New here lost our Murph in July.

Hi I am new here so I am just getting used to using this forum.
We lost our beautiful boy Murphy in July. It was very sudden with little warning
He died at age 7 yrs from Canine Hemangiosarcoma (HSA)
As you can imagin we were devistated and greatly shocked. Even now months later we still
get all teary eyed over him.

Oes - I would post a pic but your site is confusing?
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Welcome to our corner of the world. I'm sorry for your loss of Murph. No matter the circumstances it leaves a huge hole in your heart. I hope you heal soon.

I'm not a picture person but someone will be stopping by soon to help.
Welcome to the best dog site online! Sorry to hear about Murph. Sooner or later we all go through this and having a group like this to lean on sure helps.

Go here for Ron, (site admin) instruct on posting photos. do it once and you're a pro!

Vance, Jen, Zoey and Caitlyn
Hello and welcome! So sorry about the loss of your beloved baby, it is so painful. I hope that you will be posting pictures soon, we would all like to see him. Ron has made it so easy in the step by step thread.
Hi everyone - it was nice to recive some answers!!!! Yes I will try to post some pics. Also I would love to put up my avatar and need help doing that.

We have had 3 rescue OES dogs over the years.
Molly mop who was massive and x wolfhound - you guys would have loved her as she was a kind of "revers OES" being the colour of a wolf hound and the shape and coat of the OES.

Then we had Pollyanna who was very badly beaten and abused and was blind and brain damaged.

Then we had Murph - and I adored my Murph. It was such a sudden end and very upsetting indeed. Molly lived until she was 16yrs old so we had plenty of notice that she was going to die. She died of cancer in the end. Pollyanna only reached age 6yrs due to her injuries she never fully recovered and died from Wobblers as her spine was damaged and unfortunately her brain detreiorated. And of course my poor Murph died suddenly from heart cancer. So we have been through the loss of Oes dogs a few times and it never gets any easier. We both broke our hearts when Murphy passed away and the house is so empty without him. In all the years we have had Oes dogs we have only been without an Oes for 3 weeks until this time and we managed 5 months this time.

We are getting a pup soon. So we are looking forward to that. If all goes well the little man will be with us on 24th Nov he will be 12 weeks old so good he spent so long with his mummy.

so much to share with you all

Welcome! So sorry for the loss of your Murph :ghug: . They truly do leave footprints on your heart and a sudden loss particularly difficult.
Sorry for your loss of Murph, seven is way too young. We lost our Farley at that age and it gets better but we sure don't forget them.
Until we can get OESDOG on track, here are a couple of the beloved Murphy...

And here is one shot of the puppy soon to be home and certainly smothered with love and attention!

OESDOG sent me more, so I'll get them posted tonight! Murphy was a great looking Sheepie!

Sorry for your loss of Murph, he sure was a cutie. I hope the new puppy helps ease some of the hurt from lossing Murph
Hello and Welcome! I am so sorry about your loss of Murph. It tears you apart when we have to say goodbye to our beloved pets. I still tear up and it's been over a year with the loss of Pooh Bear. They are never far away though. Please visit back often. This is a place of understanding and healing since alot of us have been through this.
Murph was a cutie pie!
And that puppy, oh my!!! :hearts:
:ghug: :ghug:
I am so very sorry you lost Murphy. He looks champion, we lost our last sheepie suddenly at age 6 and so know the heartache you are feeling. We now have another sheepie, they sort of worm their way into your life and it isnt the same without one. Your puppy looks a cutie. I really hope you stay on the forum we are a lovely lot and are united in our one love..... :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :go:
Thanks for the posts it is lovely to know so many others share the same affliction as DH and I do!!!!! A hopeless addiction to woolly Mammoths. - The house sure isn't the same without Murphy and I do miss him so much. There were so many little things he used to do like hide when it thundered and carry his little rain deer toy or his lyness blanket about. We will always miss him no matter how many other Oes dogs come through our door. They are unique and each one has their own personality. We sure miss Murph and it doesn't get any easier. We hope when the baby arrives we will be able to put our energy into him and help him to grow and learn well. It is really nice to know there is a forum our here in the either all about OES - if only I knew that a few years ago! We did struggle a lot with Murphy's passing. We had issues with the vet care from a local vet and to be honest it was not good. By the time we took Murph to a second Vet he was so weak and ill but at least that Vet could tell us exactly what was wrong and that there never had been any hope of recovery. The cancer Murphy had was fast growing and very fast spreading. The tumor had ruptured causing bleeding into the heart. He lived a week after the rupture mainly on a false diagnosis and false promises from a Vet that didn't treat the cause just the symptoms. If we had known the week before that it was HSA we would have had him put to sleep then. - It really is not a survivable cancer once ruptured and Murph must have been in awful pain that last week. That upsets me a great deal because I know he was a complete coward who hated any kind of pain at all.

