Brick killed a mole (I think)

I just went outside to bring Brick in and noticed something in the yard. At first it looked kinda like a dried up turd. I thought, since when does he poop so close to the stairs?
I walked up closer & then thought it was maybe a mushroom. A little closer and then I noticed it looked like fur? Did Brick pull a clump of his fur out again?
I touched it at that point & realized it wasn't a clump of fur. A baby bird maybe?
I then used his cable to roll it over and then noticed it was a mole (or maybe a mouse) and it was all wet.

I brought Brick in & noticed a clump of dirt & grass on his RF paw.

So now I have questions:
Did he kill it?
Or was it already dead?
How did it get wet?
Was it already wet? Or did Brick have it in his mouth?
If Brick had it in his mouth, should I be doing anything for him? I can't make him rinse his mouth out with Listerine. Wasn't sure if there was something to do for your dog if they had a wild animal in it's mouth. Something to kill bacteria & such.
How long should I wait before I accept kisses from him?
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No way of knowing if it was dead first or he grabbed it and chomped a bit. Licking would explain the wet. Might want to brush his teeth and brush him out looking for fleas from the critter, but since it didn't go down the gullet, chances of nasty disease lessened. Not entirely out of the woods, write the even on a calendar in case he gets sick in the future, you'll have the date.

Wild dogs feed themselves small animals, Brick is just reverting back to wolf.
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washcloth and warm water.......more for your peace of mind. As above states, dog saliva and dog digestive juices are pretty good at break down nasties. Friend's Pyrs ate prairie dogs and got very ill. Since the mole didn't get to the stomach, I'd have minimal worries.
I actually called the ER vet. They said as long as he didn't eat it, he'll be fine and there's nothing for me to do except watch his stool for the next week or so. There's a minute concern over worms when a dog has had a wild animal in it's mouth (or has eaten one). She said look for what appears as rice in his stool.
Mine do that now and then - oh the joys of farm life!

No kisses for awhile ;) and I always wash their face, as the thought of whatever on the hair around their mouth pretty much grosses me out.
As far as in the mouth - the dog's acids are so strong they really kill most stuff. Cleaner than a human mouth, actually.
I have a cat that has killed moles and mice on a regular basis for years. He's 15 and hasn't been sick a day in his life.
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