HSA Canine Hemagiosarcoma

I wanted to write this and worn other OES dog owners Of HSA.
Warning to OES owners to keep a look out for HSA
I never knew this condition existed until Murphy our beloved OES wouldn't walk out one day. He usually went mad over the leash and it was like pinning a tail on a donkey but this time he was not at all enthused. We put the leash on anyhow and decided to do a short walk. We got about 200 yrds and he collapsed. We rushed him to the local Vet who told us that he had a chest infection which could be sorted out with antibiotics. This was sadly a wrong diognosis and 11 days later after nothing was working we took Murphy to another Vet who imediately diognosed HSA. Murphy did not come home that day. We were devistated but also because we had been lead to believe he had a treatable illness when in fact he was bleeding to death in front of us. The first Vet had totally missed the internal bleeding. There was nothing anyone could do except put Murphy to sleep. The 11 days after the tumor had ruptured were not good ones for Murphy who was a bit of a coward when it came to pain of any kind! For him it was blessed relief when he was finally allowed to go to sleep. So I wanted to warn others to keep an eye out for this in their Dogs. It is not a survivable cancer. It is sudden and unexpected and very aggressive.

Here is the link
http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/can ... LdSWGdoJuZ

OES :wag:
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I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for letting us know.
I'm so sorry. :ghug:

Unfortunately it's one of the top 3 cancer killers in our breed along with lymphoma and osteosarcoma. :cry:

Murphy died so quickly without warning it was all so hard to take in and come to terms with at the time. We went from a simple infection to a rampant killer disease in a matter of days. The hardest thing was not being able to help him, to have no answer the only thing we could do was say goodbye.
It breaks my heart to think of it even after all this time. It has affected me a great deal. I think it has profoundly affected my ability to bond with Bailey, my ability to "say hello"!. When Bailey was a tiny pup I couldn't feel anything at all for him just that I knew I wanted him and I did everything needed but it was like caring for someone elses dog while they were away! I know now it was because I was entirely grief stricken and could not begin to bond until I had come to terms with the loss. Funny thing is I always wanted a pup and I feel like I missed out on a lot of the very tiny puppy days with Bailey. One day he was tiny the next he was huge! But as he is growing I am feeling closer to him and am more able to feel a great deal of love for him - he is going grey and his ears are flopping just like Murphs - his nose is getting big and kissable like Murphs - in fact he is very like Murph in many ways and that I find wonderful - I think if he was very different I would not have been able to bond with him. It has been a long road -

Saying good bye and hello is a very profound experience. Love doesn't just happen it is a journey.

OES :wag:
I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Murphy. The heart never forgets that loving bond. Hopefully it will become easier each day for you and Bailey. He is a cutie :hearts:
Thank you.

I will never forget Murph and I miss him so much everyday. But I no longer feel giulty about having Bailey. Murphy isn't comming home and he is not going to be hurt because I got another puppy. I went through a longtime thinking someone will bring Murph home and tell me it was a horrible mistake and he was not put to sleep after all. But that was wishful thinking. Reality is Cancer is a terrible and devistating thing in all its forms. I did all I could to give Murphy the happy home he deserved in life and I feel I gave him the best possible life that I could offer him. I hope in death I gave him the dignity, peace and freedom from pain that he craved.

Murphy died on July 4th 2012.

Oes :wag:
I am so sorry for your loss I lost two dogs to this The yellow lab in my avatar had a ultrasound for something else and we found the mass on her spleen We went to The U of PA and had her spleen removed This is a horrible disease and we lost her 11 mos later The GSD in my avatar was fine on a sat night and sun am she was off. I just knew something was wrong. I rushed her to the ER vet and an xray and aspiration of her abdomen showed she had ruptured her spleen We said our good byes...... I am so familar with this.
I am so sorry - I went thru a similiar situation a year ago . . . the rapid loss, the guilt, the questions.

I am glad you have a new baby worming his way into your heart.

Thank you for the information.
Chouser wrote:
I am so sorry - I went thru a similiar situation a year ago . . . the rapid loss, the guilt, the questions.

I am glad you have a new baby worming his way into your heart.

Thank you for the information.

Yes I can empathize with the guilt trip. I felt awful - I should have done more "protected him better" got him better and more prompt vet care. But in the end I had to accept even if I did "everything right" and did my very best - he would still have died. That cancer is particularly cruel as it spreads very fast. By the time you know your dog has it - it is already too late. That is why I felt I needed to share this with you all because it was so fast and so devastating and such a cruel silent killer.

4dognight wrote:
I am so sorry for your loss I lost two dogs to this The yellow lab in my avatar had a ultrasound for something else and we found the mass on her spleen We went to The U of PA and had her spleen removed This is a horrible disease and we lost her 11 mos later The GSD in my avatar was fine on a sat night and sun am she was off. I just knew something was wrong. I rushed her to the ER vet and an xray and aspiration of her abdomen showed she had ruptured her spleen We said our good byes...... I am so familar with this.

I was sad to hear of your experience with this awful cancer.
Murphy is the Dog in my Avatar too. I don't think I will change that - he looked so happy that day and so full of life. It is one of my favourie pics of him.

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