large bump on ribcage

I'm taking London to the vet on Friday -- he hasn't been showing any signs of sickness or stress - seems ok.

Yesterday while hugging him, I felt a large lump on his rib cage area - you cant see it but can feel it. It's a size of a small potato and feels soft, squishy and moveable - doesnt feel attached to the muscle or skin.

Has anyone experienced this on their dog? While I know no one is able to give us a definite answer without a vet's consultant but just wonder if it's normal in older dogs? he's 7 btw.

I've heard of fatty tumors but aren't they noticable?
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Sometimes they are. We just had Angus at the vet on Friday and he has one on him, except its on his upper thigh on his rear leg. The vet did an aspiration of the cyst and she thought he had 2 cyst inside the area, not one. We are planning to have it taken off since he is licking it alot. Pooh Bear had quite a few cysts on him, some hard and some soft. I heard that this breed is prone to cysts. The majority of the cysts are fatty tumors and easily removed. Pooh Bear did have a very large cyst under his front leg on his chest wall. That was a cancerous tumor, but please do not be alarmed. Like I said, the majority of the cysts are non malignant and are just fatty cysts especially as they get older. Please let us know what the vet found out.
germany wrote:
Pooh Bear did have a very large cyst under his front leg on his chest wall. That was a cancerous tumor

Was that soft, moveable and squishy or was it firm?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it wasn't soft moveable and squishy but of course I could be completely wrong. :D

The first poster's (Laural's) soft, moveable and squishy sure sounds like a "lipoma", or a benign (not dangerous) fatty tumor. Our Jake had a big one on his chest, under his leg, and Mulligan has one starting on his rear leg that we noticed a couple of days ago. We'll get a vet to look at that one just to be sure.
Pooh's started off small and really grew and noticed it when I gave him his "summer" trim. The area was very red and ran him to the vet right away. I was afraid on an infection, but turned out to be more. I was in the middle of his haircut and he wasn't very pretty. People in the waiting room, held their pets really close to them. It was a bit comical. The lump was hard to notice with all the fur on him. It was squishy, but not moveable. The aspiration the vet did show "suspicious" cells and was confirmed by the Marshfield hospital when the sample was sent in. Pooh's was on his chest, under his leg, too, so at times it was hard to see it. With Angus, his is more hard and movable. The aspirations showed no unusual cells. So, I was greatful for that news after Pooh's results. They will send in a sample when they remove it, just to be sure. The majority of these are lipomas, but it is always best to get it checked out just for peace of mind.
Because it is soft and moveable, it sounds like a fatty lipoma or subaceous cyst. It is always good to see the vet though, and get an assessment. Your vet might want to aspirate it, or if they are concerned, they might want to remove it entirely.

Oscar has been full of lumps and bumps over the years. Most have been small, hard, and moveable, so those get removed when he has a yearly teeth cleaning. He had a HUGE soft lump on his hip, which my vet aspirated, and turned out to be a fatty lipoma. Over time, his body has gradually re-absorbed it. Sometimes, those cysts can explode out through the skin and then need to be removed - I think Susan has dealt with this fun situation before.

Laurie and Oscar
Ditto to Fatty Lipoma.

Have it aspirated first to see. Sounds Benign as both sebacous cysts and fatty lipomas are.

Unfortunately some get lumpy as they get older and in this breed the above two are not unusual as they age.

My peppa after 8 years old had growths like that, she did need surgery as two were getting enlarged right in the arm pit and affecting her walking. They were aspirated and found to be benign but after a couple of years at age 11 they needed to be removed. If it did not affect her or increase in size overtime I would of just left them. :wink:

Get a needle aspirant firstly and see, sounds OK but always get a vet advice when it comes to any sort of lumpy bumpy on the fur kids. :ghug:
aww, sounds like we all have lumpy dogs:) I'll let everyone know the verdict on Friday!
:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: Thank you all for the reassuring comments!!
I took Langley in recently and was a sebacous cysts . I have a picture of a few he has near his non-tail area. As well he has one like you describe on his hip side. My vet says usually it is from hairs growing inward. But I as well checked to be sure. Laika has one on her top hip. My vet said you just have to be careful they don't bump it hard or it could be a problem. Irrupt or something like that.

Hopefully it is just something similar. Good luck!
End up being a fatty lump:) We had it drained because it was too big to ignore. Whew.
:phew: Glad to hear it. :phew:

Laurie and Oscar
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Glad you got good news! We are getting Angus' cysts removed on the 16th of this month. I am hoping it is just one cyst and not 2 next to each other like the vet is suspecting. One needle aspiration came back with fatty looking liquid. The other aspiration was more red. The color reminded me of the of the aspiration they removed from Pooh's cancerous cyst. I'm trying to be positive about this.
Once again, happy about the good news!
phew indeed xx
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