PH Problems, anyone with experience?

Why does everything seem to happen in the middle of a very stressful time? I've been working like a fiend to coordinate this move with all these people and it appeared that Asterisk was improved from her urination issues, but it seems to have resurfaced.

A few weeks back she was chronically waking in the AM having urinated in her sleep. I took her to the vet where we saw a lot of infection, crystals, and a high PH. She went onto antibiotic and a cranberry chewable pill that I'd not seen before. It worked great! She seemed to stop having the issue. Then Friday morning it happened again. I took her back to my vet and they found that the infection and crystals were gone but the PH was still high.

Asterisk was spayed at 6 months, but my vet said she was a bit young to have hormonal issues. She wanted me to do another round of the cranberry chewables to try and lower the PH again, but for the past two nights, again, she wakes up wet. The weird thing, is that during the day while I'm at work, there are no accidents. It only seems to happen at 3:30 - 4:00am. I put in a call to my vet this morning saying that the chewable wasn't seeming to have an affect.

She said we could try to change her diet and maybe even a small dose of the hormone pill (she said only a once or twice weekly dose). What concerns me is that we'll be moving in a number of weeks and I really want to get this figured out before we're in the new house. As it stands, I'll have to rent a steam cleaner for the carpet, because the poor thing seems to sleep in the same spot and I can't seem to find a cleaning product that will do the trick.

So, does anyone have input on the food or drugs? Also, does anyone have input on a good cleaner that will help with the carpet?
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Oh poor baby. How old is she?

Our dog Lucy when she was a senior started to "leak" at night. We started her with great success on Proin which is for urinary incontinence. She stopped leaking after a few doses of medication. I am not sure what her pH levels were though.

We actually rented an industrial carpet steamer from a local hardware store and bought their recommended solution and it worked really well... there was a solution for "pets" and we combined that with another one of their heavy duty cleaning solutions.
Home Depot/Lowes etc rent this equipment out.
Shari, she only 4.5. So very young still. It's started a few weeks back and was pretty consistent, and there was infection. But now the infection is gone and it seems sporatic. She'll go a few days without any problem and then it can be back to back nights. There is also a LOT of change these past few weeks, so I'm not sure if stress is a factor. Josh is now living in Wisconsin and working his new job, we've had movers, Realtors, Electricians, and so on in the house. I'm not sure if that has any impact on her. It sure does on my cat who has GI problems. He's been stressing really bad.

I just want her to be comfortable. She wakes soaked and is just so sorrowful and apologetic. I feel so horrible for her...
I'm thinking they should try her on proin.
Proin worked for our Zoey and she was only 3 when we had to start her on it. However, now at 4 1/2, we've taken her off of it and she's fine. Every now and then she'll 'leak' and we go back on for a couple weeks and she's fine again for months on end. We've cleared this with our Vet and he's cool with it.

Good luck with your *.

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