I want my collar!!!

I took Bogey's collar off to give him a bath today, and he absolutely freaked out until i put it back on him, I'm talking barking,whining and crying.... crouching down, sniffing around for it til he found it on the bathroom counter

Could this be something he relates to being given up, taken to more strangers? I know when he left the shelter, they took his collar, and when i picked him up from the foster mom, she removed his collar......

just wondering.......
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Lucy was a rescue and she's always been very attached to her collar. As soon as I take it off of her, she wants it next to her. It's almost like she can't wait to get it back on. I have no idea why. She's never freaked out the whole time until she got it back though. Weird!
Gee, Cassie loves her collar toooooo 8O
When I take it off to get after a mat, she insists on getting as close to it as she can...be it on the door knob or the floor! When I brought her home from rescue, I put on a NEW pink collar for the pretty girl...put the old one on a hook in the mud room. Several times, I would see her walk by & give it a loooong sniff & sometimes she would take it to her blanket.
Touched my heart *sniff* just as she still does daily!
Diane...it's all for the love of a sheepie
It must be a Sheepie thing! I have had Gucci right from a pup and one of his favorite "toys" is his puppy collar! He carries it around all the time and usually likes to play fetch with it! He also doesn't like his collar taken off...I think he relates it to "bath-time"! LOL

Colleen and Gucci
My pup hates his collar! I am making him wear it sometimes. Maybe he really isn't a sheepie after all. HaHa :twisted:
Aesop is also very attached to his collar. He's a rescue as well, and whenever I take it off he whines and nudges my hands to put it back on. He wasn't exactly sure what to do with himself when I bought him a new larger one. I let him sleep/play with the old one in his crate until I started taking it away for longer periods of time. I thought perhaps it was just him, guess not! :)
Just food for thought, but since most of you said your dogs are rescues, could it be that the scent of the previous owner was on the collar in the begining, and it bacame a sort of security blanket for them? Especially if they came from families that had to "give" them up, rather than those coming from abusive homes????

One thing I'd like to add is that our little furry friends become like our "kids", and are treated as such. But, they are animals, domesticated, trained to co-exist with us. I feel that no matter how much we think we can trust them, the animal is still in there, and we must always remember that and respect it.

It's my opinion that you should never trust an animal a 100% not to bite.
Just as with people, we snap at times, loose our temper, and depending on our personality, and "training", we react in different ways. These guys are no different except, we usually don't bite. :wink:

Good luck.
This thread brought a tear to my eye, all these rescues attached to the collar is very sweet. I do think they associate this with belonging, as long as I have a collar I belong to this family. I have a home, a bed, food, and love...if you take the collar away I lose everything again. I believe dogs have incredible memories of things, and if it's anything like humans we remember our most emotional times...I can't imagine anything more emotional for a dog then being abused, given up, then to be rescued and loved.

I wish we knew more about what they were really thinking, but it is fun to speculate.
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