons from Mady!

Hmmm... Is the whole curtain thing a Canadian sheepdog thing? :lol:

Seriously though, you're so awesome for adopting a deaf dog!!
Welcome Dulux and his wonderful people! Thank you for giving this boy a home :clappurple:
:wag: :wag:
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