Update on my New Washer

One of the many things that attracted me to the new washer was the smoked see through glass on the top...I could watch my clothes wash...yeah I know I'm weird but I like to watch. One of the things I learned is that if you get the clothes a little wet(adds more weight) the machine adds more water. I wasn't sure if that little bit of water it added got the clothes clean.

Now for the dislikes. I have to get the clothes a little wet so the machine would add more water. For a regular load of wash it took almost an HOUR. They have a timer that shows how long it will take. This morning I loaded the washer with the whites, got it a little wet and started the washer with a soak cycle set. Waited until the soak cycle started and than paused it so it would soak longer and took the dogs for an hour+ walk. Got back and started it back up again. Check a little while later and its just about to start the rinse so I watched. First it runs a little bit of water where the fabric softener is...that runs down into the center of the washer where there are no clothes(they are all squished into the sides from the spin), then it sprays a fine mist of water on the sides...not even enough to dislodge the clothes squished onto the sides. It stopped, emptied the water, which wasn't much, and started to the final spin. WAIT, STOP, thats not a rinse!!! Go back and rinse those clothes!

I was wondering why the clothes were coming out smelling like laundry detergent and not like Downey and not as soft as usual.

I thought about this all afternoon. How to solve this problem. I came up with two solutions, One: run the whole cycle again with no soap or, Two: return the machine. Talked to dh when he came home, called the place I got it from and explained that I wanted to do a return and if there are any problems with that.

My NEW machine will be delivered on Sunday and it has an agitator...plus it doesn't cost as much and I get back $147.
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Sounds like a better washer and deal.
Very interesting--wonder how many people don't watch---

Glad you were able to return it!
sometimes they got too complicated or too set on saving water that they forget what they are suppose to do. Wonder if your stopping the cycle had anything to do with it? Apparently not because you did mention wash smelling like detergent.....so you've washed other loads. Did you use the hd detergent?

Yep think I'll stay with the old standbys.
On some settings (including second rinse called "skin care II") it seems my washer puts the bleach in at the last possible moment on the last rinse and the clothes come out smelling very strongly of bleach. So we don't use that cycle anymore and put the thing on for a second rinse/spin manually.

Yes, these HE washers seem to take forever to do a load. The one I have the minimum time is about 50 minutes; some cycles can take more than 2 hours. For us this is not an issue, but I can see for people who have more loads to wash how it would be a real pain in the neck.
Ah, interesting.

So, how is the new, older style washer doing?
Ours have never come out smelling like detergent, ours always smell like the fabric softener. I can't see in the washer, but it seems to do a fine job. I can tell all the clothes get moved around since they're all in different places when I take them out.
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