Drinks water then...BARF?

OK, I hope that someone has an answer. Gucci seems to not know how to moniter his water intake. He drinks and drinks until its gone and then 1 or 2 minutes later he throws it up? I have been limiting his water in the bowl and replenishing it after it stays in his tummy. Has anyone else encountered this problem? There is no bile in it, just straight water so I'm ruling out bloat as he is running around and not in any pain or anything! I try to keep him from running around after he drinks and that seems to help as well, so I'm not sure if it's a combination of drinking too much at once and not letting it settle.

I hope it is nothing serious! I'm a VERY overprotective Mom, as my husband will tell you! :oops: LOL When this first started happening I got Grant to buy Gucci Bottled Water...thinking he was not liking our well water! :roll: Yes, I know, I got the eye roll from him as well! Gucci threw up the bottled water too! So that ruled that theory out, to my husbands relief...LOL.

Anyway, I hope someone has some answers!

Colleen and Gucci=>Hee hee, like making Mommy fuss over me!
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Well, you definitely aren't alone. Clyde's always been a water hog so we had to limit him. As he's gotten older (he's 9 months now) we've been giving him more freedom. For awhile, it was exactly what you're experiencing, gulp it all down as fast as possible and puke it all up-- then he'll try and lick that up too! :( Our other dog got thrown up on a few times. But, he's been getting better as he gets more used to the idea that the water is always there if he needs it. I know for us, it's not medical-- he's just a glutton!
I believe it is from drinking the water too fast.Sheepdog's do have sensitive tummy's.
I don't think mine drink too much, however they drink too fast and then want to play rough with each other, and yerk up the water all freshly slimed all over the floor.
Max is also a glutton, he will gulp his water down so fast, although he doesn't barf alot up, sometimes a little will come right back out. He also eats fast, are they afraid someone's going to take their food away or something?
How big is the water dish? Could you go with a smaller one and make him wait a bit before refilling it? Or have several watering stations around the house so they have to REMEMBER there are other watering hole. I say REMEMBER, but around here, that's not likely to occur.
Yup, slimey water all over the floors says it all!! We have learned to not play with Panda after she drinks...she will throw it up, every time. The worst is when you dont notice the slime and then step in it 8O gross!!
Yep, Barney's a barfer! When we first got him, we thought we were getting him the latest and greatest on doggy water accessories--the ever filling bowl--which basically was a water cooler that you filled and put onto the dog dish and it constantly and slowly kept the bowl at a certain level of water. That lasted about 2 days! Barney would drink and puke every time. So, we started to limit his water intake (this also helped with is peeing inside all the time) andthis helped too. We would fill the bowl up a certain amount and let him drink, and then fill it up the same amount a few minutes after he had finished his first mini bowl. This has pretty much stopped the barfing, although if he gets too excited, it still happens sometimes :oops:
Also, when we went to the vet to get him neutered, we mentioned this (as I am a worry-wart) and the vet ruled out kidney or other medical issues--he said that this was mental!
He'll also lick his bowl dry and then just continue licking until we notice and take it away--
He's definitely better than he used to be, but still a work in progress...
Remy is fine most of the time, somedays I even worry they didn't drink enough....definitely not water hogs here.

But if she's been running around and drinks to fast, she will puke up some...kinda like she breathed in at the same time she was drinking and started to choke on it. So now we don't give her drink after walks until 10 min after she stops, or after a slower walk home...once her panting has leveled out.
Thanks for all the replies! Though I am sorry there are so many barfer sheepies out there...it does put my mind at ease! It made me laugh about the stepping in it also doesn't just happen to me! Gucci is a very quiet ralpher...very sneaky! :? And he only stops for 5 seconds, Barf, then continue on, so you have to be watching carefully.

As for the smaller water dish, I do use a small bowl. People laugh at how small it is when they come over, seeing how big Gucci is. :oops: The cats have a FreshFlow that is bigger than his dish! He of course tries to steal their water all the time! Did I mention they are not pleased! LOL

Anyway, thank-you all again!

Colleen and Gucci=>Mommy, do you have to tell everyone EVERYTHING? :oops:
I've always found that Paddy throws up water that is too cold - not too much. His sensative stomach can't tolerate anything really cold - NO ice cubes.
Panda will ONLY drink cold water...I have to keep a water bottle in the fridge for her and then pour it into her bowl..she drinks as Im pouring....one day Brian just got done mowing the grass, came in for some water...ewww, he was drinking out of Pandas bottle...he wasnt too happy, I had to CLEARLY mark the bottle as Panda's :roll:
I was feeding the baby in her highchair the other day. Pepsi had just finished drinking his water...come over by us and puked on the baby's legs.....EWWWW it was so gross. The baby thought it was funny, she giggled. Thank god it was only water puke...

Sofa also throwed up when she ate/drank too fast. The solution to this is simple. Get a lowered food plate along with a lowered water bowl, that will improve the way water goes down you dog's throat and will reduce the speed of it, making easier for them to swallow and keep it in their tummy's.

Another solution is getting one of those water bowls with a cascade that keeps the water flowing. We have one from petmate. Once they discover that they can srink from the lowing fresh water, they prefer it over the still water on the bowl, and they drink at a slower rate.
So today, I thought it was so cute when Toby came over and put his head in my lap. Awe. Yeah right. He threw up what appeared to be a whole bowl of water in my lap. He then bounced happily away. :roll:
Isn't it crazy how they seem completely oblivious to the fact that they have barfed? It's only with water though! Gucci George is quite dramatic if it is a big one! 8O

Colleen and Gucci George
Winston goes absolutly crazy with the hose. When I sprinkle my plants, if he is in the house he can hear the hose on and runs to the door and barks incessantly till I let him out. And then forget about watering the plants. He wants to drink all the water that comes out the hose and will not stop drinking until he barfs it up.
I think all sheepdogs love drinking water.
He won't obsessively drink like that from his water bowl, just from the hose.
Has anyone used the raised bowls that come with a wooden stand? I'm thinking it might be easier for Beau to drink from, when he bends down to drink he lifts his bad leg up and it's difficult for him to stand like that for long.
We use raised bowls but they are in a metal stand. They work great. much easier for them, especially Norman. It's not nearly as much effort for him to get to the food and water and it's much easier for him to swallow.
Thanks Mandy :D
Same thing, but with food. We raised their plates with soap boxes and it's much easier for them to eat. No barfing!
I got a nice lightweight plastic one from PetSmart for $25. It's amazingly sturdy. I used to have a metal one and the kind that you fill the legs with water and, so far, this one has worked out the best.
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