Obedience show and go 11/3/12, Ixonia Wisconsin

Realize there probably aren't a lot of lurking obedience OES competitors in the area, but just in case, the Dog Federation of Wisconsin is holding their annual obedience show and go (run thru - show practice) and CGC testing on Saturday 11/3/12 at the Western Waukesha County Dog Training Club in Ixonia, WI. Pre-entries close 10/31, though you can also do day of entries.

For entry form and more info see http://www.dfow.net/calendar.html

In addition to my two entries, though I also volunteered to work, there should be at least one other OES, a local woman who started her Novice A dog at the OESCA national last month. I get to try Sybil out in Open for the first time, even though she doesn't have a drop on recall yet. Should be interesting. She loves the jumping, loves the dumb bell. Not so much on not pouncing on the dumb bell or spitting it at me when she returns :roll: :lol: I really do love training for open though.

Anyway, just FYI for anyone who might be interested and local enough to attend.

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Lurkers :)

Good luck with Miss Pouncer !!
Another Sybil and Tiggy twin moment.
Only never having trained dumbell, Tiggy pounces on a tennis ball. She is happiest when her paws hit it first and the blighter attempts escape. :twitch: As this necessitates chasing and further pouncing.

Pouncing is a much more attractive way of obtaining the dumbell/ball. It has style and panache and entertains the onlooker. No boring old 'just pick it up' for these ladies. :high5:
Does this mean you add a dash of terrier along with the goat etc to Sybil's ancestry???
Ah, yes - what's wrong with these boring obedience judges, and why are there no points for STYLE???

Kristine :wink:
We loved Open too. I was worried about the first couple of times we were in the ring at a show-n-go though that he wouldn't be able to heel with those jumps screaming at him in the ring. But miracle of miracles it took just one deep voiced reminder that we have other jobs to do first.

Good luck. Let me know if you need any hints on drop on recall. I have a couple that worked for Harry.

Sorry but I cannot help you with Sybil spitting the dumbbell at you. :lol:

Personally besides style points I think we should get extra points just for taking an OES into the obedience ring. :wink:
Maybe Teddy will be joining these shows one day. I started back with obedience class last week with Teddy to give Rally and Obedience a try, along with Agility. My goal is to be ready for the nationals next year! What did I just say? Agility, Rally, Obedience, conformation Brace! 8O

Oh, you can do OBEDIENCE brace too. Why limit yourself? <snicker>

I've done it. Once. With sisters. Hint: if you plan to show them on a coupler, make sure they are both taught to finish in the same direction :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Judi - will let you know if we need drop help. Didn't have a problem teaching Belle, but Sybil being Sybil... :roll: Who knows? :-)

Kristine, I'll be lucky to get one boy to listen to me, much less two! :lol:

4 my OES wrote:
Kristine, I'll be lucky to get one boy to listen to me, much less two! :lol:


Yeah, that sounds a lot like my experience :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: Given that they were coupled together, Belle heeled and Coco didn't have a lot of choice but to come along. But boy was Belle pissed at her when all was said and done :lol: :lol: :lol:

So how did it go, Kristine?
Did the drop on recall go as planned? or?

I don't even teach the drop until we are done with novice, so haven't had that experience yet with
either Hudson or Angel. As far as dumbbell spitting goes, Angel was a master at it. Not sure how I
got it through to her that was not the preferred method of delivery. I think perhaps it was by teaching the "hold" separately from the fetching part and then finally putting the two parts together at the end.
Hudson does not think the dumbbell is his friend. :( In fact he'd much rather be doing agility. How do all of you make obedience "fun" and keep the training "up" for the dogs? I think it must be because I find it
kind of boring that my dogs also think so.

Linda Z
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