Raw Milk

We went out to a local farm today, met some cows, sheep, horses, pigs, chickens, ducks... if you name it, they have it!
The farm produces raw milk, and we tried a glass! It was so good! Even skeptical Jacob liked it. So if you're not totally repulsed by the idea of trying unpasteurized milk, I recommend you try it! There are quite a few benefits to drinking raw instead of regular, you can find them by googling it.
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In the state of Florida, it is against the law to sell unpasterized milk for human consumption. However, they can sell it for animal consumption and what you do with the milk once you purchase it is your business. I shop at an organic farm and have bought the unpasterized milk...you just have to be aware of the laws.
It is illegal to sell here too, but it's fine to drink the milk of your own cow. So here we have herd shares, where you purchase a part of the cow and pay monthly upkeep on her, and you get milk in return. Some states have laws against herd shares too, luckily Michigan doesn't.
I used to drink raw milk quite often....old boyfriend was a dairy farmer ;)
Melissa and I drink raw milk. It is quite good. :D We started drinking it after finding out how much better it is for you than pasturized milk.
OK, I just HAVE to tell this story.

Waaaay back in the day I worked for a little local dairy.
One of our delivery customers called and asked for help
in determining how much milk to order -- she wanted
to take a milk bath. We determined the quantity.

As we started to schedule the rather large delivery I asked her:
"Do you want that Pasteurized?"

She said "No, just up to my chin would be fine."


Old joke.
It is good, we have acquired some to make home made cheese before (best. cheese. ever). Just be careful, my husband got some very very nasty food poisoning from eating unpasteurized milk products that were served in a fancy restaurant. Know where the milk is coming from (which you do) and how old it is, consume with caution right away. I probably wouldn't let kids or those with compromised immune systems have it after seeing how sick my husband became, it was very very scary. I ate the same thing and was fine though... go figure.
bruuruu wrote:
It is good, we have acquired some to make home made cheese before (best. cheese. ever). Just be careful, my husband got some very very nasty food poisoning from eating unpasteurized milk products that were served in a fancy restaurant. Know where the milk is coming from (which you do) and how old it is, consume with caution right away. I probably wouldn't let kids or those with compromised immune systems have it after seeing how sick my husband became, it was very very scary. I ate the same thing and was fine though... go figure.

Yes, very important to check into where your milk is coming from. It's gotta come from clean, grass-fed cows, or else yes, it can make you sick. Every cow has e-coli, just not all of them have dangerous e-coli. It becomes dangerous when it builds up a resistance to stomach acid, which is what happens when cows are fed grain. The e-coli in them has to deal with the increased stomach acid in the cow. Grass fed cows either have very low stomach acid or none at all. Any e-coli we get from drinking the milk of grass fed cows should be killed off naturally by our stomach acid.

Somebody sent me to an article about the dangers of raw milk today, and the article used a farmer who machine milks and uses one washcloth on four cows as an example! That's definitely not the way to do it, they should be hand milked to prevent bacteria from the milking machine, and the farmer we met yesterday said he uses anywhere between 1 and 10 washcloths per cow, depending on how dirty the udders are.

So yeah, super super important to make sure you know that the farmer is taking good care of your milk, which is part of why even though I think it should be legal to sell directly from the farmer to the consumer, I don't think it should be in grocery stores. Dirty, nasty dairy farms is what led to milk needing pasteurization in the first place. I don't even wanna think about what germs and yucky stuff are in store bought milk, even if it is all harmless and dead 8O
And Ron, I love your jokes! :D
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