Our Oesdogs Over the rainbow

I thought now that I have gotten the hang of picture posting that I would share with you all our lovely OES dogs sadly passed away.

This is our 1st Oes x Wolfhound. MOLLY MOP with DH having a cuddle!
She was a massive dog who was wonderful with children but also had a mischief. You couldn't leave anything edible in her reach ever! And she could reach most places! DH is 6 foot tall and Molly could easily stand on her hind legs put her front paws on his shoulders and look him in the eye!

She was rescued from the council Dog wardens - who were going to put her to sleep the following day. No one wanted her because she was so large and at the time had a large wound that they did not treat on her hind leg. She lived with us for 12 yrs. At the age of 10 yrs she got cancer and had to have all her waistcoat buttons removed. She lived on another 6yrs despite being incontinant as a result of the Cancer op. She was eventually put to sleep On January 9th. This is a date we always remember and light a candle for her every year.

This is Pollyanna our second OES
She was a pretty little thing and loved to get groomed unlike Molly who would not let you touch her legs and often ended up with what we called Norah batty tights! Pollyanna was the oposite and just loved all the attention from grooming.

Polly was also a rescued dog. She was a cruelty case and had been lifted by the authorities. They could not re-home her due to the cruelty case and so she was left in a small cage for 2 yrs. This compounded her problems and she acted like one of those bears you see on TV sometimes. Repedative pacing which was incredibly sad. She was also blind and brain damaged as a result of the injuries she sustained as a small puppy through the cruelty. Eventually she was re- homed to a lovely lady who had her for 6 months - but she needed more care than the lady could give and so she came to us. We had lots of experience with brain injury and blindness. Pollyanna lived with us for 3 yrs eventually she became worse as a direct result of her earlier injuries which meant that she lost control of her back legs and also would "forget to eat". We hand fed her but she was not improving. In the end the Vet said she was suffering from Wobblers brought on by the beatings she had recieved. He put her to sleep on 8th September. Another date to remember.

This is our 3rd OES Murphy.
Out of all of my Dogs he has been my favourite boy. Maybe because he took a lot more work than the others. He was also a rescue and had a very bad Dominance poroblem and food aggression. He had been kept in a shed until we got him at 18 months. so he had NO lead training or socialising. I spent many hours in the park with a big cane across his chest to stop him taking off and dragging me through the mud! He was very very strong. Eventually after a lot of TLC and a firm hand he started to come round and we became best friends.
This is his puppy pic!

This is him all grown up!

Sadly Murphy passed away suddenly from heart cancer this year and so I have to add another date 4th July to my anniversery dates of over the rainbow friends.

So that is our passed OES dogs each one with a special place in our hearts. We seem to have a habit of ending up with rescue creatures from falcons to bats. - and as I am writing this DH was just given a male Pheasent with a broken foot. Too small to eat and too injured to let go so he is in my shed, if he dies he will be on the table. - If he fattens up and the foot doesn't mend he will be on our Christmas menu! After all it's not fare to let him go like that as he can't fend for himself and will end up Fox food. I can't keep him because the chickens will kill him - So here I go again with another "rescue" of a feathered veriety! Don't think I can fix the foot. - Pheasent Yum!

OES :wag:
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They were all beautiful dogs with some terrible histories. You did a wonderful job trying to give them better lives.
Well, I'm glad you got the photo posting worked out but not because it took this to get you there. You've had some great dogs with history.

Stick around and let us watch Bailey grow into a great dog as well.

Vance, Jen, Zoey and Caitlyn
Wow. Great stories. So sorry for your losses. Thanks for giving all a wonderful life
Oh goodness! You've had a cast of wonderful characters and you are wonderful to have given them the best lives possible. RIP wonderful pooches!
Fabulous dogs and fabulous stories. I really like Molly Mop. Wishing you happy memories of them all and much happiness with your new lovable monster. Debs
The best picture I have of Murph is when Dh was really ill after his heart attack and first heart surgery. The dogs never left him and it is a treasured memory - Dh was very ill. I think Dogs know don't they.

We never imagined then that it would be Murphy who would die of a heart problem.

Oes :wag:
Monster Celyn wrote:
Fabulous dogs and fabulous stories. I really like Molly Mop. Wishing you happy memories of them all and much happiness with your new lovable monster. Debs

Molly was massive and a real charactor. - She was kind of my inside-out OES. Her colours were reversed! She had the height and size of the Wolfhound ( And beautiful brown Wolfhound eyes!) and the barrel belly and double thick coat of the OES. I think she was a complete nightmare to anyone who thought of grooming her! Actually she was not impressed by a brush in any way at all! I think getting the wound on her leg ment she really didn't like the idea of someone touching her legs and feet. In the end when she was old I just gave up and let her have Norah Batty tights.(A charactor from a TV series in the UK "last of the Summer wine" Molly was that kind of charactor!) The Vet said it was ok as long as the hair didn't pull on her skin so she was a bit of a bag lady in the end. I took to cutting it off when it got too much - she was incontinent so it was hard for her to keep the back legs dry and clean. It used to come off in a carpet! Horrendous! Nursing the sick, disabled and elderly is always hard and never easy whatever breed!
It broke my heart when she died but it was expected and planned with the Vet who had been pushing us since the October but we couldn't face Christmas without her and blagged until 9th Jan. She had Cancer that had gone right through her and that meant the lungs were affected and put pressure on her heart. We had hoped she would pass away in her sleep but she was astrong old girl! She never wanted to leave us. Once the deed was done and we were driving home in tears I looked out the back window of the car and for a moment fancied I saw her running after us. - but it was just in my mind. She was around 16 yrs of age. She was aged at around 4 when we got her from the dog pound and we had her 12 yrs so she was a grand old girl.

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