Frankie is having aggression issues

About 4 weeks ago Frankie had a growth removed from his leg. Strange recovery. He would crash his side that had the sutures into things. He almost knocked my curio cabinet over a few times.
3 weeks later he was Able to go back to day care. He has been going to the same place, for 2 years with no issues. Last week he got in 3 fights. So they asked that I bring him back on a Monday when it was slower. So today, he got into a fight right away, then this afternoon he was a little better. He will no longer be left unattended without a day stay coach. He sniffed around a little then went inside and slept. Mattie came over and curled up next to him. She doesn't do that.
They want me to have his thyroid checked. We thought maybe he was in pain so I gave him some rimadyl this morning. I called our vet, and they said it sounds like he needs some training . All yes he oes, but I don't think that's the issue. How can he go from being a social butterfly to this aggressive dog?

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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Did they see how the fights started what was the trigger. Sometimes when dogs have surgery or lame other dogs don't treat them as nicely. Also he might feel like he needs to protect himself if he isn't feeling up to is regular self. He probably still feels vulnerable.

It would be good for them to watch and see how it starts. Good luck sucks when these things happen.
I was told he just was going after the other dogs for no reason.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
:wag: Hi there! As I've said before, I don't get to visit the forum that often, but when I'm starting to have a major problem, I go looking for answers. Have you come to any conclusions about Frankie? I know my Kirby had an ear infection a couple months ago. When I took him to his groomer, it was the first time she had ever had problems with him "nipping" at her. I also, had trouble with him going in his bed at night. He would growl at me and being 97lbs., I couldn't move him, so he got to sleep with me. Once we visited the vet and he was treated, I had no problem at all ... with that.
Now, Kirby is about 2 1/2 and I'm beginning to have some different issues with him. I had posted a while back about my having issues with him going "bonkers" loading him in the car, until we get going and when someone tries to leave the house. His bark is so loud that it really annoys people and some of my visitors are not coming that often now. :sidestep: I STILL do not have this issue under control. I am feeling so discouraged because I feel I have tried the best I know how to help him with this. In the last month, I have become even more so because he's starting to growl and show his teeth at me when I try to correct him. Tonight he bit my granddaughter, who's 20, because she tried to correct him, then tried to clamp down on me when I tried to correct him. I had to put him in his crate. I know he desperately needs training, but it's so expensive! I lost my job of 18yrs. recently due to cut backs, so I'm at a loss. :headbang: I don't mean to be a whiner or complainer, but I need some good suggestions. I can confess right now, that he needs more exercise. I would love to be able to send him to daycare every day or at least a few times a week, but can't. I love him and for the most part, he's a good boy. He's beautiful in color and whenever people see him, they go crazy wanting to touch him, pet him. Please tell me what you would do! Have I bitten off more than I can chew as they say? Seriously, should I call the Dog Whisperer or someone like him? PLEASE HELP. :excited:
Thank you so much for "listening". :roses:
Lisa - re: Frankie's behavior

Whenever I see a rather sudden behavior change, especially like the one you describe, I always look first
for something physical. Once you have that aspect checked out and answered, then look to other things.

