just a little walter update

Hello everyone! I've been lurking around at your pictures/updates, and I can't believe how big some of these pups are! I'm glad to see everyone is doing pretty well... things are just great around here. I graduated from college last week, and have been preparing to move to Chicago in the next month. I got a great scholarship to Chicago Kent law school so I'll be starting there in August. Unfortunately I don't get to take Walter with me to the city. He would hate the city and probably get himself in a world of mischief there, but luckily my dad is happy to have him stay. Walter has been an angel (well... relatively speaking). I've been taking him to local forest preserves and hes been very well behaved. His coat is growing out and hes looking gorgeous, and I've reduced his medication to one pill a day... and hes doing very well! It's going to be sad to live without him, and I know hes going to miss me, but i have a car and im only 45 minutes away and I already promised him I'd come home on sundays for a trip to the forest preserve.

Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and let everyone know were well... hope everyone is having a great summer!
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Congratulations! Your family must be so proud of you... it's sad you'll have to be away from Walter, but it sounds like he's doing really well so I'm sure everything will work out fine. :)

Thanks for the update as we miss seeing you around the forum. Wow! That's quite the honor to get a scholarship to Law School..yeah a future Lawyer to fight for the rights and freedoms of Sheepies the world over! Ah I got carried away - forgive me. It's wonderful and what a sense of accomplishment and how proud your parents must be of your hard work.

I'm so glad to hear Lil Walty will be looked after and you can still visit him. I'm sure he'll miss you as you will him. Good luck with school and keep in touch!

Marianne and the boys
Hi Heather. I was wondering about you the other night. Congrats on the law school scholarship--it's quite an honor. You'll miss Walter but you're so close you can visit him whenever you want. Maybe he can help you study! Sounds like Walter is finally growing up and knowing how to act like a proper young man. Hope you can make it to Sheepiefest II in October.

P.S. Any new Lil' Walty pics?
That's so exciting that you just graduated! Congrats. :)

I always like when you post. We need more pics of Walter. I can't imagine what you're going through as far as having to leave your baby. Sucks when life can't revolve around our needs 24-7. hehehe

We had a booger of a time finding a place that allows big dogs. The place we're at DOES NOT ALLOW dogs Yuki's size, but.... some begging and the fact that I was a personal trainer + SEEING Yuki convinced them to make an exception (thankfully).

Don't be a stranger with your new move!!!
Congrats, Heather! As a parent of a college grad last year, I know the feeling of pride your parents must be feeling. And a scholarship to law school - how wonderful! Be prepared to work like a dog, be exhausted all the time, and wonder why you ever got yourself into it - my son's gf has just finished her first year, and the stories they tell . . . But on the bright side, look at the memories you'll have!

Good luck in law school. And although you'll miss Walter, he'll be in good hands with your parents. And 45 minutes away?? That's nothing! You'll be home every week-end!!

Congrats on College and your scholarship to Law School. That is so exciting. I am so happy for you. I am sorry that you will have to leave Walter, but it sounds like Dad will take good care of him. Glad to hear his behavior is better

Take Care,
CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishment!! What a wonderful opportunity for you.
We "babysat" our daughters little Max for four years while she was in school 3 hours away. He never forgot who his real "Mom" was during that time and moved right back in with her when she graduated and is doing great!! You will be able to visit him often you are so close!!
Congratulations Heather! The first year of law school is hell and you won't have tons of free time (hundreds of pages of reading to do each week along with learning to research and tons of writing) but don't worry, Walter will not forget you. He has improved so much over the last year or so. You should be proud of you accomplishments with him. Your perseverance with Walter will help you when you are overwhelmed with law school. Just remember part of the program is to overwhelm students so they learn to deal with too much work and too little time. Good luck and keep us posted.
:clappurple: Congratulations!!!!!

Your baby will miss you but not forget you, weekends visits will be fun!

Best of luck to you in your new school.
Congratulations on the scholarship! You'll definitley be more grateful for it as the years go by and you aren't saddled with THAT student loan.

I'm sure Walter will miss you but when you come home he'll be ten times happier to see you!
Congratulations!!! What an accomplishment. I'm sure Walter will miss you, but he won't forget who his Mom is! My parents live 1 hour from me, and I see them every weekend. 45 mins is nothing. :) Enjoy school!
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