mouth problems

Billy is having a lot of problems with his mouth, in the crease on his lower jaw.
If I don't constantly clean it then it starts to get infected within a few days.
I went to the vets, she shaved his lower mouth so badly it was dripping blood on the floor, it was quite short anyway, gave me some steroid cream and told me to come back if it wasn't right. I've not been back due to her brutality.
I now keep his mouth short, took me weeks. Before I could get near it to clean, let alien clip it.
I have alarms of dog creams that can sort it out when it goes bad, but it goes infected so easily, then it smells and he licks for all his worth. So,now I use Avalon wound wash daily and its working good.
My question is.. is it better to keep it short so all the debris sticks to the short hair and builds up or let it grow so it's got a chance to slide off?
His had this problem for 6 months, no change in food or lifestyle
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Oh bless him. I know what I would have done to the vet. Can you just not wipe his mouth daily with a baby wipe or wont he let you? I would have thought the hair being longer would have helped it must be uncomfortable being short. I just peered at Summers mouth, I think our last sheepie had a big fold in her bottom lips, if you get me, but Summer seems OK. Hope Billy gets sorted poor woofer.
I can sort of give you some info. ;)
My "other breed" is bassets. They are notorious for getting nasty jowls. :( My current basset is almost 15 yrs old, and has moderate jowls (for a basset, many are much more loose and more folds). He's a rescue, actually a permanent foster boy. He came to our house at the young age of 11.5 yrs...and for about the last 2 yrs he's had messy jowl fold issues.
I wash his mouth out every day (at least once) with a wet, warm terry washcloth.
Then I dry it w/ a towel.
He likes it, so it's not an issue.
Also, I used to have some special oral wipes (by Paul Mitchell's dog line of products) that I used on my bassets - those were real nice also.

Bassets at least have short hair. I can see shaving that area for lots of dogs creating an itchy situation - and the last thing you want happening in that area. :( You could try just snipping those hairs that grow out of the fold area with a scissors and see if that is better. Or if it's happening on both sides, you could do your own experiment- let one side grow and trim the other.
That's a good idea to experiment with each side.
I give him daily face washes either with just a wet cloth or the savalon wound wash when I can see it going red. I also use colicidol silver when its bad followed with ultrasalve, a natural antiseptic cream.
His only had it the last 6 months, his nearly 6.
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