over the fence

Yesterday I had the dogs in the yard while I was gardening. I looked up to find our Ben (7 months old and a big bruiser) missing. I was frantic till I found him wandering in our next door neighbors yard. At first I thought the UPS man had left the gate ajar, but I found him yet again in the neighbor's yard

The next time I let Ben out, I hid on the deck and watched him. Sure enough, he went right over the split rail fence.

I can't afford a higher fence, as we have over an acre of yard. Has anyone had any luck solving this problem?
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You must have screen or other fencing over the split rail fence, right? Otherwise, wouldn't he be able to just go right through?
Hi Ron:

Yes. we have heavy wire screen reinforcing the split rail fence, otherwise everybody would just come and go as they please. Ben is putting his paws over the top rail and putting his back feet into to wire mesh and climbing over.

He did this same trick in his playpen when he was 10 weeks old. I don't know if I should try to scare him (like with an airhorn) when he tries this stunt or if I should try to run something along the top rails that he won't want to touch but that won't hurt him.

Or maybe someone knows another way to discourage this.
We had the same problem with Truman. Over the fence, off to visit the neighbors. Twice in the same week, neighbors brought him home. We finally got an invisible fence and had it installed around the inside perimeter of the chain link fence. Problem solved!
We are having problems installing a fence! We've hit bedrock! YIKES! I was under the impression that the invisible fence only works for dogs under 50lbs? What brand do you have? This would be so great as poor Gucci cannot be off leash! I would love for him to be able to run FREE, well sort of! LOL

Colleen and Gucci=>I would love to feel the wind in my hair as I run and run!
The brand that I have is PetSafe. Beau isn't trained on it yet. Beau's been so good about staying in the yard with me. I used it for Mollie and it was easy to train her. She was a big girl weighing in at 95 lbs.

It took me a day and a half to lay down the wire. I have a big yard. My neighbor helped with the electrical.

If you have a professional company come out and install it, it's very expensive.
What about a tie-out? There are ones that go up in the air and have another chain hanging down that you clip to your dog's collar, that way they don't get tangled.
Hi Ben's Mom!

Sorry I have no advice but wanted to tell you your avatar is the cutest :D
Thanks. I made it too small, though. I'm surprised anyone can even tell what it is.

Ben dearly loves his swimmie pool.
If you can't put up a 6 foot fence then get and underground radio controled shock collar, total investment about 350 if you put it in yourself.
We put up a nice 5 ft high ornamental fence with 4" spacing between the pickets. Zoey tried ramming the fence by running full steam across the yard and leaping at it. Didn't work but put a nice little dent. She isn't that big yet so she eventually figured out that if she stands next to the fence and "falls" forward into it, her weight and leverage will spread the pickets and then off she goes.

We bought windscreen netting and attached it to the fence. We found a company (Just For Nets in Tampa, FL) that made custom sized nettting. We hope we can take it down after she grows large enough to not be able to wedge herself thru the fence. My fenced in section is only about 1/3 acre and it cost about $800, far cheaper than the cost of the fence
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