Hay I even learned how to put my avatar on this forum !!!!! :wag:

My son and daughter-in-law's bullmastiff had the same cancer. She took her to the vet because something was not right with Syndey and had to put her down that same day. We were all shocked. Our 12 year old OES Pooh Bear, had a liver tumor for a couple of years and later another carcinoma. He survived for a while after the diagnosis. It is very difficult to go through that as alot on this forum will agree. We had a wonderful vet who was with us when we put him to sleep, and spoke with him softly and petted him the entire time. I laid on the floor with him and the vet was there too. We adopted Angus from an owner surrender a couple of months after that. We weren't planning on another, but there was a big void in our lives that we knew only another sheepie could fill. There is not another dog like the "OES"!
So sorry for your loss of Murph. He looked like a real sweetie. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your new bundle of joy and looking forward to pictures of your new puppy!

So sorry to hear of your loss of Murphy, it is hard to lose them especially young.
Wishing you a peaceful heart, happy memories and much joy with your new puppy.
I'm very sorry for your loss. :-(
germany wrote:
My son and daughter-in-law's bullmastiff had the same cancer. She took her to the vet because something was not right with Syndey and had to put her down that same day. We were all shocked.

Yes - that is what should have happened with our Murphy - it is a very aggressive cancer and even nwith treatment prognosis is terminal so really unfare to put a loved pet through that. With Murphy he would not have liked that at all because he was a real coward and hated pain. It was a very difficult and upsetting time and like yourselves such a big shock as I didn;t even know that cancer existed!
I am very sorry for your loss. :ghug: :ghug:
We are getting the new pup soon 2 days to go.
I feel a bit bad though. I know Murph has been gone a longtime now since July. The place has been empty without him and I miss him like crazy. I wish i could get him back but I can't. I still cry when I think of him and his wonderful personality and all the silly things he used to do. In many ways he was like a child. - I know that sounds daft but he just was. I sometimes think I failed him because I didn;t realise he was so sick but then with an aggressive heart cancer and a ruptured tumor there isn't much can be done. It really was not a survivable condition. Sence tells me that of course but I still miss him and feel guilty.
I feel in many ways I am replacing Murph - how can that be??? I can;t replace one dog with another and yet getting the pup I feel sometimes like I am betraying Murph. After all the pup will end up wearing his color doubtless in time and his harness and eating and drinking from his bowls and sleeping in his bed and playing and living with his friend our little Schnouzer. I am excited about the pup but I also want to cry because he isn;t my murph. He will be Baily Not my darling Muphy stupid dog bot!

Oes :wag:
You are not replacing Murph, you will find your puppy has his own unique personality, unique behaviours and quirks. You will always love and miss Murph dearly, and Murph will be happy his family is not left without a sheepdog to watch over them.
So sorry for your loss. Murph looks like he was a lovely boy. Wishing you joy with your new baby. Debs, Geoff and Cloud
I miss my boy sooo much I am sooo sad without him! He was beautiful wasn't he!!!! I can;t believe how fast i lost him - he was never sick and the first time he was ill he died.

