Pepsi opened the gate to the pool!!

We were all sitting by the pool and Pepsi decided that he no longer wanted to be in the pool area. The latch on the wrought iron gate was not latched. I was looking at Pepsi and watch him put his paw between the bars and grabbed onto one of the bars and pulled the gate open. When he had it open enough he tried to put his head in there so it wouldn't shut then he could walk thru. It only took two times. I had gotten my hubbys attention and we watched as he did it the second it open enough to let go, get his head in there and open it up and walk thru.
What a smart dog!!! Well only when he wants to

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I had to laugh at the "when he wants to be" part. Clyde is the same way. He figured out how to paw the bedroom door open the same way but if James or I are anywhere near him, he won't even try. He just waits for us to open it for him. Well, I guess if you think about it, he is smart for doing that-- less work for him!
How funny! In her younger days, Drezzie did the same thing. We would leave her on the deck with the gate closed and locked. She would first paw at the gate to try to pull it open, then when she found out it wouldn't move, she grabbed the ballisters by her teeth and pulled and chewed each ballister down until she could pull them off and squeeze through! Can't tell you how many ballisters we replaced! I tried to talk Dale into lining the inside of the gate with turkey wire, but because he wouldn't like the way that would look, he just kept fixing the gate. Geesh!

And smart when they want to be - BINGO!!

It really is so true... Smart when they want to be.
Normally I expect to hear Do be Do, Do be Do, (Music for dopey cartoon characters) when Pepsi is walking
They do try to hide their smartness, Pepsi had no idea we were watching.
Normally he will stand by the gate and bark.

Smart Pepsi! We have to keep the screen door to the garage locked because Luke knows the exact spot to hit with his paw.....4 Oes running down the street :lol:
I think with OES, it all comes to down to laziness-- the ability is there, but why make the effort if someone else will do it for you! :)
Too funny...
That's exactly it!!
Excessive smarts tempered by enduring laziness!
They always keep us on our toes. Thank you Lord for my stupid sheepdogs, the others are crafty enough! All gates are chained shut, all fences have some type of antidigging contraptions, jumping was solved with an electric wire (sorry, we are on a busy road).

And lazy.....they watched a mouse run across the kitchen floor and barely moved an ear!!! Mouse turned around and looked at them, "nana nana, na"
my bedroom door is a tight fit, so its not easily pushed open, Tuc decided that scratching at it wont open the door, so he used his head, literally! He will head butt the door til it opens lmao :roll:
Well they are hard
Today I went out when I came home a drawer was open in the kitchen...
No he's into drawers too :roll:
He had found some cake writing icing and had been chewing on the it when I walked in the door.
I guess it's time to baby proof the house because Hayley will be up and around pretty soon... Hopefully it will stop Pepsi
Well, if it had been in the aersol can he could have had even more fun! Just image the messages he could have left around the kitchen. Animal House!

I can image... That's the scary part.
I am sure he would have painted Harley and Peanut and of course Not forgetting to get the Couch, walls, carpeting

I just got home from going out to dinner with some friends and Panda had decided to dig to the bottom of the garbage can for my leftovers from Boston Market...sigh Im going to have to watch her for chicken bones.....It literally was at the bottom of a big garbage can...I walked in the door and she immediately laid down on top of the spilled garbage A. to hide it and B. Oh she knew she was wrong....I do think the terrible 2's have hit!!!
ok...dopey hubby left some ribs in foil on the counter.
We were BBQing out front and setting off fireworks... Don't worry it's legal here :wink:
When we came inside there was BBQ sauce on the floor..ok tile not a big deal... Then we found out where Pepsi ate the ribs....on the lving room floor. I was busy working on the stains for over an hour...
Merlin knows how to let himself in from the dog run. We have sliding glass doors and one is full screen. He just paws the screen til it opens a tad and then takes his head and opens it further. Silly boy however doesnt close the door after himself! :roll: I found this great gadget at the hardware store that will let the screen close itself once it is opened. Now Merlin has taught Avalon how to open the screen. 8O ...since she is not totally reliable in the house unattended we now have to keep the screen locked. When we used to have a screen door to the playyard, Merlin would just nose it open to let himself out. We have gotten rid of the screen door and replaced both doors with just a glass door. Now the poor guy runs into the glass door and then looks at me "Hey what happened!" :lol:
By the way here we have what they call "Pet Proof" screening. :idea: They guarantee that your pet cannot destroy the screen...if your pet does go thru you either get your money back or a new screen. I think Avalon wll be a good test of this "screen" :?

Wizard Merlin,
Kim, Merlin and Avalon (hmm I had logged in but got logged off...shrug)
Where did you get that pet proof screening? We have metal mesh screen on upstairs windows, which is great, the cats can pick at it all they want and it doesn't damage it at all, but my room has the more flexible, more destructible nylon stuff...
We got our "Pet Proof" screening from our local Home Hardware. Either you can buy it by the foot to install yourself or take your screen into them to have them do it. If you have many screens to do it is cheaper to buy the tools and install it yourself. It is really easy to install.
We have had ours for 2 years now and only a little stretching where the dogs stick their nails in to open the door. Yesterday I stretched it back and you can't tell the dogs had even touched it.
I got a picture today... Here he is opening the gate!


Stacey I also had the pet proof screen at my old house. Worked great
Merlin does the same thing with our wrought iron pool gate if it is not closed properly! We also have the same gate from the front yard to the back yard. I have that one padlocked for a while until Avalon learns not to escape.
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