Linda Z
Eevee, who loves our vet, snapped at him and nearly bit him when he tried to check out the cut on her leg. When a dog goes after another dog when they haven't had a history of being aggressive, I would definitely think there's something else going on. Fights generally don't start for no reason, even unpredictable Bailey has things that I've noticed will trigger a fight and I have to watch her and all the other dogs to make sure nothing happens. There's always something, a piece of food on the ground, a dog being defensive because it is hurting, a dog that has pointy ears and bristly fur that just gives off the wrong message, all sorts of things. I think if you were there and saw exactly how it happened, you'd probably see a reason why it happened, unless it is a medical thing (like hurting from the growth removal or thyroid problems).
Kirby's mom wrote:
:wag: Hi there! As I've said before, I don't get to visit the forum that often, but when I'm starting to have a major problem, I go looking for answers. Have you come to any conclusions about Frankie? I know my Kirby had an ear infection a couple months ago. When I took him to his groomer, it was the first time she had ever had problems with him "nipping" at her. I also, had trouble with him going in his bed at night. He would growl at me and being 97lbs., I couldn't move him, so he got to sleep with me. Once we visited the vet and he was treated, I had no problem at all ... with that.
Now, Kirby is about 2 1/2 and I'm beginning to have some different issues with him. I had posted a while back about my having issues with him going "bonkers" loading him in the car, until we get going and when someone tries to leave the house. His bark is so loud that it really annoys people and some of my visitors are not coming that often now. :sidestep: I STILL do not have this issue under control. I am feeling so discouraged because I feel I have tried the best I know how to help him with this. In the last month, I have become even more so because he's starting to growl and show his teeth at me when I try to correct him. Tonight he bit my granddaughter, who's 20, because she tried to correct him, then tried to clamp down on me when I tried to correct him. I had to put him in his crate. I know he desperately needs training, but it's so expensive! I lost my job of 18yrs. recently due to cut backs, so I'm at a loss. :headbang: I don't mean to be a whiner or complainer, but I need some good suggestions. I can confess right now, that he needs more exercise. I would love to be able to send him to daycare every day or at least a few times a week, but can't. I love him and for the most part, he's a good boy. He's beautiful in color and whenever people see him, they go crazy wanting to touch him, pet him. Please tell me what you would do! Have I bitten off more than I can chew as they say? Seriously, should I call the Dog Whisperer or someone like him? PLEASE HELP. :excited:
Thank you so much for "listening". :roses:

Sorry to hear. Let's not call the Dog Whisper :) maybe a local positive reinforcement trainer in your area would be more helpful. You say he reacts when you correct. How are you correcting him? This could be a trigger you may have to find a different way. What I do is a little different may seem silly but you will eventually get results. When he is being good and doing what you want praise him. Make him sit before going in the car. You will have to do some trial runs, not when you are in a hurry. He cannot get in the car until he calms down. The reward is getting in the car. I take it he loves it. As always when there is a change in a dog take them to your vet to make sure it isn't something physical first.

I have a stubborn girl; what I have learned is I never touch her to make her do something. She will do it herself, on verbal command. For some reason when I use the NOW word. She does it. She gets tons of excited praise when she does what I want like getting on the grooming table. Now most times she get very happy to get up. Maybe your granddaughter can help walking you mention he needs more exercise? I put a backpack on my guys wow does it helps. Usually they get too excited when they see another dog. Now the are calmer on walks. My girl who is the more high energy even though she is 3 years older gets a shoe on either side. Sorry lots of info. There are way more experienced people here that could give you more. Perhaps start your own thread question about Kirby you might get more help. Good Luck!
Maybe Frankie's leg isn't completely healed and he is protecting himself. I agree there is always a reason for a fight. Especially a sweet guy like Frankie. I loved that Mattie went and curled up beside him. So sweet and protective. She knows :hearts:
Tonks and Luna used to go to daycare 2-3 times a week. They loved it there, and the people there loved them. They even had huge, poster sized photos of my girls mounted in their lobby; my dogs were literally poster children for the facility.

Then one day, it all changed. Tonks started to pick fights at daycare. Within a month they couldn't go anymore, after three years of going weekly! Here's what we think happened....

This was back when I got sick . I was spending a lot of time in bed, and Tonks was very sensitive to my being ill. She'd spend all day in bed with me, and we were worried that they girls weren't getting enough exercise. So we upped what was 1 - 2 days of day care a week to 3 days. Tonks picked her first fight after about a couple of weeks of the increased daycare. We were worried, so we went to pick her up. She learned almost immediately that fighting = going home, which is where she wanted to be anyway. That week she picked three fights in three daycare stays. The next week she started fence fighting outside the daycare; we never even got her inside with the other dogs. And daycare for Tonks and Luna ended.

Tonks wanted to be at home, and she figured out a way to get sent home. Is it possible that Frankie may not be feeling up to the strain of daycare, so is trying to let you know that?

Incidentally, we've since taken the girls by to visit the people at the daycare, which they get very excited about. But they don't seem to want to stay to play with the other dogs, so we no longer take them for that. It's really a shame; I say time and time again that my being sick really ruined things for my girls, and this is a good example of that.
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