Waiting Game

Hi all! I'm new to this forum. I've learned so much reading other threads here. Thanks already for all the helpful info you guys have provided! This will be our first OES. We are super excited! :yay: We have selected a breeder and put a deposit on an upcoming litter. Now we wait. My kids decided we had to pick out a name already, so, after much discussion and a vote, we are anxiously awaiting the day when Sam joins our family.

I'm already having fun making my shopping list for puppy supplies. Any suggestions for must-have items that might not be obvious to me? Any great toy ideas?

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Some of the most needed things aren't necessarily going to require special purchases. Baby gates, which you may already have since you have kids, are a lifesaver. Paper towels. Rolls of them! Spot carpet cleaner and/or Little Green Machine cleaner is huge help if you have carpeting. Our biggest need around here with our 9 week old pup is old terry towels. Towels for accidents, towels for water splashed out of the water dish, towels for bedding... they end up being dragged around the house and used as chew toys. Our #1 requirement right now!

Don't bother with the cute beds, doggie sweaters, collars or any of that stuff. It ends up being too small in no time if it survives puppy teeth. Be sure you have a good WIRE crate that will grow with Sam. A 42" length crate here is minimum for a grown OES, although the puppy is currently in a 36" length crate. Stainless steel "coop cups" i.e. bowls for food and water that clip securely onto the crate. Easy to clean, safer than plastic and don't scoot around on the floor.

Check with your breeder to see what puppy food they recommend and when to switch to adult food. What goes in must come out so investing in a large pooper-scooper will be something you'll use daily. There are lot of really cutesy accessories for puppies but honestly, saving your money for good grooming tools that you'll soon need makes a lot more sense.

Toys... So far the favorite toys for our pup has been anything that makes noise. The plush animals that have a recycled plastic water bottle in them are great. We have several puppy-sized toys around that get bypassed for the larger big-dog toys. Buy them with growth in mind. Not much help here as we've had better luck with the pup playing with empty yogurt containers and water bottles than any of her new toys.

Good luck! :tree:
Great name! Don't overwhelm puppy with too many toys at once. You'll want to, but save some as rewards for the next few months. Anything chewable will be needed as the teeth come in and fall out later. Don't know if they make the Kongs you put in freezer, but the cold help when their teeth are falling out in a few months. Each dog has a favorite. Jack next door loves rags and rope tugs.....other dogs don't fit his life style.

I hope he's a snuggler, nothing like a sheepie puppy with a stuffie to carry about like a security blanket. Dogs are like kids, sometimes the box the gift came in is more exciting.....so stay loose. Watch what he enjoys.
Thanks for the ideas! When he comes home, will he be too young for the Kongs with treats inside? I was planning on having his crate by my bed at night(first floor), but would like it in the kitchen/living room area during the day. Is moving it practical or should I just go ahead and get two? My kids are older, so I need to get at least one gate for the bottom of the stairs. We have two cats, and I want them to be able to have a puppy-free zone as well as limit the area he's allowed to explore for now. Do I need to leash him in the house for the first few days? I read that suggestion somewhere, but have only seen it once. I don't work, so I'll be here with him almost all the time.
Two crates would be nice if they're large enough to use later and you have the space. We keep Lyra's crate in the living room but she's within earshot of our bedroom. She doesn't mind and it's nice to have a dog that's not afraid to be left alone.

Sam will be too young to be leashed in the house. Leashing is for older dogs. You could harm his neck at such a young age.
Arranging shut doors and baby gates is the best way to keep an eye on them when they are little (in regard to your lead question). Whatever it takes so where you are keeps them in a visual eyesight is what you need. Open floor plan houses can be tricky for making things puppy proofed...one good thing about my 150 yr old farmhouse is lots of rooms = lots of doors I can shut. ;)

Welcome Teresa! I see that you are in Murfreesboro--you are close to me as I am in Brentwood! :D

All great advice above! Can't wait to see pictures of Sam!
Good to know about the leashing.

Karen, we are definitely not far from each other. My husband works in Cool Springs. Small world! :)

Just to let you know I have a new pup called Bailey who is 13 weeks old now we got him last week. Mablesmum also has a new Pup called mable of course ! And she is about 10 weeks as I think she is younger than Bailey. It would be good to keep in touch us all having the puppys at the same time.
I was thinking of starting a new thread the puppy pen if you want and we all can share things - being "new parents etc!"
Sam is a great name ( He was a star in the Cats and Dogs film!)
Both our boys went to bed every night with a pacifier shaped Kong packed with peanut butter, Dex was 9 weeks old when he started with it, Winston was 8 weeks. Worked very well!

We got a bigger Kong later and still use both (packed with peanut butter) to settle them down when they gets antsy. Don't clean out your peanut butter jars too well, they are great entertainment for you and Sam!
We used a "Northstate Superyard Playgate" to contain the boys when we couldn't directly watch them until they learned to behave with minimun supervision. We would put them in it when we left the house for short times rather than crating them. By the time Winston came Dexte rno longer needed it. They both learned that "Take a break" meant go get in the pen. It comes with 6 sections and sections can be added or removed 2 at a time. We used 4 sections in the house which gave them more room than any crate. It is quick to fold up and slide out of the way, much easier than a crate.
I was looking in PetSmart yesterday. I got the biggest laugh when one of the staff asked if they could help me and wanted to know how old my dog is. His face was priceless when I said, "Oh, he's not been born yet." Guess they don't get many shoppers planning ahead. :lol:

My breeder suggested we get a blanket or towel and have all of our family members sleep with it, then send it to her when the puppies come so Sam can start getting used to our scent. I've already bought a blanket and am having his name embroidered on it. Yep, he's going to be completely spoiled! :aww:
Oh my you have got it bad - PUPPY LOVE

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

It wears off once they reach their teens! :P

Guilty as charged. :D
The best cure for puppy fever is to prepare and serve up a delicious OES puppy!

