Ho Ho Ho Stay out of the Tree!!!

Around our house the Christmas tree is always a challenge. The sparkly lights, glitter ornaments and those yummy looking ginger bread men that dangle. So, our sheepie is always completely fascinated with our tree. Although she doesn't yank the ornaments off the tree she has managed to wear a few some how. In the first few days when I come home only one or two ornaments will be dangling from her hair. Of course by the time Christmas gets here the entire bottom half of the tree has NO ornaments, beads, ribbon, NOTHING! Leaving a pretty interesting tree when the family arrives. Well now we have another sheepie making two. He is like a toddler on speed and I can only imagine what this Christmas has in store. Unwrapped packages, more ornaments dangling from their hair..... Please give me some amazing suggestions as to how you keep your tree in tact, gifts in place and any other tricks up your sleeve!! lol Thank You!!!
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Yes, please share. Haven't had a tree since my first puppy joined the household :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: How about putting a fence around the tree? Or, just decorate the dogs and call it a progressive Christmas tree. :lol:
Clancy our Irish Wolfhound resented the Christmas Tree in HER corner, still the tree didn't stop her from attempting to curl up for a quick nap. To discourage her for a few weeks we began putting Teddy Bears under the tree. Each year we added a few more until the Holiday tree had a significant Teddy Bear "moat." Clancy and all other dogs respected the barrier.....AND.....did not molest the bears. A young OES may think the bears are new toys, but it worked for us. Here's a picture of Sam the Great Pyr and the bear barricade....or is that a "bearicade?":

Sybil would be in bear kill heaven. She just killed a bear the other day - stuffing everywhere :roll: The youngsters would just grab them and carry them all over. Adorable picture, though :hearts:

Fences (gates/ex-pens?) are a great idea, but don't work here as I have jumpers who see any barrier as sport. :evil:

I could probably decorate Sybil:

The problem would be getting her to sit still in a corner for more than three minutes at a time. ;-)

Beautiful Pyrenees.
We put a board up which we wrapped in Christmas fabric. We have a small house so could prop the board against the end to the sofa and wall. Close enough to the tree they could not jump the board.

Or else get a small tree and put it on a large stand.
Great ideas! And SUPER CUTE pics!! Thank you all so much!! If any other brilliant ideas come to mind, please let me know!!
geesh, there's more bears in my avatar. I remember our Christmas trees were set up on tables or large boxes when I and my younger brother were toddlers. I must admit though, that just provided me a great opportunity to crawl under the tree and gaze up through the middle....... Imagine how tall a table or box would be needed to fit an OES underneath. And more bears with Paige Pyr

never put candy canes or bones wrapped under the tree i am still looking for an earring for the last 3 yrs lol
Love the picture of Clancy. We've been fine with just putting a tall dog pen around the tree... But we only did that the first year, and I can't remember... but most of the problem may have been the cats ;) I'm so thankful we are fine now. Welll... the cats still cause trouble :lol:
One year we decided the look of a tree void of all ornaments below 3 ft. was not attractive. We switched to putting a slightly smaller (but fully decorated) tree up on a sturdy 2' x 2' wooden table in the corner. That worked nicely for a couple of years. Now we have switched to an even smaller symbolic tree up on the corner of the buffet in the dining room. Less work for me but the dogs do miss their plaything.

Linda Z
Mrs. J.......no pictures of Clancy.......I don't have any.....sniff! Except as a small pup which lasted all of about 2 weeks. Tanja.....my Newfie pixs are somewhere, I'll have to hunt them up. It's been years and years, not that one wouldn't be welcome thru the front gate today.
Wish I could have a Great Pyrenees and Irish wolf hound, but only allowed two dogs for now.
I love those pictures, Susan!! :D

When I had more trouble with kids than dogs (the year I had crawling HUMAN twin daughters!) I placed the tree in a wooden playpen (the old kind - it actually looked pretty). Then wrapped garland around the top rail.

Now I have a small tree, and it goes up on a steamer trunk that we use as a giant coffee table in our living room.

:tree: :tree: :tree:
Well so far we have not had any trouble with the sheepies or the kitties and our tree. The kitties love to sleep under the tree and we leave a 'sleeping spot' for them as we put the packages around the tree--but they don't bother anything on the tree. The boys like to sit and look at it at night when all the lights are sparkling :D

Now we will see if anything is different this year--since this will be Murphy's first Christmas here! Hope he follows the lead of the older brothers and just likes to look!

soooo cozy. I'd be sitting next to your sheepy too, staring at the lights.
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