Car Reaction

Winston has not improved at all with his extreme reaction to cars on walks; lunging and barking. Now we have tha additional problem of Dexter deciding it is great fun! Trying to control 150 pounds of frenzied dogs is almost more than my wife can handle.

Tomorrow Winston will start walking wearing a backpack with a can of beans in each side and wearing a prong collar. We aren't prong collar fans, especially when Dexter started running from us when he saw it but we have to do something.

I put the loaded backpack on Winston a little while ago and let him wear it around the house a little. What a difference! We knew he was doing something important, very business-like and serious. I hope we have found a solution or his exercise will be backyard runs and occasional dog park visits.
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Ava is/was a terrible lunger after cars too. Super irritating as she gets older. Lacy is just a puller. I have to say we did the Gentle Leader thing, and man, what a difference in Ava's walk behavior! She CAN'T pull or lunge with it on - it's just not possible.

That said, she still tries to pay too much attention to passing cars, so I've started re-directing her to look at me, and SIT as soon as a car is approaching. It seems to be working - in the sense that the other day on our walk, she saw a car, and rather than chase it, went ahead and sat without me telling her to. But it's still going to be a lot of work with that I think.

Where did you find a back pack for Winston? Maybe one of my girls would benefit from that method too?
We had the same with Sprocket as we live in the country with no foopaths so walk faceing oncoming traffic. He is now ok with most oncoming stuffs but does get up or into the hedge,verg when a big tractor comes by. He has been taught to sit when vehicles come from behind rather than leap after them-we are getting there slowlyx
We have tried everything with Winston; redirecting, sit-stay looking away from the road, sit-stay facing the road, moving as far from the roadway as possible and doing the same, distraction with treats (he is HUGELY food motivated but ignores a treat when a car is nearby).

We started using an Easy Walker (harness with leash attached at chest) which didn't help noticeably then added a Gentle Leader (collar with muzzle strap) which didn't change anything. And yes, we "added", he walks with both. He does very well on a leash and even standard collar, no pulling and good heal position, until a car comes then it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The backpack we use is a Stansport Saddlebag. We got it for Dexter to control his pulling. He was so focused when he wore it that he didn't stop for anything and even peed and pooped as he was walking without losing stride. We couldn't do that to him so quit using it. Dawn can probably give much better recommendations for backpacks/saddle bags but the Stansport was what I came up with after some research. I think we got it through Amazon.
wow i am so suprised the gentle leader didin't work for you i walk my 2 180pounds and dreamer will pull but the the gentle leader i can control them .. i know i tryed all it is only big trucks go figure
Sounds like you have found an interesting solution with the backpack. Awesome idea. One quick note about the prong collar. Not sure if you've used one before, but if not, just make sure that it is fitted properly, and that you know how to do a correction properly. I think a prong collar is a great tool and can be very helpful, but it is only effective when used correctly.

Good luck with the "bean backpacker". :D

Laurie and Oscar
We used a prong collar for quite a while with Dexter who was a puller then we found the Easy Walker and put the prong collar away. Dex learned how to walk properly with the help of the prong but we still consider it as a last resort. We realize it isn't as bad as it looks but it does appear pretty medival.

Winston does very well right up until he sees a car then there's nothing else in the world except him and that evil vehicle and it's up to him alone to protect the universe.
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