Benson's Practice Pull Session

I'm very proud of my little girl! Our trainer had an open practice pull today, in preparation for next week's competition. Benson pulled 1,025 pounds! :go:

She was having a blast, and we all think she could easily have done more. But we're trying to make sure that every session is a really successful one, especially this early, so we stopped there. Bonus: She got most of her energy out at the pull, and she's chilling at my feet now. Good girl!

Her first official pull is on Labor Day at the NY State Fair! (9 am in the Youth Building, if anyone is planning on being at the fair that day.)

Oh, yeah. I noticed she posted a blog entry, too. Seems she has some clever sheepie strategy for her final week of training, but she hasn't clued me on on the details yet. Hmmmm.

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Go Benson!
I like the blog post.
That is great!!!

:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Good luck Benson...Chewie will be sending you mega pulling juju :banana: :banana: :high5:
:cheer: :cheer: Go Benson :cheer: :cheer:
I saw in Benson's blog there is a Samoyed there too. I sent on the photo/blog link to a couple of my friends who do WP, just to shown them that Chewie is no longer going to be the only pulling OES out there. ;)
Two of them are Samoyed people - they wanted to know if you know the name of the person with the Samoyed in the photo? They know some people out there who do they were curious.
One is a Beverly D (forgot the last name - Dett-something)...

Anyway, good luck!!!
got sheep wrote:
I saw in Benson's blog there is a Samoyed there too. I sent on the photo/blog link to a couple of my friends who do WP, just to shown them that Chewie is no longer going to be the only pulling OES out there. ;)
Two of them are Samoyed people - they wanted to know if you know the name of the person with the Samoyed in the photo? They know some people out there who do they were curious.
One is a Beverly D (forgot the last name - Dett-something)...

Anyway, good luck!!!

I didn't catch her name, but I know she has 2 Samoyeds. The one she left at home is named Ava, and this is her young male (just turned a year old last month). I think she'll be pulling on Monday, so I'll be sure to get her name.

Thanks for the good wishes! More than anything, we plan to have fun! :cheer:
Since I live about a half mile from the fair, I thought maybe I would go down & check out Benson and her pull. :)

What time will you be getting there? Maybe I'll come a little early.
CamVal1 wrote:
Since I live about a half mile from the fair, I thought maybe I would go down & check out Benson and her pull. :)

What time will you be getting there? Maybe I'll come a little early.

We'd love to see you there! Weigh-in starts at 7, before the gates actually open, and the pull itself starts at 9:00. They start with the little dogs, so I don't anticipate Benson will be pulling until 10 or so at the earliest. But Robin and I will be there the whole time - I'm the "official" announcer for the weight pull, so you know I'll be right there!

The pull is actually in the Youth ARENA (near the FFA Building) not the 4-H Youth Building. We found that out tonight, when we were trying to meet up with the organizer to help unload the 4,000 pounds of blocks. We didn't find them until the blocks were fully unloaded. Oops! :oops:
:cheer: :cheer: Go Benson! :cheer: :cheer:
Not going to steal Diane's thunder, but Benson did very well today.
I'm sure she'll post details.
CamVal1 wrote:
Not going to steal Diane's thunder, but Benson did very well today.
I'm sure she'll post details.

She did great! Thank you so much for coming out to cheer her on, too, Mark! We really appreciated it. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So, she weighed in at exactly 60 pounds, which put her in the 41-60# category. Out of 16 dogs, she came in fourth, pulling her personal best of 1,125 pounds. Not bad for her third ever pulling session, if I do say so myself. We found out after she pulled that the three dogs who beat her were all contenders at Nationals last year, and she even beat the dog that came in 4th at Nationals.

I'm very proud of my little girl! She was a real hit, both as a puller and with her personality. We're looking forward to the next pull!

We're all proud of Benson.
Great job to Benson, you, and Robin.

BTW, what time did you guys get out of there yesterday?
:clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana:

Great job Team Benson

:yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited:
Awesome job!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So it was just a one day pull??
Need to get a whole weekend one next time!
CamVal1 wrote:
We're all proud of Benson.
Great job to Benson, you, and Robin.

BTW, what time did you guys get out of there yesterday?

The whole thing ended around 4:00 by the time the last pull was done and the awards handed out. Then we stayed to help load the 4,000 pounds of blocks back onto the trailer so Lisa could take them home. And then (being gluttons for punishment), we met her at her place and helped to UNload. There were 8 or 10 other helping, so it was a real group effort, and since Lisa is our trainer for obedience and pulling (and we like her personally!), we wanted to help her out.

We had a really good time! Most of the folks were really laid back - we only had a couple of "little league parents" there. My favorite excuse was this one: "He stopped pulling on his second run because the humidity spiked just before his turn."

Hey Dawn - that's TOTALLY why dogs stop pulling, right? :roll:

By the way, Mark got some great pictures for us! Here are my two favorites:

This one really shows her form:

And here she's looking at Mark like, "Hey! Did you see that? Did you get it?"

Thanks again for the pics, Mark!
LOL, I'll have to remember that excuse.... :roll: :lol: :lol:

I was hoping Mark would get some photos for you - great!

Hey, did you find out the Samoyed people's name(s)?
No problem Diane. Glad I could be a part of it.

I want to see the pics & videos the "professionals" there took.
It's tough shooting thru the fencing.

And I told a co-worker about pulling. He has a 2 year old Airedale from a working blood line. He seemed interested. I gave him the link to IWPA and the brochures that were at the pull. Hope he checks it out.

Oh, and I love Benson.
She's such a little muppet!
:cheer: :cheer: Great job!
got sheep wrote:
LOL, I'll have to remember that excuse.... :roll: :lol: :lol:

I was hoping Mark would get some photos for you - great!

Hey, did you find out the Samoyed people's name(s)?

I finally found out their names. Ava is owned by Jennifer Gerdes.
Thanks Diane - I'll pass it on to my Sammie friends.
There are a couple really good pulling Samoyeds from out your way.
They have as a real event at their Nationals....someday OES ??... ;)
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