Oes - I am so sad you all even after so many months. MAybe the new pup will fill the gap.
Your new puppy wil never replace Murph. He will just take another spot in your heart that he will fill. I had the same feelings that you do. We lost Pooh Bear in June and happened to have a chance to take a year old owner surrender OES in August. I was feeling alot of guilt that it was so soon, but I think Pooh had a big "paw" in arranging this, since we were so sad and lonely without him. I had given away his things to the shelter (clipper, blades, brushes, bowls, food, etc) I only kept his leash and collar. I have his collar put away near his box of ashes, but I do use the leash for Angus. Angus did come with a few things from his previous owner, which I was happy since I didn't have much left anymore since we didn't think we would get another dog. The pain from losing Pooh was so intense and we didn't want to go through it again. But......we couldn't bear to live without one! You will never forget Murph and still shed tears over him. We all shed tears whenever someone here loses their dog. I have cried along with the owners. We understand your pain and loss.
Good luck with your new puppy! :ghug:
The new pup will be here soon this Saterday if all goes to plan. This is the longest weve been without a woolly mammoth! When Molly Died we got Pollyanna within two weeks and when Pollyanna passed away we got Murph in less than a week! Having a home without an OES is like having a house without walls! Funny that you said Pooh Bear had a hand in getting you the new Oes. I always thought the same in a strange way. I thought Molly got us Pollyanna - she was very cruely treated and Molly had a very loving , motherly heart so i kind of felt she wanted us to have Pollyanna because I despirately needed someone to "love" a lot! I had been nursing Molly for a longtime before she died so I missed doing that in a strange way. Then I thought Polly had a paw in us getting the Murph. Polly was so damaged that I felt in some way she got us a really lovely boy but a challenge for me to "put right"! Murph was not always a lovely boy - he had terrible food aggression and I had to work very hard to put right a deal of that bad behaviour! I adored my Murph we had a really firm bond. But murph was slow and he had more than a little stupid dog bot! - thing going on! He was a bit like Sam from the Cats and dogs movie! So I guess it has taken him a good while to decide on which Oes he should bring us. I still think sometimes he is here and I talk to him a lot. I miss him soo much. He was lovely really he was - it was such a big shock to lose him so fast. I did everything I knew but he still died. I never thought he would die like that. He was such a coward he really would have been very scared of pain. He seemed almost relieved when the time came. I miss him.
Well the new pup is here. - I don;t know what is wrong with me! Don;t get me wrong he is lovely and cute and everything that a pup should be - But he isn;t My Murph - today I stood and cried - I still feel I need to grieve for Murphy. We had such a close relationship and now with this fellow I am starting all over and it isn't instant love. I had a thing going on with Murphy it was like he could see what I was thinking and feeling. Our eyes would meet and it was just that contact. Funny thing is now Gizmo is trying to do it. I had him up in my arms and tried to tell him that I was not replacing Murph but it feels like it. I know DH wanted to get the pup to "fix everything!" and I like the pup but I have big doubts as to if it was the right thing? Does that make sence. I worked so hard on Murph and I loved him soooo much. When I picked Pup up the fellow was lovely who had him and he gave me a big hug and said I had to stop grieving and that otherwise I would not be giving Baily a chance. But here I am typing away in floods of tears because all I want is my good old faithful Murph - who I could trust and who wasn;t going to push over the toddler grandaughter or bite anyone or eat the furniture. I am soooo sad but I should be happy. I mean I have a baby pup to love and care for but I don;t feel happy at all inside I just feel the real raw loss of murph more than ever. I lost my Mum this year too but I can honestly say I have cried far more for Murphy - How can that be? Will I ever learn to love Baily????? Murph was my 3rd OES but I was never as close to any of the others. It was - well he was my mate - he was my big old Mammoth and I soooo loved him. I feel sooo very depressed and low today when everyone thinks I should be feeling really happy. I do feel happy for the pup and intence pain over Murphy. I wish I could feel ok but I don;t - actually part of me wants to take the pup back.

I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. It takes time to form a bond and heal. With time and training you will be able to trust your puppy. I hope you feel better and do whatever feels right for you as far as your decision around the pup.

So sorry to hear about your losses.
I am just tired and the thought of training and everything is a bit more than I can think on right now. But I am sure it will happen ok in time. I am just really tired thats all.

I have so been where you are now but with my siamese cat. He was my baby, he followed me everywhere and cried if I didn't carry him around the house with me. I loved him for 16 years and lost him to lymphoma and I missed him so much.
I had to wait a few months to get another siamese kitten and the first night he was home with me he was too scared to come out from under the bed.
I sat on the sofa and cried my eyes out because he wasn't my baby and he didn't want to snuggle.
My DH thought that all would be fixed with a kitten and didn't know what to think. It took a little time but we bonded and I love my Rowdy cat now.
I think it's the comparison as you have pointed out. They're not the loved pet that we're missing they are their own selves and it takes time to establish a connection.
Hang in there.
Mim wrote:
I have so been where you are now but with my siamese cat. He was my baby, he followed me everywhere and cried if I didn't carry him around the house with me. I loved him for 16 years and lost him to lymphoma and I missed him so much.
I had to wait a few months to get another siamese kitten and the first night he was home with me he was too scared to come out from under the bed.
I sat on the sofa and cried my eyes out because he wasn't my baby and he didn't want to snuggle.
My DH thought that all would be fixed with a kitten and didn't know what to think. It took a little time but we bonded and I love my Rowdy cat now.
I think it's the comparison as you have pointed out. They're not the loved pet that we're missing they are their own selves and it takes time to establish a connection.
Hang in there.

