Ziggi may have a sprain, help

This afternoon Ziggi went out to the back yard and had to go down three steps to the ground. The stairs were slippery and she fell down them, with her back legs taking most of the fall. She did get up and walk around a bit and than came back into the house.

Since than she has gotten up once and now she can't get up on her own. We lifted her up and she put very little pressure on one of her legs. Of course when you touch her, or feel around she doesn't move at all.

She is now laying down and I don't know what to do for her. Should I just leave her rest, put a heating pad on her hip, an ice pack? HELP, what should I be doing?
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Poor Ziggi :(

Do you have an emergency vet that you can call for advice???
A call to your vet is preferable, but ice is always better than heat initially for this type of injury. Poor Ziggi :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
That just sounds so painful.
Ice is good. Later rotate ice and heat. Do you have any canine NSAIDs for her?
I hope she feels better soon....but even if she's just banged up a bit this will probably take a few days. Hugs to Ziggi.
Oh poor Ziggi :kiss:

Good advice above--
Stress CANINE NSAID, not human! If not, Bufferin is ok. Keep her quiet, no jumping, etc. That will be what the vet recommends of nothing is found. Think sprain or bruise.
Poor Ziggi.
Hope she's feeling better today.

Lisa Frankue and Mattie
How did Ziggi do last night?
Ziggi slept on and off last night and she ate and drank like normal this morning. However, she has still not gotten up yet and can't seem to get up (she has tried). I'm going to see if I can get her into the vets today.
:ghug: :ghug:
Poor Ziggi! I will be hoping for some positive news from the Vet. :hearts:
The fact she is not putting weight on it at all is troublesome. Hope not tear, dislocation, fracture......and still just sprain/bruise. Tears are hard to diagnose so keep with her if symptoms don't improve in a few days. Poor Ziggy!
Good luck at the vet today :plead:

:hearts: :hearts: Keeping good thoughts nothing serious :hearts: Poor Baby...............and poor mom worring :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Ziggi goes to the vets at 3 pm today so I will update when we get back. We stood her up and she stood on her own for a few minutes putting pressure on both back legs. That was a joy to see. Now hopefully the vet will say nothing is broken or out of place. Ziggi will be 12 on the 21st of Dec and she is already having trouble getting up and down so this is the last thing she needs.
Ziggi is doing better. I was getting ready to go to the vets and my brother came over to help me move Ziggi. When I opened the front door, Ziggi got up by herself and walked out the front door, down the steps and had her bathroom break. Other than standing her up on her feet last night and around 1 pm today, that was the first time she was up and about. She walked back into the house and went to the cookie cupboard for her treat. She has gotten up by herself a few times and has walked around. So, I cancelled the vet visit and I'm going to keep her still and quiet for a few days and see how she does.

Thank you very much for your help and good wishes, they were all truly helpful to me.
So glad to hear that Ziggi is moving around independently. Seems like a good sign. Hope she improves daily.
Very good news! I hope this continues :)
That is good news! :ghug: to Ziggi and hopes she continue to improve!
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