Car sick puppy - anyone else have this experience ?

Anyone ever have issues with their pup being car sick regularly and if so, how did you remedy it. Hope it will pass. Even a 5 min. ride, upchuck city. I tried riding with him in front seat, which I hate because it's unsafe, so I put the seat belt on. No difference. I drive really slow. I've never had a dog get sick in a car like this. AT least on thew way home he was ok, but it used to be throwing up to and from a destination. What a mess. And poor pup - means we don't take him anywhere! Not good!
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Try giving him a ginger snap or two, or some ginger candy about 10 minutes before you begin. Carry him in a traveling crate with limited visibility......all those passing items gets them turned around. Train him......down to the end of the street and back first time. Progressively longer. With luck he will learn to lie down and shut his eyes.
Yes, it's so hard to tell what kind of motion is bugging him. I used to get car sick too and it was from being in the back seat with limited visibility. Sitting in front used to help or eliminate it altogether. But I think I might try the crate. Unfortunately we live on a giant foothill which is like a 1000 ft. roller coaster. Such is much of Oregon zig zagging hills, can't avoid it. Ginger sounds like a good idea too. Thanks!
I recommend the ginger, and covered crating or away from windows too.
Good luck with your car sick one :)

I wish my mom knew about ginger when I was a kid - I had horrible car sickness and any trip over an hour meant Dramamine. Ick :( Now the car part is better - but still no swerves and crazy roads, no reading or doing projects and no amusement park rides!
I ate ginger cookies when on a friend's sailboat on Lake Michigan last fall. I was highly nervous going out, but it worked!
I really hate to even say this... but would riding around a parking lot slowly with the window down and head out the window help in maybe reducing some anxiety or something? Since he's better on the way home, maybe it's anxiety, making part of the trip something to look forward to every time might help?

I dunno. But I am told that anything over 25 mph isn't good for puppy's eyes or ears.
I have some ginger chews with real ginger - will try it. He doesn't seem anxious. He's very calm in the car, lays right down, no barking or panting or whining. I think it's just generated by motion. I got him in Michigan and we drove around a lot to visit people, no problems then - he was 8-10 weeks there, but MI is so flat as a board with the streets in a grid design. Now he's 5 months old, seems it's only been the last 6 weeks this has popped up, but the terrain is insane with the hills and zig zagging. Once I brought him home, he didn't go on car trips for a while. Not relishing the thought of a giant cage in my car, but thank god for Honda Elements - back seat comes out. I only have a giant size cage.

We always used to tell people on Lake St. Clair which can be rough on a boat to make sure to STAY out of the CABIN and stay on deck and look at the horizon - it usually worked. So putting him in the cage is sorta like the cabin, but who knows. I'm ready to try anything at this point. He did hold off on the puking for longer in the front seat, but then it was 10 times worse having him up chuck there eventually.
I had the same problem with my first OES pup. At the time, I worked for my vet and she went to work with me every day. It was very strange because all I had to do was deviate from my route and she would throw up. My vet told me to keep taking her in the car, give her nothing, and eventually it would stop. I was so tired of cleaning my car but it did work and it was probably less than 2 months. Hang in there. It will get better :)
Car sickness is still better than a St Bernard pooping in the backseat of the car and eating most of it. :pupeyes:
Also - some need food in their stomach...they actually do better. If it's just spit or bile coming up - it's worth giving a small snack a try. I have a friend who's dog needs a little something every hour or so on a trip.
OMG - St. Bernard madness! True story? Yes, well last puking episode, we parked in the shade after - I wanted to let him unwind - before I had a chance to get out of my seat to go to the other side, yep, he stood up, stretched and pee'd all over the seat. Let's hope it never goes to St. Bernard's level.

As for the food - I don't take him until at least a few hours after he's eaten, if not more. This one time it had been quite a while - he pukes up MASSIVE amts. - we're talking 2 cups it looks's his water intake plus food..His stomach takes a very long time to empty. So giving him more food before we leave could really mean disaster. I'm also worried about that phenomena of the stomach twisting with large deep chested dogs. That's why they say never to exercise them until at least a half hour or more after eating. If he's in the car, it means we're going to hike or walk somewhere.

Thanks for the story about how your pup finally got over it. A lady saw him in my car and wanted to pet him...oh my gosh..everyone wants to pet him the most when he has a wet chin full of wet puke (well the clear liquid part). He's never shown any bile though.

My little pumpkin bear post 1st puke. My Element will never be the same again. =)

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