That is exactly how it felt.... I felt so under pressure to instantly love Bailey that when he came home it all just got too much. Everything cannot be "fixed" by getting a new Pup or Kitten because the grief is STILL there and STILL really raw. I found it hard because Bailey was sleeping in Murphys bed with Gizmo and playing with GIzmo and chewing Murphys toys and eating from Murphys bowl. But he was not Murphy. - I just desolved not because I didn;t want Bailiey but simply because he reminded me so much of my Murph and I miss him so much.

Today I feel better. - I know it is just grief and being really tired out. Bailey went through the night no bother and went in the yard to poo and pee but had a little accident with the pee earlier when he found the cat under the table! Hes been out running up and down the yard with Gizzy today so the pair of them are best of friends. - Gizzy has really missed Murphy too and has pinned a great deal for his big friend so hopefully Bailey will be good for him too!

DH is sleeping today after the long trip to get Bailey. It took much out of us all because Dh is not well and is only recovering from his second heart surgery and we took our disabled 25yr old son with us which meant wheelchair pushing etc. Bailey was really good with Danny though and danny had a massive smile on his face when he got to have puppy on his lap. I am hoping Bailey will "understand Danny is different" as Murphy always did. Murphy was very protective of Dan - I think animals know at least the good ones do.

I have a physio comming soon to check out DH for walking aids which is going ot be a busy time. - The hard thing I have had to deal with is folk telling me we cannot have big dogs because of DH and Dan being ill and disabled. - Honestly having the big dogs has brought so much to our home so much joy and delight that we would have missed out on if we listened to others and let disability dictate.

Anyhow the wee man is wonderful and sooo very good. He has a delightful nature about him. As you all say he will just need lots of praise and gentle guidence.

Looking forward to that much!

Oes :wag:
After we lost Pooh Bear, I had donated the majority of his things to the humane society, but kept a few "special" things behind just because I wanted to remember him by. When we adopted Angus he came with some things of his own and we bought more. I know how you feel with the new puppy "using" Murph's things. I still won't let Angus have a couple of Pooh's toys he had and maybe never will. He does use his leash, but not his collar. His leash is a way for me to connect the "bond" between Pooh and Angus. It's sometimes better to start the new dog with his own things and allow the older things back when you are ready to. It made that adjustment easier for me. Not sure if others will agree, but this worked for me.
I always kept the colors and also when they died I got a plait of their har to keep so I have those things special. Molly had a RED color and lead and I teel every new dog they have to aspire to reach the Red but somehow pup is already in red. Of course he can;t use any of those things of Murphys anyhow he is sooo little nothing fits! But he is using Gizmos harness.
He isn;t eating that well right now which is a worry. but otherwise he is fine though sometimes the little heart is beating real fast.

The little man is lovely.

Oes :wag: I do feel better today!
I COMPLETELY understand...My beautiful and smart Panda died exactly one year ago...i have never been so devistated over a loss...

it was MY idea to get a puppy as soon as possible...We got Lola 6 months after Panda died...Lola is beautiful and fiesty...her personality is completely different..lola is a talker....boy, does she talk..she is also very touchy unlike my independant panda...

it was VERY hard for me to bond with lola...this is the first time that ive actually admitted it outloud...i think for me, my LOVE moment came when my momma mode kicked in. Lola got very sick after being spayed. sleeping next to her crate and having to take her out every hour for 3 days put the fear of God in me. i didnt want to lose her like i lost panda...not having kids, the only think i think i can compare it to, is having that second child...everyone says that you love them differently...and you do...i get it now.

i truely believe that panda sent lola to me so that i could continue to nurture and shouldnt feel the same. different is good...lola has been good for my just took me a while to realize it...
i had been sleeping with pandas favorite stuffy inside my pillow case...just recently, i have given it to lola. she loves it and i actually smile when she plays with it.
Oesdog wrote:
That is exactly how it felt.... I felt so under pressure to instantly love Bailey that when he came home it all just got too much. Everything cannot be "fixed" by getting a new Pup or Kitten because the grief is STILL there and STILL really raw. I found it hard because Bailey was sleeping in Murphys bed with Gizmo and playing with GIzmo and chewing Murphys toys and eating from Murphys bowl. But he was not Murphy. - I just desolved not because I didn;t want Bailiey but simply because he reminded me so much of my Murph and I miss him so much.

