Eating rocks (well, pebbles)

Our two 13-week old puppies have taken a fondness for the landscape pebbles used on a walkway in the yard. For some bizarre reason they like to spread the pebbles around and 'play' with them.

Then I found a couple of pebbles in their poo. A little extra minerals for their diet, I guess.

Any suggestions as to how to dissuade them from munching on the pebbles?

Taking out the walkway would be a headache, to say the least. But if I must, I must.
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Perhaps they need more minerals in their diet? Most likely they are just being puppies Can you keep them away from that area? That is the only thing I can think of.
When Barney was in his chewing stage I had good luck protecting the furniture with a mixture of olive oil and cayenne pepper. Maybe you can spray a similar mixture on the rocks.
Chew toys. As soon as a stone goes in the mouth, remove it and stick something else in there. I lost my first sheepdog to rock eating. Not mineral oil, use olive oil or so other food grade oil. You must stop it.
My puppy did the same thing when we first got him (we also had a path with little pebbles). We did end up replacing the path with pavers, but we had planned on that anyway. Eventually he sort of outgrew the pebble thing; until he outgrew it I kept him on a leash so I could pull him away from the rocks!
Gucci did that also! He is now 8months and not interested in rocks anymore! Now it's the Dragonflies and Butterflies that catch his attention!

Hopefully they will grow out of it too!

Might I also add, you are VERY brave to have TWO at the same age...LOL.

Colleen and Gucci
Hi my Winston has a thing about eating the little lava rocks in my house plant's planter. I wake up to a crunching noise every night. I tell him no and he is o.k. till the next night. I worry about his teeth but so far so good.
John, we had a huge problem with Bailey and pebbles. Our lot is desert landscaped, and when he was younger we would often find "processed" pebbles. I had to keep him on the leash even in the yard to make sure I would catch him before he ate the pebbles. Now he's better - he occasionally picks them up and ponders them before he realizes they're not treats and spits them back out. His new fascination is to push the rocks aside so that he can lick at the dirt underneath. Not sure if that's an improvement :lol:
Bailey Boy is so fond of those"teething" rocks too. It looks like we have a rock collection sometimes in the house. As soon as I realize he's got one, I put my hand in & pull it out. He seems to grab them on the way back "down the hill from "poopville". :lol:
Harry was terrible for that too - as I am a touch over-protective, we removed the chips (this is not as drastic as it sounds, as we were re-designing the garden anyway). He's now 10 months and the chips have gone back down and he doesn't bother with them. Its obviously something he's outgrown perhaps it bore a resemblance to his tiny puppy food, who knows?!) All we did before moving the chips was supervise him in the garden as we find the only way to stop him doing something is to catch him in the act.

Best of luck...
We chicken wired the whole perimeter of our was not only the pebbles, but the plants that the pebbles were in....hopefully the chicken wire will come down this fall....she also leave the pebbles alone were we planted dog!
Carl used to eat the rocks out of my potted plants. Nothing that we tried seemed to work, Bitter Apple, Cayenne Pepper, hot sauce. It just seems to be one of the things that he grew out of.
They do just grow out of things sometimes too, for no good reason. Clyde will still eat a napkin if it falls on the floor but at least I can put my toilet paper rolls back on the holders now without fear of Clyde running through the house, eating it and wrapping himself up like a mummy-- though that was pretty cute but I don't think it would continue to be as cute forever!
Jill :D :D :D :D sheepie mummy....did you get any pictures of that?
No, looking back, I wish I would have. Somehow, it's funnier now than it was then!
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