To Feed Or Not To Feed

We're taking our three on a 7-hour road trip for the first time. They are all pretty good in the car but everybody inevitably has to poop the minute they get out. This after the 15-minute ride to the dog park. What do you veteran travelers think about feeding before hitting the road? They are all used to eating first thing in the morning.
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We take Charm on long trips fairly often. I try to avoid a break in her routine. She eats, takes her walk and then we leave. Charm is content to sleep as long as the car is moving, don't know about three together though. We stop every 3-4 hours for water and a short walk. It works for us. Good luck.
Benson is not big on eating during a long trip. We make regular stops every 3 hours or so, and offer her both food and water at every stop. She usually turns her nose up at the food, though, and doesn't actually eat until we settle into the hotel at our destination (even after a 40-hour trip across country.)

Since you have a set routine, I'd really try to stick with it. But if they decide they aren't interested in keeping their schedule as the trip goes on, just be willing to be flexible.

Have fun, and travel safely!
We feed before we leave.

Feed in the usual interval before we leave for the dogs eat, do potties, then take off.
We usually don't feed until we get wherever we are going (or stopping for the day), but do give little snacks on the road. Snacks and travel just seem to go together! ;)

We also stop every 3-4 hours for a nice walk around. We try to make it about 15-20 minutes, then load up and hit the road again.

Good luck!
Thanks so much! Leaving tomorrow -- this will be an adventure, for sure, as we are also taking our cats. Fortunately, we have two vans and are taking both, so everyone will have plenty of room.
I feed before I leave IF there is enough time for them to eat, rest for 1 hour & then go out & do their business before traveling. Otherwise, I wait until we arrive where we are going. If it is the "otherwise" it is generally a shorter trip so I know they will be eating within 3 hours. A lot of times this requires adjusting my waking schedule to fit in the feeding. One thing I never do , is feed before any type of class. On those days, we wait to eat until we get home. Same on show dayas. If we show before noon, we feed after showing, If we show after noon, we eat in the morning.
:yay: ROAD TRIP!!!!! :yay:

We have driven to Florida from Chicago a number of times with both Quincy and Oscar, a two-day, 22 hour extravanganza. We also try to stick to their normal routine as much as possible. We usually head out very early in the a.m., so Oscar gets fed and walked before we leave. I do feed him a smaller meal that morning, so that I can distribute additional kibble throughout the trip. :D (He is harnessed in next to me on the seat of our SUV.)

We stop about every three to four hours, as we humans need a potty stop as well, and that turns out to be near Oscar's normal mealtimes (he gets fed four times a day to take his meds).

Have a great trip!

Laurie and Oscar
We have our dogs eat in the evening, so it usually works best for us to feed when we get there. But for you, it should be just fine to feed them in the morning and then go.
Thanks for all the feedback. Having returned from our trip,we now feel like veterans, having learned a lot. Like the fact that Molly, our BC who used to get carsick as a puppy, still does, so no feeding beforehand for her on the return trip. And no problems as a result. All three were great travelers otherwise and we're so glad we did it. Although they did experience anxiety when we left them at "home" to go adventuring or dining. But overall it was a great experience and we will definitely do it again.
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