Today I feel better. - I know it is just grief and being really tired out. Bailey went through the night no bother and went in the yard to poo and pee but had a little accident with the pee earlier when he found the cat under the table! Hes been out running up and down the yard with Gizzy today so the pair of them are best of friends. - Gizzy has really missed Murphy too and has pinned a great deal for his big friend so hopefully Bailey will be good for him too!

DH is sleeping today after the long trip to get Bailey. It took much out of us all because Dh is not well and is only recovering from his second heart surgery and we took our disabled 25yr old son with us which meant wheelchair pushing etc. Bailey was really good with Danny though and danny had a massive smile on his face when he got to have puppy on his lap. I am hoping Bailey will "understand Danny is different" as Murphy always did. Murphy was very protective of Dan - I think animals know at least the good ones do.

I have a physio comming soon to check out DH for walking aids which is going ot be a busy time. - The hard thing I have had to deal with is folk telling me we cannot have big dogs because of DH and Dan being ill and disabled. - Honestly having the big dogs has brought so much to our home so much joy and delight that we would have missed out on if we listened to others and let disability dictate.

Anyhow the wee man is wonderful and sooo very good. He has a delightful nature about him. As you all say he will just need lots of praise and gentle guidence.

Looking forward to that much!

Oes :wag:

I'm glad you're feeling better. Give yourself time and accept that there will be ups and downs. Sometimes I still miss little things my first siamese did and I lost him over five years ago. But I know there'd be things I really miss about Rowdy too. Darcy nailed it when she said that when she got a fright with Lola she really knew she didn't want to lose her.

Don't let anyone tell you not to have a big dog because of health issues in your family. Big dogs can be great, they just need you to help teach them the rules. I have a friend who has a largish dog (not sheepie sized but not small either) they train agility together and are competing some weekends, and successfully I might add. But Gracie is also a qualified assistant dog for my friends seriously disabled partner. Gracie is big enough to assist her when she gets out of her wheelchair and into bed at night. I am so jealous of the fact that qualified assistant dogs can avoid the strict quarantine laws here in Australia :mrgreen: and Gracie has been to Europe with her owners and they trained agility with a famous instructor.

The photos of Gracie on the plane trip over are great and they have a photo of Gracie looking at the Mona Lisa :D None of this happened by accident. My friend has put lots of time and effort into training Gracie but dogs are smart and can learn to behave differently for different people's needs.

I loved that your son enjoys snuggling with Bailey. My Tiggy (32kgs) still likes to snuggle in a lap if it's on offer. :kiss:
Thanks for that Darcy

I keep Murphys favourite raindeer toy - I will never give it to another dog. Thing is I have felt a bit bad over it because he chewed it and the stuffing was comming out I was scared he would eat the stuffing. So I took it away meaning to stitch it. Well you know things get the better of you and you forget - so sadly he never got it back before he died. But now I have it in a box with his collow and a plait of his hair.

It was easy to bond with Polly after Molly died. Pollyanna was so badly treated and sick that it took all my mother love to help her.
When she died I was very upset but it was expected to not devistating. Then I got Murph and I couldn;t help but compare him to good old faithfull Molly mop. I could not bond with the big old beast. I had to take a stick out with me and hold it accross his chest and Tap the ground ( As I did for Polly the blind dog) Or his chest because he was a puller and he was very strong and could pull you into the road. I guess the bonding came when we were in the park one day and a man came up with two tiny dogs. They imediately attacked Murphy one at his head and one on his hind legs. THey were biting him and the fellow just stood and watched them do it. Murphy started to cry and wet himself. I realised then that everything he was doing was just a cover he was infact a big coward. I got the end of his lease and wacked the other dogs off him and then yelled at the fellow to put his dogs on a lead if they were goign to attack!!!! I took murph home and Knew then that I loved him.

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