Oh, my goodness! That is the cutest thing ever!
You deffinately need some carrots with that!

Sam wrote:
Oh, my goodness! That is the cutest thing ever!

No you cannot have both litters by the way!!!!!

You will run out of cook wear! :P

Oh, okay. I'll only take one. This time. :wink:
Anyone got any pans - Sam needs a few donations!

Oes :P How many puppies are on the way exactly????? Ummm Cooper or stainless steel?
Our breeder called this morning. We have puppies! :yay: She's supposed to send me a pic in a day or two. So good to finally have a light at the end of the tunnel of all this waiting!
:wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag:

How many pots exactly did you say you needed????

Oes :yay:
Oesdog wrote:
:wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag:

How many pots exactly did you say you needed????

Oes :yay:

Awwwwwuuuuugggg! This is killing me!! I WANT ONE POT- FULL :twitch: :twitch: So happy for YOU and your family Teresa, jealous, but happy for you. :mrgreen: :D
OK we are still waiting for the pics!!!!

Sorry, I put this in a new thread, but I forgot to update on this one. We are not getting a puppy from that breeder after all. I found an older thread on here about her. Let's just say, I'm glad I read it before we brought home a puppy and fell in love only to discover it had health and/or behavioral issues. We are now on a waiting list with Amber (Blueshire) for puppies due at the beginning of April. Don't worry, I will post tons of pics when Sam arrives!
IT is best to wait and get a really good pup. Even registered breeders are not always what they seem. I mean we rescued our Murphy but we had to buy his papers. So he WAS kennel club registered - however once we got Bailey after Murphy had passed away that breeder and the team that were showing dogs that day were able to tell us that the line Murphy came from was corupt and had others in the litters that had died of Heart cancer. I was so sad but then I thought of his food aggression we had to deal with and other issues and how his first owners kept him locked in a shed - it doesn;t boad well for a good breeding dog or that he came from a good solid line. The best thing we did was neuter him.
At least with Bailey we know we have a good dog with strong genetics and good bones. His mum was all Ireland champion you really can;t get better and his Dad won best of breed in the dublin show the day we got Bailey. Also since then the Breeder has phoned to check on Bailey and ask if we would concider going to a show if he is comming up this way again to show his dogs. Which is wonderful as he isn;t just dumping and running type of thing. It is worth waiting for a good breeder! Even our vet says we got a great guy with a very good breeder who did over and above what would be expected reguarding vaccinations and all that stuff. The boy is a great dog. If only I could get him to stop eating Gizmo. Who was bald when I got back from England as my daughter didn;t realize he was sucking the fur off of Gizmo down to the skin! I have had to seperate them as he also hurt Giz mo with being boustrous. So Giz got his spine brused again an old injury which is not good as he was nearly paralized before and had to have steroid injections last year. Giz is better today and back on his feet but still I am keeping them apart as I can;t afford for the little fellow to be injured. "overloved"!

I am definitely glad we waited. I'm also glad we had only seen the newborn pics from the other breeder and hadn't had time to get attached. She emailed me when they were two days old and wanted to know which one I was picking because she "had other people in line behind" me. :evil: Funny thing is, her email came while I was reading the thread on here about her. I hope those puppies have good lives, but I'm glad we passed on them. I can't wait to meet our little Blueshire boy! It will be well worth the wait! :D
Okay, after a long wait, the countdown is on! Sam will be home in a little less than 8 weeks! :excited: :excited:

I've been buying all the fun stuff...chew toys, bed, plush toys, leash and collar, toys, blanket for the crate, did I mention toys? :) Now it's time to buy the rest...crate(s), baby gates, food/water bowls, grooming supplies, etc. Okay, and maybe another toy or two. :wink:

Pics to follow soon.

:banana: :banana: :yay: :yay:
I am sooooooooooooooo pleased for you - I do hope it all goes well and the pup is brillient!!!!!!
Bailey is a little darling!
He is well settled into our home now. The only problems we had was toileting but thank god the penny has dropped at last before I had to biuld an arc! The other essential you may want to invest in other than toys,toys and um,err more toys! is HOT CHILLI powder! lol - I painted all the bottoms of the door frames with it when Bailey started a chewing frenzie! Worked a treat!

Oesdog wrote:
The other essential you may want to invest in other than toys,toys and um,err more toys! is HOT CHILLI powder! lol - I painted all the bottoms of the door frames with it when Bailey started a chewing frenzie! Worked a treat!

Great idea! I never would have thought of that. Thanks!
Baba wrote:
The best cure for puppy fever is to prepare and serve up a delicious OES puppy!


:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: Gulp. I think Cloud needs another puppy :-)
Sam wrote:
Oesdog wrote:
The other essential you may want to invest in other than toys,toys and um,err more toys! is HOT CHILLI powder! lol - I painted all the bottoms of the door frames with it when Bailey started a chewing frenzie! Worked a treat!

Great idea! I never would have thought of that. Thanks!

Yeah it is just regular hot chilli powder from the store so not longterm damage to your dog - I just put a little water with it to make it into a bit of a past - you don;t need that much just maybe 2 teaspoon fulls of chilli powder to one of water. Then mix it to a past and paint on the area your pup is most drawn to. Once they get a mouth full of that nasty burning sensation they don;t want to lick or chew that bit of wood again!!!!! Though sometimes they "forget" they chewed that bit so you have to make sure you keep it up for a bit! - lol

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